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I saw Transformers last night at 1:00 am. My god was that movie good! It was so good, I never even realised that it was 2 and a half hours long. It was packed with action from start to finish and with very great sexual humor mixed in as well. It was so funny in some parts it was hard to stop laughing. I was so happy, it felt just like I was watching an episode of the original series. I liked it so much better the first one. Best sequel by far. 10/10.

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Ghost Ship (2002)


I just saw it on YouTube today. The opening sequence where everyone gets cut in half and the flashback sequence toward the end where you get to see what happened to the rest of the ship during the massacre are the only parts of the movie worth watching IMO...



The opening scene on Ghost Ship was probably one of the best around. Fantastically gory.

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Finally saw Up, and loved it. Everyone I knew kept saying it was sad, but I just didn't get that. It was a pretty great movie though. Doug the dog just stole it for me .

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Best sequel by far.


The Godfather 2, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Dark Knight would like to have a word with you.


I saw it yesterday after work. If you are looking for some deep plotline then you will be severely dissappointed. That is not Bay's style. It is extremely entertaining though. The action is pretty much nonstop the entire movie, I just felt they didn't need all the humor. Don't get me wrong, I think some comic relief is needed, but sometimes it seemed that's all they focused on.

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I saw the new Transformers just a few hours ago. I thought it was great for an obvious summer blockbuster. I could have done without the twins, but that's a minor quibble for me, cause their role wasn't all that big.


However, I see this as the end of the line for this movie series. Revenge of the Fallen has an *ouch!* 22% rating at Rottentomatoes, and all kinds of hate are being leveled on it at imdb. Plus, I'm already hearing the "too long" complaints from the ADD generation, as I like to call them.


So, that, combined with the bad ratings, is going to hurt this movie past the first weekend. Remember, we're in an age where if a movie doesn't make 200 million dollars in the first two weekends, it's considered a failure.

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i just watched The Hangover , DoomsDay and Up


The Hangover- Funniest Movie ive Seen In a While i mean Great movie


Doomsday- Great movie hot chicks Awesome Fight Scenes and they dont hold back on the violence


Up- Everyone said omg funny movie very good it was disappointing to me it was good dont get me wrong but Meh

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Now to piss off transformers 2 fans with my review.


As quoted from Southpark when talking about Michael Bay "It wasn't even a story, just a special effect" It was lame!! Where the hell did there mouths come from, they were not in the first one. The acting was awful, and the comedy can best be described as the kind 7th graders would laugh at when their teacher says penis during sex ed.




On a happier note


This is gonna own all movies ever.





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I saw the new Transformers just a few hours ago. I thought it was great for an obvious summer blockbuster. I could have done without the twins, but that's a minor quibble for me, cause their role wasn't all that big.


However, I see this as the end of the line for this movie series. Revenge of the Fallen has an *ouch!* 22% rating at Rottentomatoes, and all kinds of hate are being leveled on it at imdb. Plus, I'm already hearing the "too long" complaints from the ADD generation, as I like to call them.


So, that, combined with the bad ratings, is going to hurt this movie past the first weekend. Remember, we're in an age where if a movie doesn't make 200 million dollars in the first two weekends, it's considered a failure.


Except for the fact that it is due to be within the $160-175 million range by the end of the weekend and well over $200 million by next week. On top of that, the third movie is almost certainly green lit. The movie has already grossed over $120 million worldwide as of Wednesday.


Let's check other sequels ratings on Rottentomatoes that have been less than stellar but still have had or will have another movie made after it.


Shrek 3: 41%

Pink Panther 2: 13%

Pink Panther: 24%

Fantastic Four: 26%

Wolverine: 37%

The DaVinci Code: 24%

Angels and Demons: 37%

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I saw Transformers 2 two days ago on opening day, and it was awesome! The humor was at times over the top, well in fact the whole movie was over the top. But it was perfect for what it aimed to be: an over the top, in your face summer blockbuster. The story wasn't to die for, but I don't think it was meant to be a meaningful and complex movie. It did a great job at entertaining the audience and throughout the movie, I felt Michael Bay really knew what the audience wanted: explosions, robots, and Megan Fox (and that 'girl' in the school, but I'm not going to spoil anything).


I think the majority of the people saying "It had no story!" are looking into the movie way more than they have to. To be honest, if you really dissect the story, it's pretty much the same concept as the first movie. To fully enjoy the movie, you really just need to turn your brain off and enjoy the corny humor and the overabundance of explosions and robot battles (which is not necessarily a bad thing!).


Overall, I'd give it a 9/10.

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So just saw Transformers. Can I please have my Two hours and Forty minutes back.


To say I hated it, would be too strong of a word, but Awful would sum it up.


The first movie was brillant, a great story, everything about it was spot on.

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Today I half-watched an old movie from the 70's called The Point.


To say the least, it's one of the most drugged-out movies I've ever seen.


Jumping fat chicks that sound like men? Check.

Guy with three faces and no body? Check.

Super trippy surrealism-ish dream sequence? Check.


But I guess it had a good moral in the end. So yeah.

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I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal about Transformers being so bad. Great, you find that it is bad, do you really have to keep going on about it. It is getting kind of annoying that every other movie article is about how bad Transformers ROTF is and how there are so many flaws in it. It is not a movie that is competing for the Best Picture spot. It was made for the action and adventure, not plots. /end of rant/.

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^It's a movie. Movies rely on plots. This is a forum discussing our opinions on movies and their plots. If you don't want to hear bad reviews for the movie, then don't go to a public forum where people discuss how they feel about movies.

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I know what you mean, but it's a pretty big deal for the movie world. A huge summer blockbuster not living up to anywhere near its hype. And it's the media lol. When they get hold of something that will get them ratings they latch onto it and don't give up. I learned years ago not to let it get to me. It's just easier to turn off the TV or not go to the websites that continue being monotonous honestly. Or not go to them at all since they will ALWAYS talk about what's going to have the biggest impact and get them the best ratings.

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