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^and^^, Iron Man was a serious action movie. The trailer doesn't reveal much of the plot for a reason, for you to go see the movie. I loved this movie. The acting was great. It came from some awesome producers and screenwriters that worked on the Spidey films. I cannot say how much this movie rocked anymore than this. I would honestly like to see this movie at least once more this weekend and I don't usually say that about most films. All in all, this is a great movie.




Hoped that answered your question. Besides, you get to a new Dark Knight and Indy preview. Always fun to hear a dead man talk and walk.

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Ironman 9.5/10


Just like said above, this movie was almost perfect. The action sequences were great and the story was more interesting then I thought. This is my favorite superhero movie. Yes, I like it more than Spiderman. But seriously, the only reason this movie wasn't perfect is the ending SUCKED! IMO, that's up there with Monty Python and the Holy Grail for worst ending ever. But still, the action was great, the story was great, there was an amount of comedy to it, and Robert Downey Jr. impressed me. Go see it, it was awesome.


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Has anyone heard about the new lineup of Marvel movies? Incredible Hulk is coming out this summer. In 2010, we will see Ironman 2. And 2011 is gonna be a great year, we're gonna see both a Captain America movie and an Avengers movie.


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I think I'm gonna go see Ironman again tomorrow. Because I'll be bored and I won't want to see Speed Racer.



I think Speed Racer is going to win the award for biggest bomb of 2008. Without even seeing it, I could tell making this movie was the biggest waste of movie. I usually look for the positives in every movie, but this one just looked bad from the start.

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I just got back from watching Speed Racer. I'd rate it a 4/10. It was really aimed at little kids. I went and watched it with my little brother, and he thought it was good. The best part wasn't even in the movie, it was when all the little kids covered their eyes when they kissed .


Overall, it was suckish.

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I decided to stay home for the night and watch all three Indy movies in a row on USA network. Boy, those movies never get old. They're still my all time favorite movies along with the original three Star Wars movies. Hey, most of my childhood centered around these movies, so they'll always be my favorites.


Raiders of the Lost Ark: 10/10 In my eyes, about as perfect as a movie can be.


Temple of Doom: 9.8/10 Very underrated IMO.


Last Crusade:9.8/10 Nice way to end the series, till 2008 that it.



May 22nd can't get here soon enough for me.

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I have to agree with both of you, Temple of Doom is very underrated. I actually prefer it over Last Crusade. On another note, for thsoe who haven't seen Ironman yet, there is a scene at the end of the credits hinting at the next Ironman. And it invloves Samuel L. Jackson.


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/\ oh do they have one of those "extra" scenes after the credits for Iron man? That sucks, I always wait till the credits end to see if there is anything extra. I had to leave right after Ironman finished though cause I had to be somewhere . Guess I'll have to sneek in and catch the end next time I see a movie.

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