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The Official "TPR MidWest USA 2007" Trip Thread!

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Great report, Robb; I really enjoyed Little Ammericka, even though it was only meant to be a surprise bonus park on the way to the Dells, I had alot of fun. That toboggan though....it scarred me (ohhh...the SQUISHING...)


Again, great TR; I cant wait to see how the rest of them come out!

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The park was really small but pretty cool. The RollOPlane is really really fun (one of my favorite flats now). I also spent some time talking to one of the park maintenence people, who said he learned a lot from building Meteor and it will help going into a project as big as Comet (for those of you who don't know, Little A-Merrick-A purchased the train from the Lincoln Park Comet to be used on a full size replica of the ride). Speaking of, he also mentioned he just pulled out the Comet train to see what it really needs, so I will definitely try to return when they build that.

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ahhh, the "coaster of death"


Good photos, but I don't know what to think of the park. It is ghetto, but it seems to cater to families really well. It is a family owned park, and while I could understand minimal theming, the whole park is on what was some persons farm. There seem to be no midways, and the rides are scattered all over, kind of like the ghetto Walibi park in France. However, they seem to have many "classic" rides, and it appears to be a good family park. Also, I'm surprised they have manual brakes since I thought building codes would require a "new" coaster to have air brakes.

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Okay I just got home I promise to talk about what I fit into what, but believe it or not, I fit into meteor with T.J. and I fit into the Tabaggon with Robb!!! There is proof. Lost coaster had plenty of room in it, I had no problem with that one.


But yeah I will post all my stuff later, including the girl who was taking all the money from TPR trippers to ride the kiddie coaster, she made some good money!!!


So yeah give me a couple of days, also yes there are more "clench and squeeze" pics coming soon, just for you Laura...LOL


Casey"pics to come soon"Childers

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I don't know if it's my computer or the site, but I have to hit refresh for it to appear on the main page. Is anyone else having this problem, because it is just chance I came across the update. The update is not on the main page, but when I refresh, it appears. I've done it a few times, and the same thing happens, so it was not a one time thing.

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I am still confused as to how this was possible, and how the little car made it up to the top of the ride!


I was having visions of them having to be cut out of the vertical lift due to the car stalling!

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^LMAO thanks Elissa, Yeah I wish I had a pic of Robb's face when he said,"Hey Casey, I think I can fit in there with you" This was one of THREE times that Robb came up with a GREAT idea! Yeah his ideas almost made us DIE!!


Yeah I would like to see the video, because I don't know how we even were able to fit. Oh wait I know,"Clinch and Squish"

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Robb, you left out one of the best parts of the Little A-Merrick-A visits! You and Casey cramming into the toboggan coaster!


I've got video of the entire effort as well if it's alright to post.

Ahhh!!! Awesome! I'm glad you posted that pic! I was looking for a photo of that, but I couldn't remember who was on the platform at the time. I looked through about 10 people's photos and couldn't find one and gave up. (I'll sort through all the photos for the big updates though....)


But yeah, post the video! LOL!

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Toboggans are evil, evil things!



Welcome back you guys. It all looked like a great tour for you and everybody in it.





See you at the end of the month.


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