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The Rumor / Crazy Idea Superthread

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I have a Crazy Idea: A Chance morgan Revolution bigger than the size of a Giant frisbee 55, and when it started, it didn't swing yet, it spun faster, then it launched you 80 MPH into the air, almost reaching 180°, then swing faster and faster till it flipped upside down while spinning faster then usual, around 7 times.

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Hey guys,


I'm new to this site. I have recently heard that Games Workshop (a miniature based war gaming company from England) is planning on opening a Warhammer/Warhammer 40k themed park just outside of London? Apparently this has been confirmed by several sources, however NOT Games Workshop. There is an expected tie-in with the upcoming MMO that the company has licensed, and there have been some photos leaked, including a shot of a "dark ride" through what is rumored to be a Dark Eldar torture/pleasure chamber. Anyone else have rumors and tidbits on this upcoming park?



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Moved into the appropriate thread



Oops! Thank you! Yes if anybody has any VERIFIED rumors (not just speculation or wish-listing), I'd love to hear them. As a long time fan of the Games Workshop brand, I can only imagine that this will be good. I wish I could remember which forum I saw the pictures of the Dark Eldar torture/pleasure chamber.

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Its been rumoured for some time that this thing is in the works for the parks new area.

I hope it does indeed go ahead as It's been almost 10 years since their last coaster and this new B&M invert does look to have a pretty original layout.


Source: http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=29404&start=0

Picture Source: http://www.coasterfriends.de

Edited by ernierocker
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Its been rumoured for some time that this thing is in the works for the parks new area.

I hope it does indeed go ahead as It's been almost 10 years since their last coaster and this new B&M invert does look to have a pretty original layout.



I moved your topic into here.


Since there hasn't been any official announcement on this ride, it really belongs in this rumor thread. Once, an official announcement is made, we can start an official thread concerning the ride.





Edited by ernierocker
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^ Isn't that the 40 million Euro Dark Ride??? I'm sure there was a thread on TPR. Seems a waste of 40 milliom though. Think of what amazing coaster they could have made with that amount of money!

Maybe they could build a Dive machine themed to medievel Times. That could be quite sweet. Just of the top of my head though.

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^ Isn't that the 40 million Euro Dark Ride??? I'm sure there was a thread on TPR. Seems a waste of 40 milliom though. Think of what amazing coaster they could have made with that amount of money!

Maybe they could build a Dive machine themed to medievel Times. That could be quite sweet. Just of the top of my head though.



You should probably read the whole article next time before you make another foolish comment.

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I sat with one of the main designers of Mack on Blue Fire on my last trip to Europa Park. (He also as worked with Intanim on some of their coasters as helped actually design Blue Fire) But he told me a Mack Launch Coaster (just like Blue Fire) is heading to a park in California in the next few years. He couldn't tell me which one though, but he told me the park has already purchased it.


Any thoughts? My first guess was maybe Seaworld?



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^ I doubt that it would be SFMM as they've spent alot recently on X2, Superman and Green Lantern. It could be SeaWorld, possibly KBF or CGA. It could also be SFDK by San Francisco. Other than the Tony Hawk Spinner in 2008, the last coaster they opened, and is still standing, was V2 in 2001. The only other one I could possibly think of is Universal. Orlando got a new coaster this year and maybe they want to do the same in Hollywood. Not sure how they could fit a Mack launched coaster in but I guess it's possible.

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^ Don't forget, some kind of Tron roller coaster has been rumored to be in the works for Disneyland, and its just like Disney to plan that far in advance...


Hmmm I honestly don't ever expect another new coaster at USH, unless they remove Mummy, which I doubt they will for a long time.


SFDK....heck yes! I'd love to see a MACK launched coaster here! Would fill the park's thrill quota VERY nicely...


Knott's may be setting the stage for a big 12' project so they are a worthy suspect...some kind a dynamite western theme perhaps?


Sea World...I seriously from the bottom of my heart wish this way true, but long as Dona Frey is on city council, don't expect anything major from Sea World...can some PLEASE replace her?

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So Scream Scape is stating that Six Flags Inc. is potentially doing away with the Tony Hawk, Wiggles, and Thomas Town branding. If this is true, kinda sucks for Six Flags America who opened Thomas Town just this past season.

Edited by alilstronger
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I heard somewhere that Hersheypark's new coaster is going to be is going to be launched, but the stats that they gave were just like Blue Fire, but it's height was like over 200 feet or something. It had he same inversions, speed and length, I think.

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