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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I'm currently planning on visiting Hersheypark for the first time next Tuesday, but low and behold, thunderstorms are in the forecast. And from what I understand east coast thunderstorms are very different from west coast thunderstorms?? Is the park still worth visiting? I personally don't mind walking around in rain all day, but want to at least experience a good number of coasters and waterslides.

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Tuesday is still pretty far out, that forecast might totally change. We are scheduled to go to Dorney Sunday and earlier in the week they were saying rain all day and now its just cloudy.


Also, the forecast I'm looking at for Tuesday @ Hershey says 30% "chance" of thunderstorms, mostly in the morning. If that stands it will work in your favor, keeping major crowds away and leaving the park empty for you to really enjoy.


The more I travel for parks the more I am learning that watching the weather too closely will really only stress you out.

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I will be visiting Hershey on July 18th (a Sunday) and i was just wondering what crowds are usually like on Sundays in June?

Sunday crowds are usually not too bad, just check to make sure no concerts or events are going on

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I will be visiting Hershey on July 18th (a Sunday) and i was just wondering what crowds are usually like on Sundays in June?

Sunday crowds are usually not too bad, just check to make sure no concerts or events are going on


I meant to say Sundays in July not June, my bad. But thanks for the help!

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Anyone know how bad the lines have been for Laff Trak on weekends? I am planning on going this coming Saturday (yeah, I know, not really a good day to avoid heavy crowds, but that's the only day my boyfriend can go due to his work schedule). I'm guessing maybe the best thing to do would be to just head to that part of the park first thing (since everyone always seems to go for Skyrush and other stuff in that area first).... I'd really rather not wait more than a half hour or so to ride it.

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Anyone know how bad the lines have been for Laff Trak on weekends? I am planning on going this coming Saturday (yeah, I know, not really a good day to avoid heavy crowds, but that's the only day my boyfriend can go due to his work schedule). I'm guessing maybe the best thing to do would be to just head to that part of the park first thing (since everyone always seems to go for Skyrush and other stuff in that area first).... I'd really rather not wait more than a half hour or so to ride it.

Get there very early before opening and head straight to Laff Trakk first thing then. Last Saturday it had a line about an hour to sometimes almost two hours for it all day and it typically gets a line first thing in the morning. Another option is to possibly wait to ride it until the end of the night and jump in line 15 minutes before closing so you are guaranteed a ride. According to the app lately, it seems like it might be making the line for Fahrenheit more bearable as it doesn't seem to be generating as long of a wait time than last year.

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Anyone know how bad the lines have been for Laff Trak on weekends? I am planning on going this coming Saturday (yeah, I know, not really a good day to avoid heavy crowds, but that's the only day my boyfriend can go due to his work schedule). I'm guessing maybe the best thing to do would be to just head to that part of the park first thing (since everyone always seems to go for Skyrush and other stuff in that area first).... I'd really rather not wait more than a half hour or so to ride it.


It was insane both the Friday and Saturday I went last week. Definitely make it the first thing you do in the morning. It's a fun ride, but definitely not worth the 60 to 90 minutes it has been.

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Have any season pass holders used the "early access" this year yet? I'm finally heading home next weekend and I am curious as to how it operates. It says on the website and pass holder booklet you can get in to the park up to an hour before 10am but somehow I find that a bit skew. Of course I hope it isn't though

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^ DISCLAIMER: This is based off of the assumption that early entry for SP holders is the same as the early entry for Hershey Lodge guests.


When Rikki and I visited HP a couple weeks ago, we used our stay at the Hershey Lodge to get in an hour early. Basically, ticket gates open at 9AM, and attractions in the Hollow and most of Founders Way are open to guests. Park officials have ropes up just past the Reese's Xtreme Cup Challenge and over just past SooperDooperLooper. Once 10AM hits, they drop the ropes.

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^Perfect, seems like a Skyrush marathon is on the horizon


Exactly. That's basically what we did. It's how I snagged a couple rides in the first row - no wait!! We managed to get at least eight good rides before we went over to be by the ropes for when they dropped so we could get back to Laff Trakk.

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Here's a little mini-tr: My boyfriend and I went to HP this past Saturday, and due to the previous day's heat and thunderstorms (and also the propensity for Saturday crowds) we were sort of expecting the worst. However, we got a bit of a pleasant surprise. The sky was overcast, and it stayed that way until late in the afternoon, which kept the heat way down. The crowds were also moderate, and most rides had only a 20 minute wait or even less. We got there first thing in the morning (right before 10am), but we were delayed in getting into the park because my bf had to rent an electric scooter because he had injured his ankle at work a couple weeks ago and it was really bothering him. So as soon as we took care of that we headed back to Laff Trakk to get that out of the way. The line was already close to an hour long, and he could not stand for that amount of time so we went into the handicapped entrance and got on after a few minutes. Which also meant that we missed the stuff in the cue line, but oh well. At any rate, I found it to be a fun little coaster, and being it was only the two of us on one side of the car, we did get some decent spinning. The black light graphics also reminded me of some of the Sally shooting dark rides, and my bf though it looked pretty cool. That said, I would also not recommend waiting an hour or more for it. Maybe a half hour or so, especially if it's hot outside as another way to take a break from the heat.


Then we headed over to Lightning Racer, and I caught the Lightning side without anyone waiting for the front seat (I usually ride back seat on this woodie but my bf was concerned about roughness, and also because of his ankle). I found it enjoyable as always, but he found it too rough even for the front seat. So then we rode Fahrenheit (also used the handicapped pass for that one, even though the line wasn't too bad, maybe 25 minutes at most), and we were placed in the middle of the train, but a bit closer to the front perhaps. I was surprised at how rattly it has become, since the last time I rode it, it seemed very smooth. But I didn't find it to be painfully rough, even though I got one bit of head-banging which kind of tweaked one of my earrings and that didn't feel good). My bf said it really bothered his ankle (the positive g's sending all the blood to his feet I'd imagine) and so sadly he had to sit out Storm Runner. We by-passed the mouse and Wild cat, since we had ridden Laff Trakk and IMO the Wild Cat is painfully rough, even in the front so even I didn't want to ride it). I only waited maybe ten minutes for Storm Runner.

As I came off the ride I found my bf sitting there on the scooter parked under SR's lauch track, watching as each train was sent flying over the top hat. As he is an industrial equipment mechanic he was most interested in the workings of the launch - that, and when he was in the Navy he worked on an air craft carrier and was quite familiar with hydraulic launches but didn't know they were being used on coasters. We also passed on Sidewinder and Trailblazer.


So then we headed back to the front of the park, and on the way we went up in the Kissing Tower and he took some pics on his phone, and if any of them turn out really well I will post them here when he sends them to me. Then we took a stroll thru the zoo, and after that I decided to ride Great Bear. The line was just barely out into the first set of switchbacks, so it looked to be maybe a half hour or so. But that wouldn't be the case. In reality I must have waited almost 45 minutes, which doesn't make sense, as GB has the highest capacity of any of the coasters at HP, and yet the line is always so slow! Even Skyrush with its goofy enter/exit confusion and its Intamin brethren Fahrenheit and Storm Runner with fewer seats per train can't seem to compete for this dubious honor. B&Ms are usually people eaters, but not so at HP for some odd reason. I like GB, but it always sucks to have to wait so long for it when other coasters have shorter lines.


So after I rode we went into the food place right across from GB's entrance and had a late lunch at around 2pm. We both got the beef burrito, and wow, was it filling! We were so stuffed we didn't eat dinner until around 8 pm later that night, so if you want something extremely filling and fairly decent, the burrito is one thing to consider.


After that, we headed down into the Hollow, and my first stop was my old favorite - Skyrush. Sadly I had to leave my bf behind, as I knew that if Fahrenheit and Lightning Racer had given him pains, that my #1 coaster would have plunged him into abject misery. I really had wanted him to be able to ride it, though, since he hadn't been to HP in over ten years. So I went and did my thing, and as always, my #1 delivered as I took my favorite center back row seat. The good news is it does not seem any rougher or more rattly than last year, and it packs just as much a punch as it always has (although I did not get to ride it for the first time until after the lift was slowed down). Afterwards my burrito started to come back and haunt me, and so I took a break on the SDL, and the lines were non-existent, and so I waited a few minutes for the front. Afterwards I checked in with my BF again, who was patiently waiting for me, and then I noticed that the line for Skyrush was starting at the bottom of the stairs, instead of spilling out into the first couple switchbacks. So I took two more center back seat rides and then I decided to call it a day, especially since the sun was coming out and shade was hard to find in that area where my bf was waiting.


It was about 3:30 when I left the park to hit Chocolate World and go get the truck to pick my bf up at the gate, and by that time there was a second wave of people coming into the park. So all in all it was a good day (well, other than my bf's ankle issue, but at least he was able to do some riding) and the rain held off and the crowds were fairly light.

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Hey guys, I have 2 questions that I need help with. I'm surprising my girlfriend with a trip to Hershey this Wednesday and we have been getting pelted by rain this week in Western PA. So my questions are, how would a crowd be on a Wednesday? and what is their rain policy? I know CP's rain policy and wondering if they are similar or different.

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^Crowds would be moderate at worst, but probably will be more sparse. Most rides should have minimal waits (<15 min) throughout the day. Rain policy is pretty good, too, nothing like some parks (*eyes Cedar Point*). Things should remain open in rain up until it starts getting pretty heavy, and once threat of lightning is in the area, standard shutdowns occur.


Unless severe thunderstorms are in the forecast throughout most of the day, Wednesdays should be pretty great days to visit!*


*Assuming you're looking to go sooner rather than later. Crowds will obviously pick up as you get deeper into the summer season.

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So I went to Hershey Park for the first time yesterday. Overall, I think SkyRush is my new favourite coaster I rode it four times as well as 11 other coasters there, basically everything except Cocoa Cruiser. Sidewinder vibrated a bit too much for me but otherwise I had no problems with any of the rides, including Wildcat and Lightning Racer. I recommend you go early to ride Storm Runner and Fahrenheit which will develop long lines later in the day, then go to the back of the park to go on on everything there, then work work your way back and end the day with SkyRush. I'll post a more detailed post later with pictures later since I'm busy now.

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Overall, I think SkyRush is my new favourite coaster


I love hearing about new converts. Sounds like you had a good time, stoked to see pics.


I love this park so much.

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I'll be there Monday. Mrs. Peabody and I have a package booked at the Hershey Lodge in honor or our anniversary and her birthday. We haven't been there in a while, so we're looking forward to riding the coasters they've built since our last visit.

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