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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I have only rode two stand-up coasters, Vortex at Carowinds and Georgia Cyclone at SFoG. Georgia Cyclone is a lot smoother and a lot more fun than Vortex. I like the layout better also. I don't know why Vortex is so rough but It would be more enjoyable if they could smooth the ride out.



The reason why they are different is because Vortex was the second standup B&M ever made in 1992. Scorcher was the last standup B&M ever made in 1999. They had seven years to perfect it. But regardless, I don't think B&M will ever make one again...They're just not popular.

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So now that I have moved to FL for grad school I am really gunna miss all the northeast parks BUT least I have easier access to a whole bunch of parks I've never been to!

I also am taking a vaca back home in mid to late may, and want to stop at Carowinds along the way.


Any advice? Given it's May is it safe to assume the park will be fairly empty especially if I go on a weekday?

Worth getting a fast pass? Would like to do Fury much as possible, but if it may not be needed I'd prefer not to.

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So now that I have moved to FL for grad school I am really gunna miss all the northeast parks BUT least I have easier access to a whole bunch of parks I've never been to!

I also am taking a vaca back home in mid to late may, and want to stop at Carowinds along the way.


Any advice? Given it's May is it safe to assume the park will be fairly empty especially if I go on a weekday?

Worth getting a fast pass? Would like to do Fury much as possible, but if it may not be needed I'd prefer not to.


I got a fast pass in early june last year on a Tuesday. Worth every penny. Even though the park wasn't packed it was walk ons most rides with a fast pass. Where as 30ish minute waits for the big rides otherwise.

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So now that I have moved to FL for grad school I am really gunna miss all the northeast parks BUT least I have easier access to a whole bunch of parks I've never been to!

I also am taking a vaca back home in mid to late may, and want to stop at Carowinds along the way.


Any advice? Given it's May is it safe to assume the park will be fairly empty especially if I go on a weekday?

Worth getting a fast pass? Would like to do Fury much as possible, but if it may not be needed I'd prefer not to.


Here is May's Schedule:


Carowinds May Schedule

Notice that they are only open Fri-Sun, with a couple Thursdays in the middle and of course Memorial Day (when daily operation starts).

Memorial Day would obviously be the busiest day the whole month so I wouldn't suggest that.

The Thursday & Fridays there will likely be education days which will have many school groups, but won't be as busy as when school is out for summer. You should be fine without a fast pass these days. Fridays generally will get busier in the afternoon as schools lets out however.


Of course if it ends up busier than you're comfortable with as far as wait times, you can always get a past pass at the park. I wouldn't prepay for it. Just wait and see so you don't end up wasting $. I went in June last year while school was still in session and saw many people with fast pass and no lines were longer than 10-15 minutes (except Nighthawk was 30). I would have felt cheated, but to each their own if they want to waste it...lol

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So now that I have moved to FL for grad school I am really gunna miss all the northeast parks BUT least I have easier access to a whole bunch of parks I've never been to!

I also am taking a vaca back home in mid to late may, and want to stop at Carowinds along the way.


Any advice? Given it's May is it safe to assume the park will be fairly empty especially if I go on a weekday?

Worth getting a fast pass? Would like to do Fury much as possible, but if it may not be needed I'd prefer not to.


Here is May's Schedule:


Notice that they are only open Fri-Sun, with a couple Thursdays in the middle and of course Memorial Day (when daily operation starts).

Memorial Day would obviously be the busiest day the whole month so I wouldn't suggest that.

The Thursday & Fridays there will likely be education days which will have many school groups, but won't be as busy as when school is out for summer. You should be fine without a fast pass these days. Fridays generally will get busier in the afternoon as schools lets out however.


Of course if it ends up busier than you're comfortable with as far as wait times, you can always get a past pass at the park. I wouldn't prepay for it. Just wait and see so you don't end up wasting $. I went in June last year while school was still in session and saw many people with fast pass and no lines were longer than 10-15 minutes (except Nighthawk was 30). I would have felt cheated, but to each their own if they want to waste it...lol


Nah I obviously don't want to get one and was hoping to hear something like this. Thanks!

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I went to the park Friday, May 1st, 2015 and the lines for Fury were no longer than 30 minutes. I ended up riding it 28 times that day along with all of the other coasters as well. The park got significantly less crowded after the school groups left around 6pm so the Fury wait was almost non-existent. It was an awesome day. I was also at the park the next day on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 and the lines for Fury were over an hour.

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Today was media day for the Plants VS. Zombies Garden Warfare 3Z attraction premiering at Carowinds well . . . tomorrow! We should all know most of what it is about so on to the pictures!




In case you were wondering what was going on . . .



It appears Super Brainz will be a character roaming this area.



The stage is set.



First up, the GM Brad Marcy said the typical theme park stuff.



Then he was followed by members of the PR department, Laresa Thompson and John Taylor




Afterwards the rep from PopCap games gave some insight of the attraction.



Then it was time for some confetti . . .



Lots of confetti!



Lets go see what it's all about.



Lots of posters line the fence.



An overview of the renovated area . . .




That's one big fan!



The pre-show is of Dr. Zomboss who is trying to steal golden gnomes from the plants and their leader.



Lets go inside and take our seats!



ANother overview.



Lets get started!



I have to say, they did a really great job setting the tone and it looks nothing like what it use to. Now, you see how the two screens are split with the same scenes but different characters on each screen.



You can see here how the sets are pretty diagonal from each other. You really cannot see what is going on with the other players.



Even Super Brainz got in on some of the action!



Not sure if the lights change between who won or not . . .



The arcade has been retrofitted into a store.




I think these has something to do with who wins or not. I forgot . . .




Overall, I really liked this experience. It's like the triotech rides but just stationary. It also seemed kinda intimate and didn't feel like you were in a theme park so I guess that is a good thing if you need a break. It's definitely an experience for groups of friends as no two times are alike. The game characters change with each cycle so you wont be able to memorize it.

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Well i made it to Season Pass Preview Night...I didn't expect that many people to be there! It was my first time attending. It was like a busy Saturday, but on a Thursday!


I was only able to ride Fury twice, Intimidator and Carolina Cobra once. Probably could have ridden more, but i only stayed for about two hours.


Operations were painfully slow at Intimdator(3 trains), the ride ops at Fury (3 trains) were rocking and rolling, they had their act together. Cobra actually moved pretty fast to...maybe a 15-20 min wait.

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Unfortunately, Carowinds has been removed from our planned trips this year due to the Pro-Discrimination legislation that was just passed in NC. Half of the park is in NC. Not a $ will be spend in NC this year by us.


lol, your loss. I'll post some pictures of Fury325 for you when I go later this Spring. Save your political/social issues comments for other boards.

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Hey prozy, just because you are of the privileged class that doesn't have to worry about going somewhere you don't have to be in fear or be discriminated against for who you are, please top with the P/A attitude. Post all the pics you want. There are plenty of other coasters just as good, if not better in places where everyones $ is welcome without predjudice.

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Unfortunately, Carowinds has been removed from our planned trips this year due to the Pro-Discrimination legislation that was just passed in NC. Half of the park is in NC. Not a $ will be spend in NC this year by us.

Just go thru South gate and never cross the state line!

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Unfortunately, Carowinds has been removed from our planned trips this year due to the Pro-Discrimination legislation that was just passed in NC. Half of the park is in NC. Not a $ will be spend in NC this year by us.

Just go thru South gate and never cross the state line!



It's sad, but our government is bought and paid for by corporations these days. They don't work for the people. The best way to get action is to hit the corporations in the pocket. Only then will anyone with actual influence put pressure on these corporate puppets in government. A tourist destination like Carowinds could have some influence.

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