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Dumbest things said on TPR


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I could literally put half the comments posted on TPR's pictures on facebook, but would that count as dumbest things said on TPR, or the facebook GP thread?


Probably the facebook page thread would be better as TPR members aren't probably the posters there.

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What new rides are we gonna have next year?

Care to elaborate on why this is dumb?


Seriously, you may wanna consider sitting the next few plays out, champ. I'm not quite sure you grasp the concept of this thread.....at least on the posting side of it anyway.

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Regarding the news of Green Lantern at SFMM avoiding inversions:

^^For a long time I believed that Six Flags was slightly better than Cedar Fair. With Ouimet in charge, the addition of Fast Lane, reducing food prices, and now this total disgrace by SFMM, I think it's safe to say:


Cedar Fair > Six Flags


Who buys one of the most thrilling rides in the world and then writes a policy to make it suck? Six Flags, that's who.


Six Flags isn't TRYING to make the ride suck, their trying to make it WORK. Honestly, this is Intamin's fault for making a craptastic system to go along with a great coaster.


Since when was Magic Mountain the park to compare? How about comapring Great America to Cedar Point. That's a much more fair comparison.


And in my opinion Six Flags > Cedar Fair

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On the "Best and Lamest Coaster Endings Thread", talking about the lamest ending:

Kingka Ka (Six Flags Great Adventure) - That coaster is going so fast it could go to the other side of the park and back adding loops, corkscrews, tight turns... etc.

Well, it could; have you ever seen the Top Thrill Dragster prototype drawing?


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I'm a gay guy who has been enjoying this site for some time because I'm a coaster enthusiast. So, now I guess "gay" is the equivalent of "cheesy" and "ridiculous"? I don't think I need to tell you why this whole post is offensive. I don't even like musicals. Why is it ok for you to equate being gay with being silly, frivolous, and stupid?


How about the next time you go to an amusement park, you label it "Robb & Elissa's Fat and Low-Class Trip to Adventure Kingdom"?

Obviously this guy never read the disclaimer:

You need a sense of humor to view our site, if you don't have a sense of humor, or are easily offended, please turn back now!
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I'm a gay guy who has been enjoying this site for some time because I'm a coaster enthusiast. So, now I guess "gay" is the equivalent of "cheesy" and "ridiculous"? I don't think I need to tell you why this whole post is offensive. I don't even like musicals. Why is it ok for you to equate being gay with being silly, frivolous, and stupid?


How about the next time you go to an amusement park, you label it "Robb & Elissa's Fat and Low-Class Trip to Adventure Kingdom"?

Obviously this guy never read the disclaimer:

You need a sense of humor to view our site, if you don't have a sense of humor, or are easily offended, please turn back now!


I hate to say it, but I agree with this guy. I have a sense of humor, a very large one, (that's what she said) and it was funny at first. I just think that they overdid the whole "gay" thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the SFGAM Thread:



by almightyfire » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:36 pm


Just got back from Great America. HORRIBLE. The worse SF park I have been 2 so far. Doesnt have much of a selection of anything. Ragin Bull is the ONLY coaster there that did ANYTHING for me. NOW, X-FLIGHT didnt move me AT ALL. It is VERY BEAUTIFUL but when it was over i said, "is that it"? The ONLY positive thing i CAN say about SFGA is that the operations were STELLER. NO STACKING AT ALL. Yes NONE. Those trains were ready to get outta there by the time the other made the cycle. The same for RAGIN BULL. Went 2 cedar point the next day and that MAVERICK is NOW my favorite coaster. MEAN STREAK is bad AT ALL. U younger kids have NO RESPECT FOR THE CLASSICS. hahahah. U all have been SPOILED by STEEL. I rode MEAN STREAD 10 times and it was fine.



You just can't expect to be taken seriously after saying Mean Streak is a classic. Plus the WRITING makes my EYES BLEED.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damnit, I try to avoid things like this. You know, the making fun of people thing, but this is just too good....


I don't know, Skyrush seems like the last of a deal with Intamin, because Stormrunner is red, Fahrenheit is orange, and to close it off, a yellow coaster. Just my thinking.
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I'd like to see a launch coaster 200mph+ 500-600ft tower that then sends you hurling into more speed fasty go thingies...LIM's?? through 9 inversions up another 500+ tower to then do it all again backwards but on another track so you can run dual trains....


either that or a winged coaster or save the cash for something bigger 2014-2015 and finish re-tracking cyclone.


if I come up with some more ideas i'll post here FIRST!!!


From the SFOG Discussion thread.


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