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I just saw The Happening, and it was pretty average. I went in with low expectations, and so I guess I was pleased when there wasn't some horrible alien plot twist at the end. There was a lot of environmentalist bias moments that that kept coming up, and that was kind of annoying (i.e., a shot that contrasts a greenhouse and a nuclear power plant, even though nuclear power plants are generally thought of as clean energy).


Meh, overall it kept me entertained, so I guess it was an ok film.




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You Don't Mess With The Zohan: 5/10


Ok movie, had it's moments. Too long though for what it was, could have been much shorter and still be the same thing. Props to it though for the Mrs. Garret cameo . I'm sure I'll find it much funnier in a year or two when it comes out on TBS/TNT.(To be fair though, I'm not much of a Sandler fan)

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The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters 10/10

This movie is awesome. It is an EXTREMELY well done documentary, I was quite impressed. The conflict between Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell is great, I felt myself rooting for Steve the entire time because he is the underdog. It's such a well done movie, that it is now my favorite. So go grab a fistful of quarters, and watch this movie.


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The Happening


I'm a big Shyamalan fan (minus Lady in the Water and The Village) so I was looking forward to this movie. I had read some bad reviews and general negative word of mouth from people who had been to previews but overall I thought it was a pretty good movie. Not as good as Signs or The Sixth Sense but it kept me entertained. I thought the acting was a bit odd but I think that's what he was aiming for. I recommend this movie to anybody.


Kung Fu Panda


I like Dreamworks Animation movies but this one was a bit off for me. It didn't have the same kind of laugh-out-loud moments some of Dreamworks other movies usually have. It wasn't a bad movie, it had a few good laughs, and the story was great, but something about it wasn't that great. I had to look at my phone to see what time it was because I was getting bored with it. Maybe that's just me though. Overall, okay movie but wouldn't put it on my favorite list.

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The Happening - 2/10


I also just saw the new M. Night Shyamalan film... and I thought it was terrible. The dialogue was laughable and there was an unnecessary amount of gore. All of Shyamalan's films (with maybe the exception of Unbreakable) are just awful. If you want to waste time and money, see this film! Otherwise, avoid at all costs.

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All of Shyamalan's films (with maybe the exception of Unbreakable) are just awful.


I have to sort of second this statement. While I wouldn't say they are completely awful, I don't really understand the draw of his films. They are almost predictable because he does the same type of bizarre twists in all of his movies. And many times, the twist just reduces the film's quality (e.g. the nature of the aliens in Signs).


And all of his movies are advertised as something they are not. They seem to always be billed as the edgiest, most terrifying films of all time, and they all turn out to be moderately suspenseful dramas. I lost interest after The Village and have refused to see one of his films ever since. I'm still puzzled/pissed off as to why that movie was labeled as one of the scariest films ever created.

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^ I personally love Signs. I think it was marketed to be a terrifying thriller because that's what sells, but it wasn't a thriller at all. It has a scary moment or two, but the story is really a simple one: About a former reverend regaining his faith. Aliens, in my opinion, were literally no more than a catalyst or vessel for making that change.




In fact, that was one of the many problems with the Happening. There was no real change in the characters. It was really just, "Let's watch Mark Walberg try not to kill himself" for 90 minutes. That's it. No growth as a character. No change with the audience. It was just 90 minutes of watching him running through fields, with intermittent cutaways to people killing themselves. A weak plotline, in my opinion.





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The Happening


One of the most painfully bad and awkward films I have ever seen. 98% of the lines in the movie are spoken in ways that no one speaks anymore.


"Are you going to kill me?"

"NO! What?"


Not to mention this 90 minute film had me check the time 3 times! About once every 30 minutes. Terrible film, BUT very entertaining. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, and it seems like most of the theater felt the same way.


Movie Rating: 3/10


Tyler Rating based on how funny it was: 10/10


This pretty much sums up how I felt about the movie as well. Did anyone else notice the microphone hanging at the top of the screen during the "mock house" scene? That made me giggle. 3/10.

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I'm still puzzled/pissed off as to why that movie was labeled as one of the scariest films ever created.


The Happening is actually being labeled as one of the scariest films ever created??


Obviously, people who think that have no knowledge of the horror genre.

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The Hulk 4.4/5.0


I really liked the movie. I thought it was entertaining from start to finish and the CGI was quite good. While I didn't hate the first Hulk as much as a lot of people, this time around the movie is definitely a lot better. Overall, a very solid fun summer movie.


The Happening 3.5/5.0


Not as good as I was hoping for, but still ended up liking it. I guess I try to look for all the positives in any movie I see.


For the record, I tend to rate all my movies on the high side.

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