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The Official "TPR MidWest USA 2007" Trip Thread!

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^^ I would have to agree... I was only there one damn day and I was all sorts of "And who the hell are you?"


Wear your fricken name tags!!!


p.s. I also agree with Dave. Those wristbands stick to you like glue, no chance of loosing them unless your like mauled by a bear or constantly molested the whole trip.

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I wore my name tag everyday, and they came in handy for holding my tickets too! And you could use that old businessman trick of quickly glancing at it for the name or putting a face to a screenname, especially when I met a few who needed to update their profile pics... we won't name names!



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Wristbands... good.


Name tags... good.


Wear both during the tours and make things easier for those organizing and running the tours.


If a name tag becomes a problem for riding a coaster, you'll quickly figure out how to store it away, then put it back on afterwards.




(Edit: Post #3553 !)

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^ Yeah, but we all find it annoying when we have to ask you your name for the 15th time because we suck at remembering names, not to mention we had to learn like 50 others along with yours.


Especially in my case where I only showed up for one day... I met like 30 new people and it was just easier to remember everyone who had on their tags because not only could I see their names, but I could see their screen name with it and put two and two together.


Because I ARE SMART.

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I wore my name tag for the first few days...but eventually everyone knew me as Matt Damon anyways, so it became a moot point to keep wearing it in that heat.


Anyways, the long anticipated Robb and Casey ride the toboggan coaster video! I'm a newbie to Windows Movie Maker and video editing in general, so take it easy on me.



Robb and Casey get cozy!_0001.wmv


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holy crap...thats a hilarious video!


I bet the guy working it was like "why the f--- are these 2 giant men trying to fit into an itty bitty car like this??" But atleast there was alot of cushioning for those killer drops!


I still hate that ride, going up the lift made me so dam claustrophobic, I was about to freak out if the dam thing stalled or something horrible like that!

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I'm eagerly awaiting to see my photo with Bryan, Tex and one more person (sorry, forgot who it was) - when four of us crammed into one car on the Tilt-A-Whirl at Coney Island. I still don't understand how we all fit in there. I know Robb took a picture and video, not sure if anyone else did.



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I was amazed at when we were wearing our t-shirts, nametags and/or wristbands as to how many people stopped us or asked us what we were all about. They drew a lot of attention. Either those or one of my wacky t-shirts. People kept asking us if it was our job to review theme parks We referred a lot to the website for more information and some even said they had already visited the website to get information for their trips. It was pretty awesome. People were amazed that we were going to hit that many parks in that amount of time. After explaining how we made it onto the trip one elderly lady said, "Wow, I'm gonna have to get me that internet."

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The funny thing about attempt #1 is that I was still wearing my belt pack with my other camera in it and the dude was squashing the camera RIGHT INTO MY JUNK!!! I figured it would be a better idea to take it off. (The camera bag that is!)


Oddly enough, Casey and I had plenty of room in the car once the cage was locked.



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My question is how long did you hold up the line by taking so damn long to get the car closed? We now know who causes stacking!!!

It actually wasn't even that long! Seriously it wasn't much more than the length of that video. The part that was cut out is when I took off my belt pack. Once I took that thing off, and my nads were no longer being crushed, the thing closed just fine!



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^ I'll agree. I rode it by myself, and all I can compare it to is being shoved into a metal trashcan and being rolled down a hill.


The greatest thing about the Toboggan was the sounds that the riders made on the bunny-hop at the end of the ride. PRICELESS.



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I guess I'm one of the few that got off the ride and wondered what the big deal was. There was a slight buckling on that little dip, else the ride wasn't bad and/or painful, or even much to talk about. It was vaguely how I remembered a Toboggan ride from when I was a kid. Though I think it was much more fun as a kid.

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