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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Has anyone been here on July 4th? We have been to Kings Island and Dorney on the 4th before and didn't find them overly crowded. We'd like to do a trip which included Hershey. It comes first in the order of our drive and for many reasons we have to go from the 4th to the 12th. Any thoughts?

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No, it's not the trailer-mounted one, but it's definitely the "mobile" model as opposed to Richochet at Carowinds which has the same layout but is the "park" model. They would obviously have to make a new foundation and station platform wherever they decide to move it (IF they decide to move it), but I'm pretty sure that the track and supports can be disassembled with little trouble.


If I recall correctly, Wilde Maus at Busch Gardens Williamsburg was able to be sent down to Tampa and reconstructed in a relatively short timeframe as Cheetah Chase / Sand Serpent. That's the same kind of wild mouse that Hersheypark has.

So, in short, it's the Base Frame Model.
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^^^It could get pretty full since the 4th falls on a Saturday this year so be prepared. There will be fireworks on the hill in front of the Hotel Hershey, which can be seen nicely from Midway America or the Boardwalk (my favorite spot for them). The parking lot might provide a nice vantage point as well. The park might also do a catered picnic dinner that you could buy tickets to, which happened the last two years.


^^Weekdays in early June shouldn't really too bad since schools are still in session and most people haven't started vacationing yet.



The park has started adding the Pepsi equivalent to Coke Freestyle machines in the park. They are currently at Craftbarn Kitchen and the Lightning Racer Discount Shop.


On the Laff Trakk side of things, I found this shot of the pre-show room under construction from two weeks ago on Hersheypark's Twitter page:



Construction-wise, it looks like the finishing touches are starting to be added to the exterior and queue (which seems to be really bright at night).


I didn't even know Pepsi made them until I saw them at the park the other night.


Still missing signage, but that is probably the next step.


The queue and railings are in.


It is a very bright queue thanks to LED lights.


Some more lights to be added to be shown on the building murals. Next to it is the exit path.

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Am I the only one that isn't crazy about the exterior of this ride? I think the combination of colors does not mesh well with the murals and it really doesn't represent the ride well. I guess it's a clean look though and fits the area.

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Am I the only one that isn't crazy about the exterior of this ride? I think the combination of colors does not mesh well with the murals and it really doesn't represent the ride well. I guess it's a clean look though and fits the area.


It doesn't fit the theme, but it blends in perfectly with the area. I do think there's a missed opportunity to throw in some funhouse elements, but at least it's not going to stick out and draw attention to the fact that it's just a giant box.

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I love the building and have no problem with it not matching the ride theme. It will make the ride even more surprising and delightful for GP that don't know exactly what they're getting into.


I'm sure it will be a little crazy but I'll be there on Memorial Day and the Sunday night before.

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When I went I originally called a hotel in Harrisburg, a really cheap motel type of thing if I remember correctly. I also had a reservation set at the Quality Inn in Hershey, and when I called and told them that I had a cheaper price they matched it. Good hotel, average breakfast though. I would recommend it but don't expect any gourmet cooking, most of the stuff was probably frozen but at least edible.

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One last quick weekend update before Laff Trakk opens next weekend. It looks like the outside, queue, and landscaping is ready. The outside queue looks like it has two photo-op cutouts. The test seat called the "Test Carr" is covered in right inside the entrance.







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Once a few years have passed and the foliage has grown up around the base of the building, the area is going to look really great.


Though, the area inside the entrance looks really weird. Why is it so empty in there?

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I'll be heading to Hersheypark for the first time in a few weeks. Any advice on cheap hotels nearby? I'm not opposed to priceline bidding either. The cheaper, the better.


pay to stay on property (Hershey Lodge we found to be very reasonable).


Not only do you get free transportation to/from park (ie: no parking fees, and you park free at the Lodge), but guests on property get in THREE hours ahead on the day before your ticket, instead of two.


the Restaurants and bars on property were also very good and reasonably priced.

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I'll be heading to Hersheypark for the first time in a few weeks. Any advice on cheap hotels nearby? I'm not opposed to priceline bidding either. The cheaper, the better.


pay to stay on property (Hershey Lodge we found to be very reasonable).


Not only do you get free transportation to/from park (ie: no parking fees, and you park free at the Lodge), but guests on property get in THREE hours ahead on the day before your ticket, instead of two.


the Restaurants and bars on property were also very good and reasonably priced.


On top of that, May/June has some of the best prices available for their on-site locations, easily 50% cheaper than similar days during the rest of the year. I'm actually going to be staying at the Hershey Lodge in two weeks because I had a little extra money set aside from when a planned HoliWood Nights trip fell through, so we decided to make a weekend of it at HP and the Hershey area. Honestly, the difference between the per-day price and what I paid at a budget motel two years ago in the area isn't that much, especially when factoring in the extra benefits you get by staying on-site.

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I love the building and have no problem with it not matching the ride theme. It will make the ride even more surprising and delightful for GP that don't know exactly what they're getting into.


I'm sure it will be a little crazy but I'll be there on Memorial Day and the Sunday night before.


The building actually looks great and fits in very well with the theme of the ride and it fits well into Midway America. Hershey Park never ceases to amaze me how they find space for new roller coasters. Now if only they could find space for a B&M giga coaster..... I can dream right? lol

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The building actually looks great and fits in very well with the theme of the ride and it fits well into Midway America. Hershey Park never ceases to amaze me how they find space for new roller coasters. Now if only they could find space for a B&M giga coaster..... I can dream right? lol

IKR? This conversation had to have happened:


Hershey: We'd like you to build a new coaster here. *points to map*

Intamin: Uh... where?

Hershey: Right where I'm pointing.

Intamin: But... but... that whole area is covered with rides.

Hershey: Yeah.......?

Intamin: Okay, we'll just build one directly on top of that one. *points to Comet*

Hershey: Cool, cool, and while you're at it, just go ahead and make it the best ride ever created, okay?

Intamin: Sure thing.


And thus Skyrush was born.

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Probably my favorite thing about Hershey (other than how awesome the entire park is) is that its basically the Intamin mecca of the east coast. They should keep it that way. More Intamin please. Only Intamin please.

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