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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I love how CF keeps getting their promotional material leaked announcement eve.


I really need to get me some 3D glasses. I still haven't ridden CW's Windseeker 'cause it's always down when I go.

Edited by asimowalk
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How many does that make now, five?


Cedar Fair is certainly getting lazy. Copy, paste. Copy, paste. The public will eat it up though.

To be fair (pun intended), it costs a lot less to build one ride five times, than it does to design and develop five different rides.


If they are able to see an increase at the turnstile with being smart with how they spend their money, that's some great business decisions there. And wasn't this the company that was almost sold a few months ago and in a bit of trouble?


While this particular ride may not appear to some die-hard thrill seekers or coaster enthusiasts, it's not a bad move for the company.

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Sorry, I don't follow Carowinds closely...weren't they getting a giant frisbee? Was that just messing with the enthusiasts by writing stuff on the stakes? Cause if it is, I love them and may have to follow them more!


Haha...yep. The Huss GF thing was indeed a joke by Carowinds management during CoasterStock to trick the enthusiasts like myself. They also put in GCI stakes next to Thunder Road for even more fun.

Edited by lilj4425
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To be fair (pun intended), it costs a lot less to build one ride five times, than it does to design and develop five different rides.


If they are able to see an increase at the turnstile with being smart with how they spend their money, that's some great business decisions there. And wasn't this the company that was almost sold a few months ago and in a bit of trouble?


While this particular ride may not appear to some die-hard thrill seekers or coaster enthusiasts, it's not a bad move for the company.


-cymbal crash-


I guess I just wasn't expecting it, is all. After looking at those screen grabs again, I saw the "tallest ride ever built at Carowinds" pull.


...and I've never tried riding a Windseeker, so I can't judge anyway. Shame on me. Maybe I'd like it better if they painted it different colors.

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Wow, I guess Cedarfair really likes the Windseekers, wonder if there will be any other parks getting one this year.


From what I've heard, they have purchased two more over this years crop which apparently completes their obligation. However a rumor I've been hearing is that it was an option to buy at whatever discounted price, but regardless, with Carowinds getting one, the other is going somewhere, guess we wait and see. From what I've been told tho, it won't be Dorney or Worlds of Fun, at least not for 2012. I can only guess that it would be somewhere like Valley or Michigan. Of course CGA has a nice patch of grass open.



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CGA has the height limit, though I guess they could build a 200' version. Not sure about Worlds Of Fun or Valley... how are their numbers doing?


Dominion would be the other possible contender. KD has gotten something (new or used) almost every year so far since Cedar Fair. (Waterpark expansion, Dominator, I305, Planet Snoopy, Giant Wheel & El Dorado, Starlight Spectacular)

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^ Ahh, yes forgot about the height limit issue. WoF needs another major attraction, Valley probably could as well.


It seems like Carowinds is getting on the every other year plan with major additions. I wouldn't have complained if they got a screamin' swing, however, I guess we should be happy they are getting a flat. The park reminds me of SF's with the low number of flats they currently have.

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How many does that make now, five?


Cedar Fair is certainly getting lazy. Copy, paste. Copy, paste. The public will eat it up though.

To be fair (pun intended), it costs a lot less to build one ride five times, than it does to design and develop five different rides.


If they are able to see an increase at the turnstile with being smart with how they spend their money, that's some great business decisions there. And wasn't this the company that was almost sold a few months ago and in a bit of trouble?


While this particular ride may not appear to some die-hard thrill seekers or coaster enthusiasts, it's not a bad move for the company.


And these rides no matter how thrilling they are are a definite attention grabber to the GP which is the whole point in the first place, parks don't build rides for enthusiasts they build them to get people in the parks

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I think that the apparent tie-in they are making to the Wright Brothers would work well for this ride if they gave it a unique name that was connected to them, and gave it a little theming too.


If they called it Kitty Hawk, that would not only add a theme, but continue the great (blank)hawk traditions of the company.

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I think a Windseeker would be perfect for a park like Michigan's Adventure.


I will happily take anything new (or used!) at my home park.


That said, this would really make Shivering Timbers look height impaired. Maybe a windseeker would mean we need some taller coasters too!

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CGA has the height limit, though I guess they could build a 200' version. Not sure about Worlds Of Fun or Valley... how are their numbers doing?


Dominion would be the other possible contender. KD has gotten something (new or used) almost every year so far since Cedar Fair. (Waterpark expansion, Dominator, I305, Planet Snoopy, Giant Wheel & El Dorado, Starlight Spectacular)





Valley has a height limit and is having a great year. They sold more season passes this year before the park opened than they sold all of last year. I would think WoF would get one.

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We WILL get a Windseeker at Worlds of Fun. Or else


WOF does need a good flat, it's been a while since we've gotten an all out thrill and or family type ride that wasn't a coaster. If it's anything like the Star Flyer at SFSL, it'll be a great addition to the skyline of the park. Don't get me wrong, I love Prowler and coasters, but it's time for a windseeker (and a screamin' swing to boot, please!).


Where would I put it? Thunderhawk has been down all season, I say rip it out and plop the Windseeker in near there, if it'll fit. That area of the Americana section of the park is the deadest. The second deadest area (IMO) is Europa. The last new ride added there was Le Carousel in 1979! I'd say after 32 years, it's due for something new. Space would be an issue, though I think.


I love the person who said they'll 'call it' "Carowindseeker". I hereby propose we call it that from here on out. All in favor...



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