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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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Bring on the reversing log flumes. The US needs one.


Although I love Kennywood, but I will reserve judgment until further notice.


I mean the old regime changed Old Mill to Garfield and got rid of the GoldRusher (among other recent changes).


So let's be careful and remember that the old Kennywood was not above making changes that pissed off many enthusiasts opposed to change.

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  Zen Coaster said:
Enjoyed visiting it on the Midwest Trip - didn't have much energy to do too much that day but still, it was charming in a lot of spots.


There were so many people from the Midwest Trip recovering and hung over from staying up all night at Cedar Point... lol glad I got my winks in to enjoy the park before any major changes take place...


It was a nice place but I'm not sure I would go out of my way to visit again.



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Wow, it's one of those situations where you have 2 ways to look at it...one being that a larger corporation has aquired small privately owned historic parks that are now at risk of being altered from their nostalgic state. Kennywood has so many gems and it would be a great shame to lose any of them, as do all of the other parks...the very first woodie I ever rode was the Wildcat at Lake Compounce. But on the other hand the best thing to do is look forward with a positive outlook that hopefully nothing classic is removed and perhaps some exciting new coasters are added. Here's hoping for the best

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This is awesome. Maybe this company will put in that needed B&M, or maybe even a Stunt Fall clone. While the old owners were always liked by me and everyone else and this is a sad thing, I think it was time for a change. I, honestly was getting pretty bored of the same old thing every year.

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What worries me most would be a rapid expansion. Parks like Story Land, Idlewild, and Lake Compounce would be ruined if they had large amounts of money pushed in to them quickly. The way Kennywood Entertainment handled the rebuilding of Lake Compounce was excellent because they moved at a slow an steady pace. (after 1997)

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Is it just me? It seems as though the current generation of the family are out to make a quick buck instead of having to put years of hard work into making money like their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. before them had done. Its like these people who try to get their parents commited so they can get their hands on their inhertance earlier! I think that this sale is the current family slapping all of their ancestors squarely in the face.

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  BeemerBoy said:
^ I hear there's another once non-corporate park near you that's in for a big change next year....and certainly promises to be "something different."


I'm sorry, I don't follow.


Kennywood does need another big coaster and they need to stop fooling around with these small rides. They need it mainly to draw people away from other rides, going in July or August, the lines are always too long. Racer is spilling out past the shooting gallery, it's an hour for the Log Jammer, Thunderbolt is full (although that moves quick), Phantom's 3 mile long bridge is full, then you get to the station which is ridiculous, Jack Rabbit is full, and Exterminator is full inside and outside. It's not worth waiting that long for something you've been on numerous times, hence why I said it's become a boring place to go because there's nothing else to do in that case.


Besides, no matter what they do or add, I don't think Kennywood would ever become like, say, Geauga Lake. Only because Kennywood is the only park to go to around here. The nearest "big" park is 3 hours away, which is long enough away.

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I see this as both good and bad:


First, the bad: It's sad that another classic park is gone, and with that, the park risks losing its charm and instead becoming just another corporate park.


On the other hand, this could be a very good thing for the park. With it being a corporate park, more capital can be spent on new rides, there could be new mascots,(why would they pick Garfield?) and the park could start to resemble a European park more than an American park.


The same goes for the other parks in the chain that were bought.


Airtime-Abismo at Lake Compounce-&Gravity

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IDLEWILD IS GOING CORPORATE?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! My home park, known for it's charm, Voted #2 best kid's park, home to the world's only Vekoma Mouse(Ok, maybe THAT's not the best thing...), the world's only Caterpillar ride, A Classic Coaster, and many more are reasons why I love that park. Knowing it's corporate will only make me feel weird every time I go there. If the remove my precious mouse, I will SCREAM!!!!!!!*




*My Reasoning: Both times went this year (June & October) it was closed!

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  BrownStreak said:
Is it just me? It seems as though the current generation of the family are out to make a quick buck instead of having to put years of hard work into making money like their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. before them had done. Its like these people who try to get their parents commited so they can get their hands on their inhertance earlier! I think that this sale is the current family slapping all of their ancestors squarely in the face.


I'm in mild agreement on the argument you're making, but my guess is that the company received an offer that was probably the highest they've ever received and they had to send the offer to the 100 or so partners and the partners voted to sell. Those living outside of the Pittsburgh area probably have little emotional stake in the park and any feelings of guilt are assuaged by the fact that the current management remains in place and they're not putting any family members out of work by accepting the offer.


For the Spanish company, they now have a toe-hold in the U.S. and the strength of the Euro probably made it bargain. Don't be shocked if more foreign operators buy U.S. parks. Walibi World Over Texas anyone?



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  DaveH80 said:
But on the other hand the best thing to do is look forward with a positive outlook that hopefully nothing classic is removed and perhaps some exciting new coasters are added. Here's hoping for the best

I know this is the pessimist in me speaking, but I gotta ask the question - has there ever been an example of a smaller park that was taken over by a larger corporation that resulted in a better park?


I can't think of one....


  spaceace12 said:
I don't think there will be a buy out of Holiday World in my life. The Koch's would hopefully never do something like this.

Same thing was said about the Knott family. Did anyone ever think they would sell? Did anyone ever think that Kennywood would sell? I don't think anyone saw this coming!


What you have to remember is that it's all about a business deal at the end of the day.


Hypothetically speaking, who knows if 20 or 30 years down the line the Koch family just simply gets "tired" of running a park and wants to be able to live a very comfortable life for them and future generations without ever having to work again?


How many of us here, if given the opportunity, would take it?


It disappoints me that the Knott family sold out. It disappoints me that Kennywood sold out. But I can completely appreciate the reasons for doing so.



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Like mostly everyone else, I don't like this one bit. While it may seem good to some extent, I'm not so sure how Kennywood will benefit in the long run. Their business sense may work for the European parks, but I don't see how Kennywood will be able to preserve its traditional classic American charm while still meshing with modern times. Plus I just hope this place doesn't turn out like Six Flags in the late 90s, buying every park in sight and then having to sell them off after dumping too much money into them in an attempt to attract a wider clientele. The last thing I'd want to see is Kennywood getting sold off to Cedar Fair or Six Flags in another 5 years, same with Idlewild and Compounce.

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This company is going to put such a squeeze on the Kennywood parks that eventually service is going to fall and then everything that comes with it. Mark my words, yes the same management will be in place but they will be put in positions where it's almost impossible for them to run their parks the way they have been and should be. This company exemplifies corporate America. They're gonna demand blood from a stone.


Just my thoughts.....



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  CoasterPete said:
This company is going to put such a squeeze on the Kennywood parks that eventually service is going to fall and then everything that comes with it. Mark my words, yes the same management will be in place but they will be put in positions where it's almost impossible for them to run their parks the way they have been and should be. This company exemplifies corporate America. They're gonna demand blood from a stone.


How does a Spanish company exemplify corporate America?

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