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What is your local park?

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Greeley Colorado. About 50 miles north of Denver. Which means my home park Elitch Gardens is 50 miles away. Also Lakeside is nifty lil park too. Its half kiddy park and adult park, ehhh more like a permanant carnival! But they have an fun old roller coaster called Cyclone. It doesnt have any lapbars. It just has a loose chain belt that sits limp across your lap.


I used to live in So Cal about three years ago. Knotts, Disneyland and SFMM were my home parks. I lived in Anaheim, Knotts and Disneyland were like 5-10 min away from where I lived and SFMM was like an hour or so away.

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A truly sad state of affairs for me unless you're big on Pinfari. My home park is "M&Ds - Scotland's Theme Park" which is about a ten minute drive from me (I'm just outside Glasgow). About 40 minutes away is Loudon Castle Theme Park.

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i live in Baden-Württemberg, Germany


my home park is "Tripsdrill", 20 minutes away from here.

it's a small traditional beautiful themed and landscaped park between the swabian vineyards


the next parks are - holiday park (about 1hr)

- europa park (about 2 1/2 hrs)

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When I lived in Duesseldorf my local parks were Phantasialand and Movie World (each 45 min by car) but since I live in Emden my local park is Heide Park Soltau ( > 4 hours by train). But this year I had no chance to visit it.

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I'm from Holland and my local parks are:

Hellendoorn - 30 minutes

Slagharen - 30 minutes

Walibi World - 80 Minutes

Efteling - 100 minutes


Outside Holland:

Movie Park Germany - 40 minutes

Phantasialand - 120 minutes

Disneyland Resort Paris - 360 minutes

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Just like Yero (also themepark.nl member) i am from Holland.

The town where i live is Lelystad. the nearest park for me is Walibi World, about 20 minutes away, an other (big) park will be 'De Efteling' about 70 minutes. also there are some small parks, but it think that a park like 'Koniging Juliana Toren' is not that interesting

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