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First off, it's Williamsburg and Tampa Bay, not Europe and Africa. They've switched them back.


And I'm sure they will switch the names again. Especially if the parks get sold. References to each name are fine until they keep the same name for a more than a couple of years.

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I was about to say they didn't change them to the city names, but they did. It says on the 2009 brochures. I would prefer when they would say the continent though, because then people won't ask questions which of them is which.


I also been reading, and a flyer with a fly by on the river would make a great little memory of Big Bad Wolf!

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Hmmm...I wonder if BGT could push B&M to make a launched hyper but that would never happen. BGW is probably going to do a Flyer. If they want a woodie (probably not) then they should make it go through some underground tunnels to cancel out some noise, and also make it a Plug N' Play, which makes even less noise, and make the lift a cable lift a la El Toro et la T-Express so even less noise is heard. If that dosent work, buy out KingsMill

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put a B&M Sit-Down in the defunct-Drachen Fire area to make up for the failure that was Drachen Fire (havent ridden it, glad i didn't ).


Despite everything that has been said over the years about Drachen Fire I still place that coaster in my top ten of all time. Perhaps I am looking at it through rose coloured glasses but it had a solid layout and it was ahead of anything else for it's time. I would give anything for one last spin around her.

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Another Hersheypark rumor from Screamscape:

"Remember back when Fahrenheit was being installed and Herseheypark kept promoting it as their 11th coaster? Well if you take a look at their home page this week you’ll find this graphic, promoting the park’s “10 Coasters!”. Somehow I don’t think they would make an error like that so easily, so I can only assume that one of the park’s coasters may be on the way out. If I had to guess… I’d say that perhaps Roller Soaker’s time has come. Anyone know more?"



Click the link to see the image Screamscape was referring to.


My first thought before reading the article was that Sidewinder or Sooperdooperlooper (the first coaster I ever rode) were being removed. I loved Roller Soaker when I rode it. I hope they don't remove it (or Sooperdooperlooper, for that matter). Or maybe, it's the Wild Mouse (another fun coaster). All of the coasters I mentioned (except Sooperdooperlooper) are right by the water park.

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If Hershey removes a coaster, it'll be Wild Mouse. I don't think they are, though. I think they're just counting Lightning Racer as one ride. Whoever made the newest banner for the side probably just did that (or they're just dumb). But I highly doubt Hershey's getting rid of any coasters.


Of course, CRR are nice and gone...

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If Hershey removes a coaster, it'll be Wild Mouse. I don't think they are, though. I think they're just counting Lightning Racer as one ride. Whoever made the newest banner for the side probably just did that (or they're just dumb). But I highly doubt Hershey's getting rid of any coasters.


Of course, CRR are nice and gone...


That's not a valid explanation. Hersheypark has always counted Lightning Racer as one ride.

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Looking at an aerial photo of the park, I noticed something. A recent rumor from Screamscape said Hersheypark may expand into the previous Country Club area. Would they dare remove Comet to build a bridge over Spring Creek? Or, more likely, could it be Sooperdooperlooper considering some older steel roller coasters seem to be coming to their end?

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Some of my friends went to Mirabilandia this past weekend and found a group of French speaking people walking around the park. One of them had this piece of paper hanging out of his pocket. It looks like a roller coaster with a small vertical loop and a much bigger immelmann/ dive loop inversion.


Any idea???

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Some of my friends went to Mirabilandia this past weekend and found a group of French speaking people walking around the park. One of them had this piece of paper hanging out of his pocket. It looks like a roller coaster with a small vertical loop and a much bigger immelmann/ dive loop inversion.

If I had to take a guess at it, I'd say B&M invert. Of course Mirabilandia already has one of those so idk for where

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Some of my friends went to Mirabilandia this past weekend and found a group of French speaking people walking around the park. One of them had this piece of paper hanging out of his pocket. It looks like a roller coaster with a small vertical loop and a much bigger immelmann/ dive loop inversion.


First thing that came to my mind was Dive Machine. It could break a record by being the first one with a vertical loop.

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Legoland is looking to build a park in Illinois again, still by St. Louis, and a tax incentive bill for the park is being discussed in the state legislature.

At $200 million, it should be a good park, and at least they have a realistic attendance goal for when it opens.


SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — A European company is quietly talking with Illinois officials about tax incentives to build a $200 million Legoland amusement park in the Glen Carbon area, the Post-Dispatch has learned.


The Legislature could decide next week on the fate of a controversial tax incentive bill that could make or break the deal.


The amusement park would be part of the already proposed University Town Center, envisioned as a 900-acre mall.


Glen Carbon Mayor Robert Jackstadt confirmed Thursday "that I have had meetings with representatives of Legoland regarding the UTC project." He declined to elaborate.



Kelly Kraft, a spokeswoman for Gov. Pat Quinn, confirmed that when the governor was in Copenhagen this month with the U.S. delegation to the Olympic committee, "He ran into these people from Legoland, and they told him what they wanted to do."


Legoland owners previously talked with officials in Columbia, Ill., about a site there, but it fell through in 2007 because of controversy over proposed tax incentives.


A source close to the Glen Carbon talks, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing negotiations, said the facility would be built by the owners of Legoland amusement parks in Carlsbad, Calif., and three European locations.


It would be a $200 million project that could draw 1 million people a year and create 150 full-time and 800 seasonal jobs, said the source, who noted, "They want a Midwest location."


The UTC project, spearheaded by Bruce Holland, of Holland Construction, has stirred controversy in the Metro East and Springfield. The investors — who include John Costello, the son of U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Ill. — want the state to essentially forgive all sales taxes there so the revenue could pay off bonds to build it.


A bill creating that unprecedented "STAR" (sales tax revenue) bond arrangement passed the Legislature earlier this year, but Quinn, citing an estimated $15 million annual loss in revenue to the state, issued an amendatory veto to cut the tax break in half.


Holland has said the change could kill the plan. Lawmakers will decide next week whether to override the veto, or possibly reach some compromise.


A STAR bonds opponent, state Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Highland, said the Legoland angle doesn't sway his view. "I have a real hard time making corporate welfare a priority right now," he said.



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