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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I've been to Hershey a handful of times now and have been unlucky to never get on Comet. It has either been closed, or the line was too long to bear. Next time I get out there, I'll have to hit it first as tempting as Skyrush is.


You may still encounter a ridiculous wait. It's one of the 3 that are open for the extra hours in the morning. I recommend using Hershey's app. They are fairly accurate with wait times and you can set alerts to notify you when the line gets to whatever time you are willing to wait. I set it for 30 minutes or less personally.

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Comet looks good and I definitely want to make it a point to ride it, long wait or not.


I typically never have a problem riding Comet in the afternoon - once the morning crowd dies down, the waits are usually under 20 minutes for Comet and non-existent for Skyrush. It's tempting to hit the front of the park first, but that's what everyone does!

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I remember when I first started this project I posted photos, well I've returned to it the past week or so and I added Comet, I must say this is looking better than I thought I could do! Any thoughts?


p.s. I might eventually add GB and SDL to finalize the area but not sure.






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Comet looks good and I definitely want to make it a point to ride it, long wait or not.


warning if you are "Testicularly blessed". . . don't ride unless you are wearing snug undies.


those bunny hop hills, are Not kind, and I regretted having worn loose boxers

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The drop on Skyrush looks a little too I305, and not enough Skyrush. I think it's just in the curvature though. Looks insanely well done, otherwise
Thanks! I did use the I-305 template, although I altered it slightly I see what you mean! Like the ending of the arch should be drawn out a bit longer. And yes this is NL2^^
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The drop on Skyrush looks a little too I305, and not enough Skyrush. I think it's just in the curvature though. Looks insanely well done, otherwise
Thanks! I did use the I-305 template, although I altered it slightly I see what you mean! Like the ending of the arch should be drawn out a bit longer. And yes this is NL2^^

Yep, if you fix that it would look better than it already does!

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Thanks! I did use the I-305 template, although I altered it slightly I see what you mean! Like the ending of the arch should be drawn out a bit longer.


Just make sure you get that kink in there when the track clears the second support - that might be the best part of the whole ride! Well, along with the Stengel...and the twist over the river...and the last hill...and everything else.

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Thanks! I did use the I-305 template, although I altered it slightly I see what you mean! Like the ending of the arch should be drawn out a bit longer.


Just make sure you get that kink in there when the track clears the second support - that might be the best part of the whole ride! Well, along with the Stengel...and the twist over the river...and the last hill...and everything else.

The ejector kink? It isn't even visible from off rode, I had no idea it was coming in the back row at 10PM two weeks ago.... So awesome.

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^That's the one! You can hardly tell it's there off-ride, but holy crap was that one of the most horrifying moments of my life the first time I rode in the back row.

It's absolutely the best part of the ride. If anyone got to ride opening year then they really know what it's true power was. Now THAT literally felt like I was being thrown onto Park Boulevard

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I am glad that more and more people are getting the Skyrush band wagon. I feel like this coaster is easy at top 10 ride for me really a top 5.


This. Skyrush doesn't get the love that it deserves because of its restraints. Fine with me, that means shorter lines!!!


Before my first ride, I watched the POVs and thought "This looks weak, there's no way it can be in my top 10". I angered the coaster gods that day, and I held on for dear life for the first time of my life on a coaster. Maverick was my number one, but this thing completely eats Maverick up for breakfast. There is no ejector airtime like it anywhere.

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Off ride footage should be a clue - most times everyone on the train is hanging on. The only reason its not my number one is that I can't possibly ride it with abandon. I try, but I have to hang on. It's in good company right behind Maverick and El Toro though.

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Surprisingly, I was able to get to the "hands up, legs out" point rather quickly. Going over the hills like that, especially the twisted one, is a surreal experience. I still put my hands down around the turns though, that's just what I do during high-G moments by nature.

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Surprisingly, I was able to get to the "hands up, legs out" point rather quickly. Going over the hills like that, especially the twisted one, is a surreal experience. I still put my hands down around the turns though, that's just what I do during high-G moments by nature.

Same here. After the first drop my hands were HP and legs pointed straight out the whole way, my butt barely ever touched the seat!

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