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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I remember enjoying Wildcat a lot the last time I visited Hershey back in 2008. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up when I visit Monday. I wasn't into coasters then, so I'm curious as to how the ride holds up now that I'll be looking at it from an enthusiast perspective.

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I remember enjoying Wildcat a lot the last time I visited Hershey back in 2008. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up when I visit Monday. I wasn't into coasters then, so I'm curious as to how the ride holds up now that I'll be looking at it from an enthusiast perspective.


"a car with square wheels going down a road full of potholes"


and i stand by that assessment.


Ride LR & Comet first, since you won't want to go near a woodie after Wildcat.

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The seating arrangement was a BIG selling point, in fact it's still the only one in the entire world where you can choose a wing seat or not. "Ride the edge". Marketing departments love crap like that.

"Ride the edge" gets a resounding "meh" from me, because I never take the winged seat by choice.


Also, am I the only one around here that thinks Wildcat is at the very least "okay"?


Hey, Wildcat is VERY ok. I didn't mean to imply it wasn't. I like it better than Lightning Racer! But that's because honestly, none of the woodies at Hershey are that great. Lightning Racer is the better family ride, and Wildcat is sitting on prime real estate.


(I do like Lightning Racer. But compared to the woodies at Knoebels, and, well, a lot of other woodies at a lot of other parks, it's just not that exciting to me.)

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^Man, I LOVE Lightning Racer! It's a Top 5 wooden coaster for me! (Which may say more about the wooden coasters I've ridden than LR, but...)


Wildcat? It's "okay." I'll give it that... I love HP so much though, that even an "okay" ride seems better than normal!

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The seating arrangement was a BIG selling point, in fact it's still the only one in the entire world where you can choose a wing seat or not. "Ride the edge". Marketing departments love crap like that.

"Ride the edge" gets a resounding "meh" from me, because I never take the winged seat by choice.


Also, am I the only one around here that thinks Wildcat is at the very least "okay"?


Hey, Wildcat is VERY ok. I didn't mean to imply it wasn't. I like it better than Lightning Racer! But that's because honestly, none of the woodies at Hershey are that great. Lightning Racer is the better family ride, and Wildcat is sitting on prime real estate.


(I do like Lightning Racer. But compared to the woodies at Knoebels, and, well, a lot of other woodies at a lot of other parks, it's just not that exciting to me.)


Im another vote for Wildcat not being that bad. I like it, but the reality is that like mentioned before me it is sitting on prime real estate. If Hershey was wise they would RMC it one day in the future. Seeing an RMC on the side of the road driving into Hershey would be pretty dope.

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Im another vote for Wildcat not being that bad. I like it, but the reality is that like mentioned before me it is sitting on prime real estate. If Hershey was wise they would RMC it one day in the future. Seeing an RMC on the side of the road driving into Hershey would be pretty dope.


An RMC version of that layout would indeed be fabulous! I really hope that this does turn out to be next major coaster "addition" to Hersheypark! They would then have just about everything (outside of a Hyper or Giga) that you could want in an Amusement Park!


(Along those lines, does anybody know if there are certain height restrictions in place at HP?)

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I've heard rumors that there is a restriction up till Kissing Tower's height, however I'm sure if they were to build above it, it could get approved easily. Any attraction that brings more people and money to Hershey is a go for Derry Township!

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Oh yeah, HP already DOES have the best Hyper!






I'm pretty euphoric in my love for HP, but you Skyrush guys are something else!


Having said that, I do look forward to getting back there and getting more laps on Skyrush, as I've only ridden it once, in the very front. Maybe it'll rise in my rankings then!

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After all this gushing about Skyrush, I have to chime in...I was fortunate enough to take a trip at the end of July to Hersheypark after a day and a half at CP. My first ride on Skyrush was in the "magic" last row, left wing seat. It was easily one of the most intense coaster experiences I have had and had many "OH, WOW!!!" moments. However, I don't know if it was because I was 4 days into an epic road trip and had just killed my thighs on Maverick and Magnum XL 200 at CP the previous day and a half, but Skyrush hurt unlike any coaster I had ever ridden. I rode Skyrush 5 times throughout the preview night and day I was at the park. After my 5th lap on the coaster, I could not ride it any more. I had significant pain on my right thigh. So much so that I could feel the painful remnants of my last Skyrush lap for over 2 hours after I got off the ride.


I understand why so many people LOVE the ride. I wanted to like it more than I did, but I didn't put it in my top 10 due to the discomfort I was in whilst riding. To me, Skyrush and Kingda Ka were the biggest endurance tests of my trip. I would ride them and felt like I was enduring every lap instead of being able to enjoy my rides.


Perhaps if I'm able to revisit Hersheypark with fresh thighs, I may have a different opinion, but as of now, I want Hersheypark and Intamin to figure out a new restraint system that allows for significantly more contact area between the rider and the padding. Something like B&M's clamshell restraint or Premiers lap bar's connected from above would do this ride wonders, IMO.

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Mmm, all this gushing about Skyrush just makes me even more excited for Monday (or Sunday, if I can convince my uncle to take advantage of the preview plan.) Can't wait!


I can't stress enough to do the preview on Sunday if you can. ...for Hershey crowds it just doesn't get any better.

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