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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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  ThemeParkJunkie51290 said:
Well, change of plans. I guess I want be able to make opening weekend, but I plan on being there Easter weekend (4-5-15). I just hope that Sunday want be as busy, but it doesn't matter because I'll have a Fast Lane Plus. Anybody know is Easter Weekend slow, or not?

Good luck! (Sunday is basically Saturday with an earlier closing time)

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  tarheel1231 said:
  ThemeParkJunkie51290 said:
Well, change of plans. I guess I want be able to make opening weekend, but I plan on being there Easter weekend (4-5-15). I just hope that Sunday want be as busy, but it doesn't matter because I'll have a Fast Lane Plus. Anybody know is Easter Weekend slow, or not?

Good luck! (Sunday is basically Saturday with an earlier closing time)

Really? I'm not to happy about that. I thought it would be slow. Well, another date . . . *Sigh*

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^I think the best time to go would be on a school day a few weeks after the opening of Fury 325 so the crowds will be died down, plus you would save a lot of money since you probably wont be needing a fast lane plus pass.



This is why you never link to the webcam:


Edited by nicman
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  nicman said:
^I think the best time to go would be on a school day a few weeks after the opening of Fury 325 so the crowds will be died down, plus you would save a lot of money since you probably wont be needing a fast lane plus pass.



This is way you never link to the webcam:

OK! I might have to rearrange.

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Easter Sunday back the year Intimidator opened was a slow day. It's line never got over 10 minutes and really the only rides that saw line longer than that were Nighthawk and maybe Ricochet. Afterburn was a walk on every time I rode it. It's actually a good day to visit parks.

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  CoasterGuy06 said:
Easter Sunday back the year Intimidator opened was a slow day. It's line never got over 10 minutes and really the only rides that saw line longer than that were Nighthawk and maybe Ricochet. Afterburn was a walk on every time I rode it. It's actually a good day to visit parks.

Well, I decided to just keep the day 4-5-15. Thanks.

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I was going to say the same thing. Sundays are very much slow in the early months. Not until school is out which is June here is when it picks up but its still not worse than a Saturday being I go almost 3 to 4x a week any day but Saturday.

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I'm planning on taking the family up to Carowinds in early June. I planning on going on a Monday or Tuesday. Will one day be enough time to experience the park on a weekday?


Also, any information on where to stay and where not to stay would be greatly appreciated.




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One day is enough but if you wanna do the water park as well I would plan on two, well 1 1/2. If you just wanna do the coaster and major water park things then yeah one day is enough...if you wanna do everything and not feel rushed shoot for the second day. Its lots of hotels right at the entrance that are pretty affordable.

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  Khat26 said:
I'm planning on taking the family up to Carowinds in early June. I planning on going on a Monday or Tuesday. Will one day be enough time to experience the park on a weekday?


Also, any information on where to stay and where not to stay would be greatly appreciated.





Whether you need one day or two depends. How large is the family? What are the ages of the kids? I know with families meals, bathroom breaks, naps and games take some time.

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  larrygator said:
  Khat26 said:
I'm planning on taking the family up to Carowinds in early June. I planning on going on a Monday or Tuesday. Will one day be enough time to experience the park on a weekday?


Also, any information on where to stay and where not to stay would be greatly appreciated.





Whether you need one day or two depends. How large is the family? What are the ages of the kids? I know with families meals, bathroom breaks, naps and games take some time.



I'll be traveling with my wife and 7 year old daughter. My daughter is 51'' inches right now so she'll limited on what she can ride. My wife doesn't ride as much stuff as she used to, so I'll probably be riding some stuff solo. We won't be visiting the water park.


Does Carowinds offer Starlight tickets? I checked their site and didn't see any mention of them. If they do, that'll give us about a day and a half at the park, should be plenty of time.


I saw there are hotels within walking distance to the park. Any suggestions would help out a ton.


I have to take the wife to Myrtle Beach for three days after Carowinds. I'm trying to make the most out of my part of the vacation.


Thanks again

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  Khat26 said:
  larrygator said:
  Khat26 said:
I'm planning on taking the family up to Carowinds in early June. I planning on going on a Monday or Tuesday. Will one day be enough time to experience the park on a weekday?


Also, any information on where to stay and where not to stay would be greatly appreciated.





Whether you need one day or two depends. How large is the family? What are the ages of the kids? I know with families meals, bathroom breaks, naps and games take some time.



I'll be traveling with my wife and 7 year old daughter. My daughter is 51'' inches right now so she'll limited on what she can ride. My wife doesn't ride as much stuff as she used to, so I'll probably be riding some stuff solo. We won't be visiting the water park.


Does Carowinds offer Starlight tickets? I checked their site and didn't see any mention of them. If they do, that'll give us about a day and a half at the park, should be plenty of time.


I saw there are hotels within walking distance to the park. Any suggestions would help out a ton.


I have to take the wife to Myrtle Beach for three days after Carowinds. I'm trying to make the most out of my part of the vacation.


Thanks again


If you're speaking of tickets after 4pm yes, though they haven't updated the website. If they do tickets are normally like 25-28 dollars online.

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