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Get Smart


Great movie! I couldn't see anybody other than Steve Carell playing the part. I didn't get alot of the tie-ins with the original series (because I've never seen it) but it's not something where you won't "get it" if you've never watched the show. Funny the whole way through.

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Wall-E 10/10


This has to be one of the two greatest Pixar movies of all time (the other being Finding Nemo). No joke, I was completely blown away by the entire thing. It was simply a perfect movie in every aspect of the word. Go see it. Right now.

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So just got back from going to see "WALL-E" and then unexpectadely seeing "Wanted".


WALL-E - Definite 10/10

Disney/Pixar has done it again with a cute, spectacular family movie where we see how we'd turn out if robots controlled everything we did (fat, lazy slobs, in short). It's got a nice plot, and is just all around great. Go see it with your family!


Wanted - 9.5/10

Wanted, after WALL-E, makes you feel like a total man (for all you guys out there). It's full of action, blood, gore, slow-mo, and flippin' sweet special FX. It's got something for the ladies (James Mcavoy in pretty tight pants, and shirtless), and something for the guys (3 words: Angelina Jolie arse). It's just all around AWESOME. Don't bring the kids!

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My domestic box office predictions for this week.


1)Wall-e 65 million

2)Wanted 47.1 million

3)Get Smart 19.7 million

4)The Incredible Hulk 11.3 million

5)Kung Fu Panda 11.1 million



Boxofficemojo says...


Wall-E - 62.5

Wanted - 51.1

Get Smart- 20

Kung Fu Panda - 11.7

The Incredible Hulk - 9.2


So overall I didn't do so bad for a first time.



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I just got back from seeing this, and let me tell you: It is absolutely fantastic. As others have said, the characters are able to keep your attention and grab hold of all your emotions throughout the movie, and there are some really touching scenes. There's also some good humor, and a good lesson towards the end. I recommend it to everybody, it's definitely the best Pixar film ever made, beating even Toy Story and Finding Nemo.



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The Incredible Hulk: 8/10


This is by far superior to the 2003 Hulk, despite awkward acting moments here and there. It really helped to have the big guy actually fight a super villain in this movie.


Iron Man: 9/10


It could have used a little more action, but overall, I was very impressed. Robert Downey brought Tony Stark out of the comic pages, and turned him into a human being. Very well done.

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I saw a trailer for the *shudders* remake.. of The Day The Earth Stood Still... I saw enough.. explosions?! Alien attack?! WTF Hollywood blows.. the original is such a classic... and its yet another cash in turning it into something its not, JUST MAKE A NEW MOVIE! Why attach the name of one of the more classic sci fi flicks so you drag it down with what seems like a knock off!?


Anyway I saw it before Hancock which turned out to be quite entertaining.

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