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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Was the "issue" with the restraints ever resolved? I'm a little behind about what Hershey did to "soften" them. Or are just fewer people complaining? Either way, I need to get out to Hershey and ride this thing at some point.

I think they were softened after its opening season but, in my opinion, they're still super painful. At least they were for me in 2013 if I had my hands up (which I always do). It's still an incredibly awesome ride but it just isn't my favorite because of that issue.

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The restraints haven't been improved and because of it some people love the ride and some people hate it but everyone's opinion is so different that it's the kind of ride you have to get out and try for yourself. Reading trip reports or other people's opinions won't get you anywhere with Skyrush. This is true of every coaster but it's especially true here. Just ride it and draw your own conclusions.

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It's a shame that Skyrush's restraints are such an issue for so many people. El Toro's restraints are amazing and you don't notive they're even there unless you're being ejected into them. Come to think of it that's most of the ride lol.

El Toro ops haven't been stapling this year that I've noticed, but the pullout/valleys staple you themselves. The first drop can still be ejector, unstapled awesomeness.

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Was the "issue" with the restraints ever resolved? I'm a little behind about what Hershey did to "soften" them. Or are just fewer people complaining? Either way, I need to get out to Hershey and ride this thing at some point.


Extra padding was added to the bottom side after the first year. They're much softer now - I can marathon it as much as I want without my legs feeling like they're about to fall off, which isn't something I can say for the first iteration (five rides in a row KILLED me for the walk to my car). They also release an inch or so on the brake run, which is a huge relief.

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I barely noticed the restraints on Skyrush. A couple of times over the insane airtime hills, I definitely felt pressure on my thighs, but not enough where it detracted from the incredible ride experience. It's just a case of different strokes for different folks, I guess.

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Can anyone tell me if Hershey sells magnet for their coasters? And if so best place to look for them? I'm always on a mission for magnets.


we couldn't find a good coaster magnet, but did pick up one they have of the Ferris Wheel. . the not only rotates, but the individual cars spin too. . we love it.


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Can anyone tell me if Hershey sells magnet for their coasters? And if so best place to look for them? I'm always on a mission for magnets.


we couldn't find a good coaster magnet, but did pick up one they have of the Ferris Wheel. . the not only rotates, but the individual cars spin too. . we love it.


Thank you. I was hoping my question didn't get sucked into Restraintgate, the Revenge.

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we couldn't find a good coaster magnet, but did pick up one they have of the Ferris Wheel. . the not only rotates, but the individual cars spin too. . we love it.


Thank you. I was hoping my question didn't get sucked into Restraintgate, the Revenge.


You mean this one? It's great and does move! We get lots of compliments on it. Glad to have some fellow magnet lovers on here


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I wish they had that as a Christmas Ornament. We're not big into magnets but we have a ton of park Christmas ornaments (have I mentioned how lucky I am to have met someone who puts up with this coaster crap?... because I'm pretty lucky, lol).

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Can anyone tell me if Hershey sells magnet for their coasters? And if so best place to look for them? I'm always on a mission for magnets.


we couldn't find a good coaster magnet, but did pick up one they have of the Ferris Wheel. . the not only rotates, but the individual cars spin too. . we love it.




I still think that thing on the Ferris wheel looks like a hubcap to a Saturn.

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That thing is dank.


I was trying to find the apprpriate adjective to describe such a horrific logo, and you hit the nail on the head. So,

I honestly don't know why I made that post... I actually somewhat like the way it makes the Ferris wheel a bit more colorful and fun looking. But yes, #dank #yolo
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we couldn't find a good coaster magnet, but did pick up one they have of the Ferris Wheel. . the not only rotates, but the individual cars spin too. . we love it.


Thank you. I was hoping my question didn't get sucked into Restraintgate, the Revenge.


You mean this one? It's great and does move! We get lots of compliments on it. Glad to have some fellow magnet lovers on here


yep, that's it!


our fridge is COVERED with magnets, from the Parks, and trips we take.

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Also, if I'm not mistaken, Sidewinder is the only coaster in the park that's ever had the pinwheel logo painted on the train. Sooperdooperlooper's blue trains had "Hersheypark" on the front but that was it.


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