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Schlitterbahn might be coming to Florida.



FORT LAUDERDALE — A national water park company has its eyes on Fort Lauderdale Stadium and neighboring Lockhart Stadium for a $110 million water-park-hotel-retail sports destination, the first of its kind in Broward County.


Schlitterbahn Development Group, which has water parks in Texas and Kansas, offered the plan to the city Friday, but it hasn't been publicly aired or discussed.


It is the latest of three proposals for use of Fort Lauderdale Stadium, left vacant in December when the Baltimore Orioles moved their spring training base to Sarasota.


The other two proposals: Traffic Sports USA, owner of professional soccer team Miami FC, wants to transform the stadium to a soccer academy; Federal League wants to open a baseball academy.


Any use has to get approval from the Federal Aviation Administration, original owner of the land under both Lockhart and Fort Lauderdale stadiums. The land was given to the city in 1947, for aviation use, along with the land under adjacent Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport. The FAA insists the Fort Lauderdale Stadium site be used for aviation uses, or that fair market rent be paid to the FAA.


It was that FAA stance that dashed the Orioles' hopes to build a new stadium there, and has hampered the city's search for new suitors for the site.


Commissioners debated the stadium's fate Tuesday, agreeing to keep it open another seven months, though it's losing money. Traffic Sports will pay rent so the Miami FC can practice there; the team's games are played next door at Lockhart. Other groups, including a motorcycle driver training program and a Federal League semi-pro baseball team, also rent Fort Lauderdale Stadium.


"We're at a crossroads,'' said Mayor Jack Seiler. "We either close this facility and never reopen it,'' or keep it open and "keep our options open.''


Northeast Fort Lauderdale resident Chuck Malkus urged commissioners to view the stadium as a public park, not a revenue-maker. Don't close or demolish it, he pleaded.


"It's a gem that's been underutilized,'' he said.


Schlitterbahn's proposal will be sent to the FAA for review. The company's lawyer, Jim Blosser, said the company is willing to pay fair market rent. The proposal described a sports complex, including hotel, with activities "from the mild to the wild.'' The stadiums would remain, with enhancements, and still could be used for "intramural team sports and local recreational team sports use,'' according to the written proposal.


The company says its name is a "made-up German word'' loosely translated to "slippery road.''


A major water park was proposed last year at the city's Aquatic Complex at the beach, but Blosser, who also represents that proposer, said the project has since been deemed not feasible, and has been altered to propose massive wave pools.




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  • 4 weeks later...

*** Digging equipment and footers along with markers have been spotted on opening day throughout the park along with lots of containers and construction portables/ offices. LINK REMOVED. Rumoured to be receiving a giga coaster or aquatrax!!!


ADMIN EDIT: I have removed your link as it is in violation of our Terms of Service. You are not allowed to share links until you have at least 50 legitimate posts on the forum.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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  fitchboy said:
damn, okay goto cwmania.com and then rumours and 2011


The site isn't working any way you try to access it. Post the info here instead.


You're a brand new member and it makes it seem like you are deliberately "spamming" for cwmania...seems kinda fishy.

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The markings follow along the coaster vortex, then over by wild beast the wooden coaster and are in this huge plot of empty land with trees. The land is located between medieval faire and planet snoopy. Theres construction bull dozers and offices and diggers that have arrived today and there's poles in the ground red flags tied to all the trees in the area and green cargo crates that arrived. due to the size of the area and the time of construction being begun, it's got to be a coaster. They did say last year during behemothon 2.0 that we would not be disappointed during 2010 due to a big addition well we didnt getan addition in 2010 so maybe they were hinting towards this.

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A lot of people know about the B&M concept for next year, but this is interesting...

2011 - Roller Coaster - Rumor - (5/2/10) I’ve heard an interesting rumor claiming that the rumored prototype B&M coaster going to Gardaland may end up being even more of a “test track” than I had thought. The location of the park itself has come into play since it is only about a 4.5 hour drive from B&M’s headquarters Monthey, Switzerland. This close distance will allow for B&M to come onsite often as they work on this new concept, which may be done in two phases.

The first version of the new ride concept is still said to be somewhat like an S&S 4th Dimension coaster, but without the spinning seats, so I’m guessing it may end up being more similar to Intamin’s WingWalker design that so far has only been built once at PortAventura as Furius Baco. In B&M’s case, I’ve heard that they may very well want to produce their own version of the 4D concept, complete with spinning seats, but wanted to build a non-spinning prototype version of the train first. The goal here is to not only perfect a new train/track pairing design, but to also gather all the practical G-force and Accelerometer data from this new train deisgn before trying to implement any kind of crazy spinning seats.

So what is Gardaland getting out of this special arrangement? Not only do they get to have B&M’s first new prototype coaster design and all the eyeballs around the world that will follow it’s development, but I’ve heard that the park will be getting this ride for a cost not too much more than the cost of materials and labor. Of course this last part is only a rumor, and nothing anyone would ever likely verify as these kinds of deals are very secretive.


Super cheap, but a total prototype. This is a great opportunity for a park like Gardaland, but it could end up badly for them if this rumor is true. Due to the fact that the coaster is a prototype the layout is much more likely to suck, but if this goes well for them this is a great deal for them.

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No rumors of a Giga or an Aquatrax on CWMania.


B&M seems to be the most popular rumor on CWMania and Aquatrax is always mentioned. I doubt it's gonna be anything too big though (maybe a STR-sized water ride).


Images courtesy of CWMainia.


[EDIT1: Pix added]




Construction equipment.



Red markers near Vortex.

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There are happenings at Wonderland for 2011. CW Mania will keep you all you posted as Project 2011 takes shape. The park of course will not comment yet.

Rumors point toward B and M, and most likely something with inversions (Floorless). Doubtful to see a Giga as someone mentioned.

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I highly doubt that we'll see an aquatrax. Those rumors only came to be because of where Behemoth was located. My guess is it will either be a floorless, or a maverick style. The posts by PS might be for buildings being relocated to make room for future additions.

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  the ghost said:

Super cheap, but a total prototype. This is a great opportunity for a park like Gardaland, but it could end up badly for them if this rumor is true. Due to the fact that the coaster is a prototype the layout is much more likely to suck, but if this goes well for them this is a great deal for them.


Not necessarily. If B&M needs to get force measurements, I would almost go as far to say that they would want to include as many elements as possible so they can get it right. But that's just my opinion.

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  the ghost said:
Super cheap, but a total prototype. This is a great opportunity for a park like Gardaland, but it could end up badly for them if this rumor is true. Due to the fact that the coaster is a prototype the layout is much more likely to suck, but if this goes well for them this is a great deal for them.

Well, Batman the ride was a prototype...

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Well, here we go :


This is a rumour, but not unrealistic because of the connections the person has, who spoke about it :


The next huge attraction at Europa Park will be a flying/suspended coaster in the portuguese area...located close to atlantica supersplash...


Probably ANOTHER Mack prototype...



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