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The Official TPR Spain & Mini-Europe Trip 2007 Thread

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I never feel quite qualified to compare any of the other GCI's to Thunderhead because I really thought Thunderhead was a bit overrated. Now granted, I have only been on it twice, both times first thing in the morning.


I've never ridden it past about 10:45am, so I never really got a ride on it after it had "warmed up" or on any of those night rides I always hear about.


I would put Troy and Renegade almost neck and neck with my favorite GCI's still being Ozcat and Kentucky Rumbler.



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How did it rank compared to Thunderhead?


I never thought too highly of Thunderhead, and it, for me, never even came close to the hype.


I did however, like Troy a little better than Renegade.


My ranking of GCI's would be something like this:


1. Ozark Wildcat (Still my #3 woodie behind Voyage and Balder)

2. Troy

3. Renegade

4. Kentucky Rumbler

5. Thunderbird

6. Thunderhead





Your mileage may vary.

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Your mileage may vary.

Ugh, that's SOOO RRC! You don't need to make excuses for having an opinion here, it's ok! Really! You aren't "wrong" or will get yelled at if your opinion doesn't match up with everyone elses!


--Robb "That saying has always been a pet peeve of mine along with 'we will agree to disagree.'" Alvey

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Robb, these POVs of Troy, GeForce, and other butt-kickin' rides equal marketing brillance for next year's European tour.


I would probably die a horrible death on that ropes course.

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I never feel quite qualified to compare any of the other GCI's to Thunderhead because I really thought Thunderhead was a bit overrated. Now granted, I have only been on it twice, both times first thing in the morning.


I've never ridden it past about 10:45am, so I never really got a ride on it after it had "warmed up" or on any of those night rides I always hear about.


I would put Troy and Renegade almost neck and neck with my favorite GCI's still being Ozcat and Kentucky Rumbler.




I felt the same way about Thunderhead when I rode it last year; that it was overrated and not as good as Rumbler. But, I got a great early afternoon front seat ride on it this year with several nice little pops of air. Thunderhead really tore through its course at a great, manic pace. It's still no El Toro though


I'm going to try to get the OzCat credit in late August.

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Your mileage may vary.

Ugh, that's SOOO RRC! You don't need to make excuses for having an opinion here, it's ok! Really! You aren't "wrong" or will get yelled at if your opinion doesn't match up with everyone elses!


--Robb "That saying has always been a pet peeve of mine along with 'we will agree to disagree.'" Alvey



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Well since it has been several updates since I last posted, I will start by saying great videos and photos. Toverland looks like a great park, and it is amazing how Toverland(and Power Park) have grown over the few years since opening. It is strange to see the attractions at this park(and most European parks), because if in America, the parks would get sued because some ten year old did something stupid.(or he got a minor scrape)

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OMG I'm still not sure how the hell I survived the ropes course! But I will say that if I can make it, a LOT of people could!!


I love the last two "triangle" shots I'm in cause the first is me and lou trying to go at the same time and failing miserably, and the second on I made it! (still unsure of that one as well...)



Photo by Mexican Hector


As opposed to the non Mexican Hector on the trip right?



Oh yeah, Troy and Toverland in general were freakin' awesome! They gave us all wood!

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After weeks and weeks of looking at updates, the webcam, seeing the lifthill crash down once and praying that this ride would be all it promised... It delivered! Beautiful landscaping, awesome coaster, unbelievably cheesy music... Not 'it's a small world' like cheesy, but cheesy none the less.... and you keep humming it.


... Anyhoo, it's a great coaster! How will it age... how will it age...(?)

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Great update. I so totally enjoyed that afternoon. Thank you again that we could be part of it.


I didn't know those were ACE'rs

While you were shooting the POV, I was waiting for the second row, so was standing just next to those ACE people. There were not amused when you got on Troy frontrow to shoot the POV just before there nose. They were even less amused when you had to ride it for a second time and they had to wait again.

And then .... they were not allowed to take their camera on Troy

Their face on the picture says enough imo

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I would probably die a horrible death on that ropes course.


Chuck, if Robb can catch your death on the ropes course, think of the marketing brilliance he'll have for the DVD!!!


Indeed! TPR could hold the "Chuck (cfc) Memorial Theme-Park Tour," with all of the "unused" portion of patrons' fees donated to the "Chuck Campbell Memorial Foundation for Preventing the Deaths of Middle-Aged Men and Women Through Moronic Amusement-Park Antics."


I'll be sure to include an endowment for the foundation in my will.

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Great update. I so totally enjoyed that afternoon. Thank you again that we could be part of it.


I didn't know those were ACE'rs

While you were shooting the POV, I was waiting for the second row, so was standing just next to those ACE people. There were not amused when you got on Troy frontrow to shoot the POV just before there nose. They were even less amused when you had to ride it for a second time and they had to wait again.

And then .... they were not allowed to take their camera on Troy

Their face on the picture says enough imo

I know! Isn't it awesome? These are some of the "A-List ACE Executive Committee Members" who have been total dicks to both Elissa and I over the years.


The best part is when they got their cameras taken away. They always gave Elissa and I crap for filming and accused us of not getting parks permission to film, and here we are being escorted by the park to film, and then they try to take their cameras on without permission and they get them taken away! And then they gave the park attitude on top of it! How funny is that?


Paybacks are a bitch, aren't they? Had those people been at least somewhat decent to us over the years, we would have invited them into our ERT session like we did for all of you guys, but nope! Screw them!


--Robb "Maybe it will teach those crotchety old whiney ACErs to treat other people a bit nicer next time..." Alvey

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Indeed Robb. Seems like you have great relations with many of the parks based on what you post on the website and what you have mentioned to me before.

Great reports!!! It almost looks like GCI would have a hard time making a bad coaster. I know you said Thunderhead was overrated, but would I be wrong to assume that you and possibly others at least think it is better than many other wood coasters out there?

Your updates are making me wanna do a trip more and more next year. Europe would be an awesome trip, but I think Texas (should it happen) would be more in my price range for next year.


Gary "Always enjoy a good Robb Alvey update" Taylor

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