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Colossus (Thorpe Park) Question

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Has anyone ridden Colossus at Thorpe park? If so, how is the ride? I mean, it is only 90 some odd feet tall and reaches 45 mph, so how are the inversions. Also, is it like inversion after inversion, or are there moments of airtime and such along the way? Is it a good ride, or is it something that was thrown together to get 10 inversions in. I never hear discussion on rides like these 2, so I was just really curious.

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I have been on it. It vibrates like anything, but I like it. If it was smooth then it would be boring. You get some mild airtime on that little bunny hop between the loop and the cobra roll.


The themeing is decent on it and the theme music is decent too. I would give it a 8/10. Colossus just needs a clean and a paint.

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I was a little disappointed in Colossus, frankly. When I rode it a few years ago, it seemed a bit rough, and I really felt it could do with a few less inversions. But a lot of people in our group loved it.

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Depending which train you get and where you sit it can be a fairly rough or smooth ride. Apart from one little bunny hop there is not much airtime. It can feel like the inversions are crammed in but that can also make it fun-the twists at the end. There are also some head choppy bits after the bunny hop, along the twists and especially the final twist just above the ground at the end. There is a lot of hangtime in the ride, the themeing is pretty good but it can feel a bit slow at times, as if it hasn't got the energy to make it through. Needs a paint now though, its starting to look dirty and faded.


Twisted Pleasure

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I'd rate it 'just OK' even though it's made by Intamin (!). With the exception of the bunny hill after the loop it really is just inversion after inversion (although the ride area is reasonably nicely landscaped). There have always been problems with vibrations / roughness which don't really help things. The 4 heartline rolls in a row are taken fairly slowly and personally just make me a bit dizzy, although the 5th and final heartline is fun for its disorientation factor (being taken in the opposite direction) - that was a Wardley-ism wasn't it?


Coupled with the breakdowns / long wait times (even on quiet days - I never could work that out) whenever I'm there I tend to skip it, I'm afraid.




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I have rode it.


I actually find Colossus to be quite enjoyable. But as MG said it depends on where abouts in the train you ride.


For a smooth ride it has to be the front row but for a rougher ride nearer the back would be the best idea.


The only part of airtime that I have experienced is the bunny hop between the exit to the loop and the entrance to the cobra roll. The Cobra Roll is slightly rough wherever you sit in my opinion.

The inversions are a little crammed together. The 5 in-line twists are very good. They can make you slightly dizzy. The last in-line right before the break run is always a good one to catch you out as very few people know that it is there. It is also quite a good head chopper.


As already mentioned it does indeed need a clean up and a paint now a days, but other than that I find it enjoyable and a decent 10 inversion ride.

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Coupled with the breakdowns / long wait times (even on quiet days - I never could work that out) whenever I'm there I tend to skip it, I'm afraid.




It often gets busy on quiet days since Thorpe reduce the no. of trains to one, considerably extending the queue time. It does suffer from quite a few breakdowns but so does every ride at Thorpe Park. It is best to ride when the park is busy enough to warrant two trains but quiet enough so there isn't a queue

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Iv rode it alot, and i personally rank it as one of my favorite coasters.


It can be a bit rough depending where you sit, but some of the inversions are great, especially the first loop after what i believe is a good first drop. You do notice the lack of speed near the end, and the 5 inline twists can hurt sometimes!


But there are some parts where you duck and i've under the building and they are great.


I think its a great coaster, and lack of speed doesn't affect it much.

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It's not great...


3rd best coaster at Thorpe, and it used to be smooth for the first two seasons... Then the trains were changed for some reason (Need to look at why again) so I think it got worse because of the newer trains...


So now it should really think about getting some aspirin in the shop instead of the random much sold there normally...

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You get some mild airtime on that little bunny hop between the loop and the cobra roll.


It was good while it lasted.


I like its setting with the main walkway and queue line though the middle of it. And the oil spewing out if the top of the lift hill chain is a delicacy in these parts

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Colossus is a coaster when i'm at Thorpe, I'm not borthed if I don't ride it or not. Personally I hate the vibrations during the ride, find the last 5 heartline rolls boring, and the hate the Assault course I have getting in/out of the train due mine height and the Bulkiness of the Restraints. It may of put Thorpe Park on the Map for Coasters, but it doesn't ride like it used to be back in 2002.


it used to be smooth for the first two seasons... Then the trains were changed for some reason (Need to look at why again) so I think it got worse because of the newer trains


The trains haven't been replace stance it been open in 2002 (apart from the otsrs in its 1st season), I think it to do with the certain type of wheels it uses in varied weather conditions

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I was disappointed after hearing about the ten inversions on Colossus. I had never seen pictures of this coaster before I visited back in '05, so when we drove into the parking lot, I guess that I expected bigger than a 90 foot lift hill. It wasn't too bad in the front seat, but definitely is not ranked in my top twenty steel coasters.


The park was okay overall, but what was up with the park closing at like 5 or 6:00 PM?? There were a few more rides that I would have liked to have ridden, but next thing you know, everyone is headed for the exits!


To be honest, I wished that we would have drove a little farther and went to Alton Towers for the day.

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I rode it last on 31st Oct 07 during the Halloween Event, the ride layout is fine but it can be rough and vibrates alot. The train slows down just before the 4 in-line twist so your shoulders fall to the OHR which can lead to some bruising if ridden a few times in a row.


The worst area is the "Cobra Roll", as the train is coming off the 2nd inversion you can hear some squealing which sounds like metal on metal rubbing / grinding.


The best part of the layout is the reverse low "inline twist" (try to touch the ground) just before the brakes.


All in all it is a good ride at TP but it needs a paint job and somehow produce a smoother ride esp at the back.


TP should remove the OHR and have lapbars for a more enjoyable ride.

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Well, I say it's ok but not bothered about it. Thorpe Park (or) THORPE PARK as Merlin Media now call it, make a huge deal out of it. Say, the pride and joy of the perk but, I don't see much greatness in te ride anyway.


If you enjoy blowing your brains out of your skull, and at the last minute having your head blown off and a spectator with an open jaw catch it then it's the ride for you! Ok, ok, a little OTT! Ok, a huge exageration. But still, it is as rough as going over Mount Everst in a car with hexagonal wheels. It is not that bad at the front, but NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS ride on the back car. Even on the dcent, you bruise your head.


A good thing about the ride is the very last bit, firstly because it's all over and you know there isn't a chance of your skull cracking even more, but mainly because of the low to the ground in-line twist! Very fun trying to touch the groung.


Overall, the roughest ride I have been on but give it a go. You either love it or you hate it!

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