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The Official "TPR MidWest USA 2007" Trip Thread!

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Great photos Robb, and the parks seem to have improved last year. The new wave pool at Mt. Olympus looks insane, and it sounds better than most wave pools. At least Hades is smooth again, and Avalanche sounds like the same as it was last year. I have to agree though, the ride ops at Timber Falls are great.

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Wave pools freak me out... once you get your head under once, you can't get it back up!


The wave pool was just wrong, I stayed in for like four waves before realizing I'd probably shatter into a million fragments if I continued.


I'm sad we don't have a picture of Chuck about to die on the "family" raft ride.


He was ABOVE the side wall!


I've replayed that moment in my head for the past couple days and kind of marvel how they did NOT fly off.

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Another great update and...


We <3 you Bryan!


Does Timber Falls still have the plane that blows up? That was a highlight of my visit.

Yes, but the log flume and special effects were down, if you read the report, Timber Falls was basically struck by lightning and the only three things to do there. Basically, they were Avalanche, Mini Golf, or the upcharge Skyscraper.


It did look like a cool log ride though. Not that I would have done it since I was still soaked from Dive to Atlantis.

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Did anyone else try the water-squirting Bumper boats? We jumped on those, and the Op didn't look like he was too bothered about how long we took. He just let us run and run. He even wandered off and left us to it for a while. lol. We got very wet. Much fun was had.


Awesome Job by the guys to get Avalanche running though. Stellar stuff.

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Robb, Casey, Chris and Chuck on the 'Family Raft Ride' is still one of those stories that I can't tell without cracking up half way though!!! It was simply unbelievable.


Let me try to explain a bit for those of you who weren't there.


There are two outdoor 'family raft slides' in the new waterpark section at Mt. Olympus. We put 3-4 average sized people the first time and they were pretty insane. Then of course we get the idea 'let's put our biggest four people and see what happens'. We decide to do this on the Pink slide with the triple down at the end. Everyone else goes first so we can all laugh at the four big guys. My 'chick raft' was the final one before the boys. We're waiting, and waiting, and we figure they must not have let them do it (I mean, seriously, that couldn't be safe)...


...Then the water coming down the slide STOPS.


It was like a dam...a dam of large men in a raft.


At this point, everyone waiting just loses it. And then around the corner comes a raft of giant men. Now, when I say around the corner I really mean over the corner, as a good 1/4 of the raft was over the side at about 65 feet in the air. It was almost scary. But we were laughing to hard to be scared for them. They flew down the first two dips, then I'm pretty sure they were airborne all the way down the last giant drop. They get to the bottom and you just see the lifeguard run out of the way and they go, and go, and go...and just as it looks like the raft is about to tip over in the splash down pool...it just SINKS. Once again, we all lose it. It is nearly impossible to sink one of those family raft ride rafts, but they managed.


It was the highlight of the trip by far.

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^I think we were all in too much shock to video or take pictures...perhaps Cora can sketch it out for us!


That sounds too incredible to have missed, filming. But...


A you-had-to-be-there moment, hmmm?

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^^ absolutely, I tried to get my camera out to get picture, but I was dripping wet and didnt want to ruin it, I shouldave taken the risk!


It truly was a marvel of waterpark history, like when the water stopped, it STOPPED. Like not even a trickle of anything got down! Lord that was probably one of the most memorable moments of the trip.

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I'm sad we don't have a picture of Chuck about to die on the "family" raft ride.


He was ABOVE the side wall!




That was the ONLY time on the trip that I got scared! Even Top Thrill didnt scare me as much as that stupid pink waterslide!


I saw my life flash before my eyes, and I thought "Really?! I'm gonna die on a pink waterslide...how fitting!?"


But then when I was done...I was like HELL YEAH!!!


Mind you...this trip was the first time that I have ever been to a water park...and it rocked!




Chuck "Pink Waterslides= Seagulls= DEATH!" Garcia

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Okay I am so with Chuck on this one.


When Robb came to me and said, "Casey I have a great idea!" OMG I thought we were all going to fall out of the Raft. At the top of the slide, the lifeguard was spinning the raft...I put my hand down to stop the spinning...I did this cause I knew if we were spinning when we hit the first turn we were in TROUBLE!


So when we got stuck, I thought this is a bad idea. But when we hit the third bump and went all the way up the side, we did not hit the slide or anything until the bottom, we were that airborne.


I remember hitting the water, a HUGE wave just coming over the top of us, and then the raft just sunk! THen everyone was cheering, I just kind of crawled out of the raft and was thankful we made it down.


It was one of THREE times Robb had these great ideas. But there were awesome even though we almost DIED!!!

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^I seriously think you guys should become dam builders or something.


it STOPPED. Like not even a trickle of anything got down!

It didn't stop, but they did pretty much slow down the stream. It was amazing just looking at the mass amount of water behind their raft though.

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I remember that life threatening experience...The main reason i was so terrified was cause of the fact that the raft was sliding in a zig zag down the slide...we weren't going straight. On the last drop our raft went up so high I could feel the slide leave out from under me. I thought we were going over the edge for sure and then we just flew the rest of the way down! But it was one of the best water slides i have ever been on!

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I pointed out to my boyfriend that in the "Casey gets the harem drunk" pic, I'm the only one without an alcoholic drink. (It was a smoothie; I decided it wouldn't be wise for me to mix alcohol and coasters...) His response was "Yeah, but you LOOK drunk." Well, yeah...I have a way of doing that.


*Pointing and slurring*:



Miss y'all!




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