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p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I really didn't think there could be credit whores out there worse than Jeff Johnson but here come the Disneyland Fanboys to once again make me hang my head in shame!!!


Where is Jeff Johnson!??! Certainly want to hear your take on this!


I'm not Jeff Johnson, but I think that Space Mountain counts as 24 credits. Or, if you really want me to get technical, 288.

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So if a wood coaster has been retracted and has new trains it would count as a new coaster? Seems like fuzzy logic to me. The entire structure is the same, the entire layout is the same.


Seems like someone just wants to make their epeen bigger, sorta pointless to me.

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the biggest change is in the PLC. With Siemens (teeheee) taking over as the PLC supplier from Allan Bradly new installs require entirely different sensor configurations. That means on a coaster like Screamin new sensor bars welded to the structure. On thunder they cant do that without making changes to certain track sections. Add in the fact that the LIMs used on it are getting harder and harder to get and the time ironworkers are spending on it and with all their expense tracking in the TDA building, a big refit/refurb/rebuild becomes a good option. Much like what just happened at Indy, it also gives Safety a good chance to get in and poke around on fall restraint/fall arrest and Ride Access compliance. Not to mention the ADA access problem thats already been announced (widening the exit platforms so there is more room for wheelchairs).


And if any of that sounded dry and lame to you, welcome to every meeting we have in Facilities at the resort.

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So if a wood coaster has been retracted and has new trains it would count as a new coaster? Seems like fuzzy logic to me. The entire structure is the same, the entire layout is the same.


Seems like someone just wants to make their epeen bigger, sorta pointless to me.


No...thunder in being removed. The only thing that will be left is the rocks. The entire coaster is being removed and then replaced down to the bolts in the footers and even some footers! It's a total replacement. Thats the reason I'm counting it... It's a totay new coaster. This is no different then counting a batman clone as separate credits.

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Hey So has anybody been able to attend the AP Candlelight Procession? I 'was not selected' to attend this year, but my friend was down there and saw it from the outside. He reports that there is no procession or candles. Based on that information, I'm okay with being excluded. Especially because BTM will be a new credit next year!


No but seriously, has anybody gone to this? What was it and did it make you feel special?

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I think the procession is just the first one of the day. They definitely come down main street at some points.


I didn't enter for the seats since I knew it was unlikely I would make it down. Plus it's not something I'm overly interested in. I watched a little of Neil Patrick Harris doing it at Epcot a couple weeks ago and didn't really see the appeal, and I typically love Christmas celebrations at theme parks.

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Well I just mean there is nothing obviously wrong with the track or trains, but clearly the computer system could be better.


What engineering degree or insider information do you have that the track and trains from 1979 are in perfectly working condition and need no refurb???


And please enlighten us everything you know about the computer system and what is wrong with is and why it could be better.


Well I'm just throwing things out there just like anyone else.


I've experienced a couple times where the ride has to be completely reset, and trains taken off and put back on because trains weren't dispatched in some sort of time window. If a train is in the station longer than, lets just say 1 minute, then that messes something up for some reason and that train then has to be sent backwards into the storage area. One of the times I witnessed this I was on the train that took too long because of some screaming kid, and then had to get back out and wait while they did this. The last time I was there I was with a handicapped person and they make sure your capable of getting on and of the ride quickly before they let you onto the platform to get on.


You can call me an idiot all you want, I really don't have first hand knowledge like I said, but I think there is more to this than it needs to be replaced because it's had so many operational hours or any other preventative reason. Maybe there are other plans for the trains that will add significant weight, necessitating track replacement like increasing capacity or something or because people are fatter than they used to be, who knows, I'm just trowing things out there. We'll see what happens when it happens.

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Hey So has anybody been able to attend the AP Candlelight Procession? I 'was not selected' to attend this year, but my friend was down there and saw it from the outside. He reports that there is no procession or candles. Based on that information, I'm okay with being excluded. Especially because BTM will be a new credit next year!


No but seriously, has anybody gone to this? What was it and did it make you feel special?


I think the procession is just the first one of the day. They definitely come down main street at some points.


I didn't enter for the seats since I knew it was unlikely I would make it down. Plus it's not something I'm overly interested in. I watched a little of Neil Patrick Harris doing it at Epcot a couple weeks ago and didn't really see the appeal, and I typically love Christmas celebrations at theme parks.


I was thinking, what kind of Candlelight Processional is it with no candles, and no procession! I'm surprised no one has talked about the world's most amazing, delicious, worth a five hour wait candy canes!

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Can we go back to talking about something less dumb, like Ariel's ice cream cone hair or Luigi's missing balls?

Yes, please.


If it helps, TPR's "official stance" on the matter is that Big Thunder Mountain is *NOT* two credits. Neither is Space Mountain. So take that for what it's worth. Elissa and I have some of the most experience of anyone in the world riding roller coasters, and we wouldn't count it as two credits.


--Robb "I would SERIOUSLY question the judgement of anyone that did." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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I was thinking, what kind of Candlelight Processional is it with no candles, and no procession! I'm surprised no one has talked about the world's most amazing, delicious, worth a five hour wait candy canes!


They started looking less delicious once I learned that Guy Fieri has tainted their kitchen with his presence.

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If it helps, TPR's "official stance" on the matter is that Big Thunder Mountain is *NOT* two credits. Neither is Space Mountain. So take that for what it's worth. Elissa and I have some of the most experience of anyone in the world riding roller coasters, and we wouldn't count it as two credits.


Not to disagree with you, I wouldn't count them twice in my total either, but I personally take note of whether I rode it before and or after a significant rebuild like what Space Mountain went though and what Big Thunder will be going though.


The best sort of analogy I can think of for where I'm coming from has to do with rebuilding cars. When a car is restored it is considered an original as long as it has the original chassis. Literally EVERY other part on a car can be replaced and it will still be considered the same car, once the chassis is replaced it is no longer the original car even if literally EVERY other part of the car is the original part. So no matter how many times a race car has crashed and the engine, body panels and suspension have been replaced dozens of times, it's still the same car as long as it's the same chassis.


So with that same sorta idea applied to coasters, re-tracking: same ride. new trains: same ride, complete reconstruction of every single component: different ride.


I know where your coming from, since it's the same layout in the exact same location, but from an engineering standpoint it is completely new (even if it were to be built to the exact same specification) and that is why I make note of it.

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I'm finding all this talk about credits amusing but personally if I had to give my opinion on the matter I would go by the stance of if the layout has been changed, then it would be a new credit. If its the same layout but with new trains and track etc., then its still the same credit and doesn't count as an additional one. As far as noting that you got the chance to ride the old version then the new version (what Slushie stated), I agree with that.

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If it helps, TPR's "official stance" on the matter is that Big Thunder Mountain is *NOT* two credits. Neither is Space Mountain. So take that for what it's worth. Elissa and I have some of the most experience of anyone in the world riding roller coasters, and we wouldn't count it as two credits.
Not to disagree with you, I wouldn't count them twice in my total either, but I personally take note of whether I rode it before and or after a significant rebuild like what Space Mountain went though and what Big Thunder will be going though.



So with that same sorta idea applied to coasters, re-tracking: same ride. new trains: same ride, complete reconstruction of every single component: different ride.


I know where your coming from, since it's the same layout in the exact same location, but from an engineering standpoint it is completely new (even if it were to be built to the exact same specification) and that is why I make note of it.

Don't think you're telling me things we aren't aware of. We've been on about 1,500 different roller coasters, have friends that design them for a living, and I have been riding roller coasters since 1976.


I don't care if you "disagree" with me or not, I'm just letting you know what our official stance on the matter is, and if you choose to disagree with some of the most seasoned roller coaster riders on the planet, that's fine. But I'm still going to judge you, laugh at you, and say you're being totally ridiculous in counting them twice.


--Robb "Has all of SoCal turned into Jeff Johnson???" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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I went to Disneyland yesterday to check out Indiana Jones after the much-needed refurb and it looks significantly better than it was before. Like the reviews said, there were no significant additions. The biggest additions added to the ride were new lighting effects and enhancements and an extended dart corridor. The new lighting looks amazing and really made the ride look like it was 1995 again when the ride first opened. The demon in the skull room inside the idol of Mara looks much better now and the projections in the bug room and rat room look much improved.


Not only did they do a new paint job and enhance the lighting and projections, but they fixed all of the old effects...well, most of them at least. The snake still doesn't move nearly as fast as he did when the ride first opened and the falling ice was not fixed. The vehicles aren't even nearly as rough as what they used to be. Besides all of that, the boulder is working pretty well once again, all of the skeletons are in full working order, both of Mara's eyes are smoking in the hall of promise, and the Indy animatronics look much better.


Overall, Indiana Jones is much better after the refurb. Not very many new enhancements added, but just a simple spruce-up, which was what the ride has needed DESPERATELY for a long time. Sure, it would've been nice to add some new scenes to replace the rat and bug rooms, I'm glad to see the ride fixed and in pretty much full-working order. With the biggest effects in working order again, Indy has retained top spot on my list for my favorite ride at Disneyland and my favorite dark ride.

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I thought Indy looked a lot better, however the ball effect still looks the same as it has for the last year and a half. I may have missed some other parts, the little snot in front of me was having a flash photo facebook shoot with himself. Would have ridden again but it was BUSY yesterday. A Monday! Sheesh!

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