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Vantage Point



It wasn't bad, but it didn't blow my mind either. I was suprised at how many times the clock rolled back. I was also suprised at how short it was. It was pretty action packed and the storyline wasn't bad though...

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Mean Creek: 9/10


I love this movie so much, everyone I've talked to said they had never heard of it, but you HAVE to see it. It actually made me tear up at some parts, and I thought it was really um...powerful and very very good.


The Invisible: 7/10


Its a really good movie, it just seems like the main point of the movie [The main character being "invisible"] only lasted about 20 seconds. If you've ever seen Awake, you'll most likely know what I mean.

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The Bucket List



I've never seen a movie that really drives me very emotionally! I laughed very hard and cried at the finale. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson were very good in the movie. By far the best movie I saw this year, even beating Juno and No Country for Old Men.

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I just remembered when I went to see Eragon with my cousin. Say I haven't read the book. It's okay, needs more characters, but the effects are cool. Now back to reality because I did read the book. What the frig are they thinking??? there are like, three main characters, and my favorite extra (Solembum) is cut right out! The story had more than half the plotline taken out, and between the idiotic lines and the lack of lighting, you can only assume this was before they discovered fire! I loved the book, but this movie is pure hate.

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Run Fat Boy Run 8/10

This movie is simply one of the funniest one I've seen recently. The jokes are original and the whole idea is just fresh. Simply amusing and entertaining.



The Motorcycle Diaries 9.5/10

The ending made me a bit upset by the fact that he died, but it's one of those movies that will leave you in awe. It runs fast and comedic at the beginning but slows down and becomes meaningful towards the end.



Untraceable 3/10

If you want to know what's the worst R-rated film I watched recently, this one is my answer. The violence is little and the ending is very bad. A disappointment.

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  bspellx5 said:
Mean Creek: 9/10


I love this movie so much, everyone I've talked to said they had never heard of it, but you HAVE to see it. It actually made me tear up at some parts, and I thought it was really um...powerful and very very good.


Mean Creek is definitely one of those "great movies no one has heard of". I kept hearing a guy rave about it when I worked at a video store a few years back, so I watched it and loved it.


Most recently, I saw Leatherheads...


It was a good movie...except for the writing. The acting was very good and convincing. John Krasinski really pulled off the "conflicted" character well. The music fit the period piece well. The script seemed a little drug out and stretched too long. 7/10

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The Ruins - 7/10


Good, but not the greatest (or scariest) movie ever...I would not have felt cheated out of my money if I had to pay.


Superhero Movie - 5/10


Good as far as PG-13 comedies go. One great thing is that most of the time it is focused on the story itself and not the amount of parodies they can fit in.


21 - 8/10


Great movie, but any scene not in Las Vegas was not as good (almost boring)

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The Descent 6/10


Talk about gruesome!! Ewww this movie was at the top if the charts with lots of "gross moments". Watched it with Matthew last night at 2am and if was not the kind of movie you wanna watch in a pitch black house. The story was ok though. But the ending leaves you wondering....

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The Mist-

Holy Crap this was a great movie.

We need more horror movies like this, and less like Prom Night.

For once I actually got into the movie, and was rooting for/hating characters.

Every actor does an awesome job in this movie.

And that ending.

I knew what was going to happen, but I still yelled at the screen in disbelief.

I give it an awesome 9/10.


BTW- If you get a chance to see the Black and White version, do!

It was even better than the color version.

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  ms13 said:
The Mist-

Holy Crap this was a great movie.

We need more horror movies like this, and less like Prom Night.

For once I actually got into the movie, and was rooting for/hating characters.

Every actor does an awesome job in this movie.

And that ending.

I knew what was going to happen, but I still yelled at the screen in disbelief.

I give it an awesome 9/10.




RIGHT?! The Mist was ridiculously good! I saw it in theatres and had no clue what the ending was, but I absolutely loved that it ended the way it did. On top of that awesome ending it was even better since the song they play during that whole last segment is one of my favorite songs by Dead Can Dance. I know about the 'hating characters' bit, we cheered when she got what was coming to her. (you know who I speak of)


On another note, I finally saw The Abyss. I really really enjoyed this movie. I saw the special edition version with the extra 30 minutes of footage. The movie was quite long though it didn't seem long while I was watching it. 9/10

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The Third Mother (Mother of Tears) - Dario Argento's sequel to Suspiria (horror classic) & Inferno (has it's moments). I think Dario must have seen Juno because he really tried to be the wizard of gore on this one but he just wound up being the wizard of bore - sucks all ass. Lacked the elements that made Suspiria so great.

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  masterofthematrix91 said:
Prom Night



this movie sucked SO bad. i mean this is some ole bull S**T!!!


awful, not scary, not even tense.


maybe a 1st grader would find this scary.




I just saw the trailer online and barfed a little.


It looks absolutely awful! Haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure it won't even come close to the original as it doesn't even have the same plot! And all those 25+ year old actors playing high school kids seems a little pathetic.


Anyways, I just watched Children of Men. AMAZING movie. And the director sure did a GREAT job filming this one. The scene with the baby crying... powerful stuff. Did this movie win any awards? I hope it did!

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