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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Dang, some friends and I are visiting GAm from out of town, and we're hitting the park on Tuesday, the 12th. I wish we could get the ERT. Either way, I'll definitely be donating though. Sounds like a good cause!


I will be going to the park on Tuesday as well, as if you are an Xtreme Pass Holder/Season Pass holder, there is X-Flight ERT from 8 to 9!


This really is a neat cause. Six Flags has been scoring points in my book this year so far.

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After that, I headed over to Screams and Dreams Volume II at the Pictorium. Being a 90s kid and a coaster geek, this was just damn awesome to see. I was a little sad watching half of the people walk out in the first five minutes. This really has a lot of technical terminology and stories that aren't entirely accessible to the GP so I understood. Better they leave five minutes in than sit there and whine for the full thirty. This was probably the best part of my day too, for a very special reason. When they covered the Southwest Territory segment, they showed the commercial that I was cast in. I got so freakin' excited seeing my 9-year-old self 50 feet tall on the Pictorium screen!




Wow, thanks for mentioning this. It's probably because of the horrendous musicals craze/fad of recent years that I assume anything at a park that has a scheduled showtime attached to it will just be something that panders to that crowd. More often than not, that's the case. I'm almost looking forward to visiting the Pictorium for the first time in years more than I am to give the new ride a spin.

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Just got back from Great America. HORRIBLE. The worse SF park I have been 2 so far. Doesnt have much of a selection of anything. Ragin Bull is the ONLY coaster there that did ANYTHING for me. NOW, X-FLIGHT didnt move me AT ALL. It is VERY BEAUTIFUL but when it was over i said, "is that it"? The ONLY positive thing i CAN say about SFGA is that the operations were STELLER. NO STACKING AT ALL. Yes NONE. Those trains were ready to get outta there by the time the other made the cycle. The same for RAGIN BULL. Went 2 cedar point the next day and that MAVERICK is NOW my favorite coaster. MEAN STREAK is bad AT ALL. U younger kids have NO RESPECT FOR THE CLASSICS. hahahah. U all have been SPOILED by STEEL. I rode MEAN STREAD 10 times and it was fine.

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Just got back from Great America. HORRIBLE. The worse SF park I have been 2 so far. Doesnt have much of a selection of anything. Ragin Bull is the ONLY coaster there that did ANYTHING for me. NOW, X-FLIGHT didnt move me AT ALL. It is VERY BEAUTIFUL but when it was over i said, "is that it"? The ONLY positive thing i CAN say about SFGA is that the operations were STELLER. NO STACKING AT ALL. Yes NONE. Those trains were ready to get outta there by the time the other made the cycle. The same for RAGIN BULL. Went 2 cedar point the next day and that MAVERICK is NOW my favorite coaster. MEAN STREAK is bad AT ALL. U younger kids have NO RESPECT FOR THE CLASSICS. hahahah. U all have been SPOILED by STEEL. I rode MEAN STREAD 10 times and it was fine.


I can't take this post seriously. Much of a selection of anything? In what way? Our rides our kept (most times) in tip top shape! I understand that American Eagle is a bit rough, but it's still a fun experience. We have one of the best, if not, the best collection of flat rides in the whole SF chain. Food at the park is, on average, better than other SF parks. I'm just wondering if you assumed the park would not be crowded on a Wednesday, and only had a chance to ride a few of the rides?


I'm just shocked by this. We aren't the best park in the world, but this is one of the most negative reviews of the park I've seen in awhile.

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I'm just shocked by this. We aren't the best park in the world, but this is one of the most negative reviews of the park I've seen in awhile.


Don't worry about it. Anyone who calls Mean Streak a "classic" loses most of their credibility from the getgo.

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U younger kids have NO RESPECT FOR THE CLASSICS. hahahah. U all have been SPOILED by STEEL. I rode MEAN STREAD 10 times and it was fine.


Mean Streak is now classified as a classic! It's only 21 years old, so I guess Ironpocalypse is also a classic. Really, I would support you if you were making an argument for Blue Streak being a classic, but not Mean Streak.

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Just got back from Great America. HORRIBLE. The worse SF park I have been 2 so far. Doesnt have much of a selection of anything. Ragin Bull is the ONLY coaster there that did ANYTHING for me. NOW, X-FLIGHT didnt move me AT ALL. It is VERY BEAUTIFUL but when it was over i said, "is that it"? The ONLY positive thing i CAN say about SFGA is that the operations were STELLER. NO STACKING AT ALL. Yes NONE. Those trains were ready to get outta there by the time the other made the cycle. The same for RAGIN BULL. Went 2 cedar point the next day and that MAVERICK is NOW my favorite coaster. MEAN STREAK is bad AT ALL. U younger kids have NO RESPECT FOR THE CLASSICS. hahahah. U all have been SPOILED by STEEL. I rode MEAN STREAD 10 times and it was fine.


Yeesh. What a horrendous post. No way you can be either female or 48 years of age. You sound as lovely at that texcoaster chap I read around here, I'm guessing there must be some sort of connection. To further my theory, methinks that Ed Farmer (equally as miserable) must be your love child!


Would love to know how many SF PARKZ U HAVE BEN TOO!!1!!?? I've been to at least 7, and it's hard to imagine this park as anywhere near the bottom of any SF park list. I know it's all objective, but reading these boards for some time now I can't imagine that you're in any sort of majority in declaring this the worst Six Flags park EVAR.


The book drive, by the way, is just looking for age appropriate book for pre-k/kingergarteners on up. It's a neat program, and it sounds like this year's effort is going to break some records. Good on Great America for continuing to be involved with efforts like this.


For those that have been to the park lately: are the old fashioned cars still parked where they have been? Is the train doing complete runs around the entire park? How is the Pictorium looking? Does it appear that they've done any upkeep to it in the offseason? Why are you guyz so spoiled by a park with NO SELECTCHUN?!

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^ -Antique cars are parked in the same spot as last year, right next to Eagle's queue

- Both train stations are opening and is doing round trips

- The Pictorium really needs a face-lift. The outside looks like it hasn't been touched since it opened and the outside could really use some modernizing. I know it's tucked away so you won't see it unless you actually go to a show, but it'd be nice to see them spend a little more for it's upkeep.

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To further my theory, methinks that Ed Farmer (equally as miserable) must be your love child!



... ? My post was about about expressing gratitude to ImmelMatt for posting a review that piqued my interest in an attraction that I would otherwise not have known about.

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I dont understand why people get offended by someones opinion. I have a right to think that a park isnt good. I did not insult anyone personally. I didnt call mean streak a classic i meant wood coasters. It was a joke. Ok now people come on. I see posts on here I dont agree with everyday and I never comment because it isnt a biggie nor do i take offense to something. Now my english, well, I dont see where anything was grammatically incorrect and the other insult i dont know where that one was going nor do I care.


Please people dont start insulting ME. Never was shouting by the way, that was an inflection in my voice not hollaring. Who made that rule anyway. I just heard of that one because I dont sit online like a lot of people do. I still think SFGA is not a good park. It was exremely old & the Ragin Bull is the only thing there that was good to me and yes to me. I liked Cedar Point and SFMM & SFGAdventure are much better parks.


I have read too many posts where people on here cant stand the whole SF chain and I didnt see anyone get upset. Now Rob if i broke a rule for espressing my opinion well I didnt know I couldnt. i dont fight with people I will never meet but as long as I have a typewriter I will always speak because I have a right. I rarely say anything on here.

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Also, Mean Streak wasnt rough to me as I didnt see Son of the Beast all that unbearable when i rode it 5 yrs ago. I happen to prefer wood coasters over all others. Magnum tore me up much worse than most woodies have ever and my grandkids didnt like it either. I was raised on wood coasters and I favor the voyage over El Toro and Texas Giant. I happen to like Mean Streak and I loved loved loved the old Texas Giant over the new one and yes it did get rougher over the yrs but I still happen to like the layout of the OTG over the NTG. I'm not a loop nor steel fan but I do love coasters period.

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I still think SFGA is not a good park. It was exremely old & the Ragin Bull is the only thing there that was good to me and yes to me.


Why do you say the park is extremely old? It's only been open for 36 years (or seasons if that's how you want to look at it). Honestly, I think SFGAm is one of the best parks in the chain along with SFoT and SFoG and it's one of the cleaner parks I've been to as well.


Doesnt have much of a selection of anything.


What exactly do you mean by this? There are a total of 12 coasters in the park, along with 20+ flat rides. SFGAm is nothing like SFGAdv when it comes to flat rides. Infact, I think Great Adventure has what, maybe two or three? That's not much of a selection to me.


Some of my friends don't like the chain and they've expressed that to me. But, when they visit Great America, my friends always tell me that it's one of the better parks in the chain and they had fun. I know this is your opinion, but my opinion of your post is that you didn't give this park a chance.

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There's no need to yell, seriously.


I'm yelling as loud as I can right now. Can you hear me?



I'm hoping for a midwest bash again. I'll be back in Chicago soon. The waterpark there looks amazing after the recent additions. Also, the collection of Viper, Bull, Batman, Whizzer, XFlight, and Eagle is pretty stellar. Oh, and V2.

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Guys, pretty simple. Ignore her. She has been posting on this board in the same, consistent manner for a long time and you aren't going to be able to change her opinion. Don't waste your time trying to pick apart every word she said. She comes on the board, complains, people ignore her, life goes on.

Edited by ernierocker
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Mean Streak wasnt rough to me as I didnt see Son of the Beast all that unbearable


I favor the voyage over El Toro and Texas Giant. I loved loved loved the old Texas Giant over the new one



Guys, these comments here make all commentary from said user null and void.

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Mean Streak wasnt rough to me as I didnt see Son of the Beast all that unbearable


I favor the voyage over El Toro and Texas Giant. I loved loved loved the old Texas Giant over the new one



Guys, these comments here make all commentary from said user null and void.


As Jo said you do have valid point. Apparently, only people who like getting the s**t kicked out of them would chose the Old Texas Giant over The New Texas Giant!


I had one comment on here that i chose not to include. I did not think it was appropriate!

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I dont understand why people get offended by someones opinion. I have a right to think that a park isnt good.

It wasn't what you said, it was how you said it. Your post was horrible. Grammatically terrible. Didn't even make sense. And it violated several of our ToS rules.


Don't ever write a post like that again or you will be banned forever.


Understood? Good.




--Robb "You're welcome to an opinion...if you can write one legibly." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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