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The Official "TPR MidWest USA 2007" Trip Thread!

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Chill out, all of you. I just meant that although I understand updates are not always convenient to do, they are certainly anticipated and appreciated. Jesus Christ.


I agree with you, they are fun to look at and anticipated, Casey is our roomate and I have checked to see how much fun everyone was having during the trip, but man people on here are a little more vicious than they have to be, some people need to chill out.

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Chill out, all of you. I just meant that although I understand updates are not always convenient to do, they are certainly anticipated and appreciated. Jesus Christ.


I agree with you, they are fun to look at and anticipated, Casey is our roomate and I have checked to see how much fun everyone was having during the trip, but man people on here are a little more vicious than they have to be, some people need to chill out.


Speaking for myself and no one else I disagree. Many polite requests have been made in this thread and several other trip update threads. However people don't read or pay attention and continue to do the same thing over and over. What you are seeing is the result of several ignored requests. That is totally disrespectful to the person doing the trip reports, and the repeated posts are just annoying to read through, which causes people to skip pages, which means they missed the polite requests. Pretty much it is an endless cycle.

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I just got home. I'm sorry that it's over like I'm sure everyone else is. I had a really good time meeting all of you. I'm looking forward to my next excursion with TPR. I still stand on what I said yesterday, Son of Beast V2 was one of my favorites this trip. The new trains are great. Now this is comparatively speaking V1 to V2. I had two real good rides on it yesterday. Call me what you want I liked it. Before yesterday I swore I would never ride it again. Who knew?

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Here's a snapshot of some true Credit whores who joined up with the Midwest-trippers this weekend and just HAD to get the coveted Boa Squeeze credit at Cincinnati Mills Mall in Forest Park, OH. Why drive right past it twice on the way between Kings Island and Stricker's Grove and back again without getting your inner whore on, right?


-James "I won't pretend I haven't been on this coaster more than once " Dillaman


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So Jenn, the Aussies and I are still chillin at the hotel waiting for our flights. I think we are the last ones left . I wish I could just reverse time and start this trip over again.


The only thing I'm upset about is that I started socializing with other groups way too late on the trip.


Anyway, miss you all!



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What a hell of a trip. I'm sore, tired, mildly sunburnt, and exhausted. But do I care? No way!


I'm going to crash, but I'd just like to give a shout out to everyone who made this trip possible. Thanks to Robb and Elissia for putting on such an epic trip, thanks to Holiday World for the walkbacks and the general hospitality, thanks to SFKK for the wonderful ERT, excellent food, and great employees, thanks to Beech Bend for the kickass ERT (and thanks GCI guys for running the coaster!), thanks to Indiana Beach for the wonderful day (and bumper car ERT!), thanks to Little-A-Merrick-A for the AWESOME Meteor preview, thanks to the Dells for the great ERT on Hades in the morning, thanks to SFGAm for EVERYTHING (ERT on Bull and Viper, Gold Q-Bot, the works!), thanks to Cedar Point, thanks to Kennywood for the awesome Racer and Thunderbolt ERT and the rib/ice cream dinner, and thanks to Kings Island and Stricker's Grove! Without all of you, none of this would have happened.


Seriously, this trip was a blast and the best thing I've ever done in life. Thanks to everyone else on the trip as well for being great people just to hang around with at parks, on the bus, and even during downtime! I hope to run into all of you in the future! Stay in touch!


-Chris "nesdude" K.

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^OMG...I rode in that same seat yesterday. My last ride on SOB was good! I sat in the same seat and had some airtime, but still semi rough on the helix. Yesterday.....it was HELL! Jackhammering all the way down the first drop, and the helix was HORRIBLE!!! Hard MCBR......I had a headache and my neck hurt. Oh yeah, my thighs are bruised thanks to those restraints! FU SOB!


--J "Everyone's nickname should be SonOfBeastSucks!" Z

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^^ I rode it in the morning (2nd row) and it was fine... I was thinking "wow" this isn't bad at all. Samantha and I went back and rode at 9:45, and we thought we were going to die.


As for the credit whoring.... after I eat dinner, I will post the photos of my daughter and her crew. It was freaking hillarious!!



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Chill out, all of you. I just meant that although I understand updates are not always convenient to do, they are certainly anticipated and appreciated. Jesus Christ.


OK, even though this site has a great sense of humour, there's a difference between being funny and pissing people off.


Sometimes I think you've gotta be careful with the words you choose.

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I was glad that my husband was able to join us at Strickers, so he could get an idea of what "getting credits" is all about. It made it a little easier to explain why his daughter came home $8 richer from Kings Island last night.


This is absolutely hysterical! I can see it now ... Sammi riding Taxi Jam over and over and over and collecting the money for each person!

At one point, I think the ride ops just let her stay on the ride, and have her riding partner join her.


- Joe, who is now $2 poorer, but one credit weathier

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At one point, I think the ride ops just let her stay on the ride, and have her riding partner join her.


They did!! The ride ops were pretty entertained by the whole thing. In fact, by the time we walked away, I had the one girl convinced she needed to go right home and join the website!!


Joe.... I didn't realize you were "ParkTrips"..... you didn't have a name tag thingy!


Shari "Still trying to connect real life names to screen names" Shoufler

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^^Phantom's Revenge had nut-squashing airtime.


^Shari, thanks for usage of your kid in order to whore out Little Bill. I still feel dirty about that. I seriously hope the ops joined our site though, I think that was half of the fun of credit whoring.

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Let's just say that with repeated trips to KI about every other week, I've become rather jaded toward the place. That was until yesterday! It was great to see you all at the parks. Most fun I've had at KI in forvever.


I got to meet so many of you guys, and catch some rides with you as well...and that made my week. Robb & Elissa, good to finally meet you in person. My wife (Kelly) had a blast meeting and talking with Elissa. By the way, Elissa thanks to you, Kelly really wants to go on one of the trips in '08 which really makes me happy.


The only downside to the day was my son Josh, (he's almost 4), got his first ride on the Tornado at Stricker's, and hit his nose on the lapbar at the bottom of the first hill. Yes, he cried, but he was fine 5-10 min. later, he was happy to add two more coasters to his list, (the other was the Fairly Odd Coaster).


Thanks to all on the midwest trip for a great day, hope to see you all in '08 some time!

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