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Son of Rambow 9/10


Almost perfect nostaglia movie about the love of seeing a movie for the first time and the impact that it had on you. For me it was Stand By Me, For the little boy in the film it was Rambo.

This movie is hilarious almost throughout its entire run but it does express the seriousness of being isolated from the modern world.

I highly recommend that if it play in your area that you pay the 9.00 for some fun.


Second best movie of the year for me behind Snow Angels.

Comes close to the level of Millions for being just WONDERFUL.

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Sweeny Todd - 9.5/10


First off, Johnny Depp sings. Wow? I'm still not convinced that was actually him singing. Second, it was a fantastic movie. The songs were very good, the acting was also good, and the gore factor didn't really get to me. In fact, the only part that grossed me out was when Sweeny Todd killed the judge. The only reason I gave it a 9.5 instead of a 10 is because he killed Ms. Lovett! Not to mention the way it all went down. Overall, it was a bit bloody but very good.

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^Well, the whole point was Sweeney taking revenge for not only 15 years in prison but the death of his wife. It makes sense that he would take revenge on Mrs. Lovett because if it hadn't been for her, he might have had some happiness left.

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^^Well, first of all, that isn't the movie's fault. That was in the book, which means it was in the play, which means it was in the musical.

But what you have to remember is that Sweeney is not a sane man. That, I think is the only problem with the performances of Depp and Bonham-Carter in the movie - they're not crazy enough! If you listen to the orignal cast recording with Angela Lansbury as Lovett and Len Cariou as Todd, you'll see what I mean. Cariou is deliciously terrifying in Epiphany.

Anyway, Sweeney is a brooding, vengeful person who obviously doesn't mind killing. A character like his would not hesitate to murder a person, even if that person were an old friend.

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Hulk, a reboot (wtf does that mean) of the 2003 Hulk movie is being released this summer. Edward Norton is starring in this new Hulk film, but it is essentially the same plot as the 2003 movie. Why are they doing this??

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I'm going to see Invasion of the Body Snatchers and maybe A Tale of Two Sisters soon.


A Tale of Two Sister's is a really good film. I had to watch it twice and there are some really good effective creepy scenes in it. It's now in my DVD collection. It's headed for an American (mauling) remake... I guess I should wait and see.

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Just got back from Narnia. While it was a great movie, I don't think it quite lived up to it's sister movie. One plus was that there was 2 big battles in Prince Caspian compared to the one in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. The movie was also full of humor.



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Stephen King's -- The Mist


I watched this once the other day, and I decided to watch it again. But I noticed something at the end of the movie (which has probably been mentioned). Remember the woman who leaves the supermarket to go get her kids who are home alone? At the end of the movie, when the army and refugees go by, she is on it! With her kids! I was amazed that she lived!

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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian


I really enjoyed this movie. The tone was much darker in this than the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, so it's obvious they were trying to appeal to older audiences. And they pulled it off marvelously, with epic battle scenes, some good humor, and as always, great special effects. I didn't read the book, but the story in the movie was brilliant in my opinion. It seemed to drag on a little bit in some places, but I highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for a great film. Oh, and you can NEVER argue with a movie that has a talking badger. That's right, BADGER.


Overall Score: 9/10

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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian




I love Narnia and this movie was no exception. I like the first one a bit more due to the heavier biblical references. I was also confused on why Aslan waited so long to return and where he was for the past 1300 years.


I also saw this today. I really enjoyed it and I'm actually not quite sure which one I think was better as far as the story line goes. I think Aslan waited so long because he was testing them to see how if they would give up faith. You can tell that their faith was being tested especially in the part where the ice queen is trying to 'help' out. At that point you could even see Michael beginning to contemplate letting her help since he felt alone. And the younger girl kept making references about opening their eyes and minds and remember that he is still with them.


My only gripe with the movie was the song at the very end. I know they were using the song to explain what everyone was supposed to be feeling but they really should have just kept with a musical score. That song brought the movie down from a slightly more sophisticated level.



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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Overall a good Indy flick, with good callbacks to previous films (notably Raiders). Well done action sequences and such, although I think hardcore fans won't like the use of CGI (surprisingly a lot of CGI used, even after Spielberg said more stuntwork would be done to make this film feel like the 80's trilogy). Also, without spoiling, the plot twist feels out of place... if you know what I mean.


It's still a good popcorn flick. 8.5/10

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


LOVED it. Spielberg has done a good job bringing Indy into the world of the 50s. While the plot isn't quite as elegantly explained as, say, Raiders or Crusade, the film still retains the Saturday matinee feel of the first 3 movies. A certain twist is perhaps a little too predictable, the end twist perhaps out of place depending on the personal interpretation you walk away with & some scenes stretch credibility a little far even for an Indiana Jones flick.


The film would have been better had it incorporated Sean Connery's character but having Marion made up for it quite well. Some nice fan service (particularly one particular sequence witnessed in the trailer) and one particular line Indy delivered referencing another franchise was a hoot. Definitely leaves things open for another film & if they can find some more archaeological treasures to go after then all the better. What happens in the very final scene could lead directly into going off for the next adventure!


I also really like the Mutt character so could stand to see him in another movie or two.


Had the benefit of seeing the movie in a Gold Class cinema (luxury recliners, drinks and food discreetly and quietly brought at the stage of the movie you like) with friends (birthday present to me) & it was an awesome environment.


And Cate Blanchett was a pretty good Russian. Her accent though...well, put it this way. Something had to make all those Nazi ones look good!!!



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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


The ending ruined what was going to be a 9.5/10 movie for me. You can figure it out about halfway through what is coming and its just sad and depressing that Spielberg had to ruin a great movie. Very noticeable CG part made it a little comedic, but still good until the end.



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A friend mine was lucky enough to get a hold of the 2007 Spanish horror film [REC]. The film is about TV reporter Angela and her camera man when they accompany a group of firemen on a call to an apartment complex. Little do Angela and the firemen know, there isn't a fire... but instead, they find a group of f**ed up and murderous zombies. Sounds like your typical horror film, but it isn't. It was almost like a blend between the Blair Witch Project and 28 Days Later. Highly recommended!


**Hollywood noticed the success of [REC] in Europe, and guess what they decided to do? Make a remake of course! The remake (titled "Quarantine") is coming out in October, but I suggest watching the original.


Here's the trailer for Quarantine, the American remake:




Doesn't look bad, but still...


Original ideas please, Hollywood.

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