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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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Haaa! Does it has such a bad reputation abroad as well?


Anyways, we all agree that theming is pretty nice. And those rides are just so much fun! Like we needed another reason to go to Holiday Park anyway.

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So yeah, the ride opened last week.


Here's a crazy POV video with 57 flips.




Think you can do better?


This Saturday, there will be a contest called "Beat Dave", a series of challenges judged by Dave Searle, the crazy Englishman who managed 90 flips at Nigloland:



Contest details: http://www.plopsa.be/holiday-park/de/form/schlag-den-dave-der-grosse-sky-fly-contest




source: Holiday Park

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys,


So i'm having a small vacation planned to visit south Germany (Mühltal near the Rhine) and me being a coaster enthusiast, a Germany trip is wasted without visiting one of it's amazing theme parks . So at first I had my eye on Heide-park (drive to Bremen), however that's tad too far away , so I looked at what's near and I found Holiday Park , home to the famous … you know the drill. So I need some help!

What to hit first, which day of the week is best (sunday/friday/monday), is the express pass worth it ($40 with a limit of 9 rides), how long the lines are etc.


Thank you guys so much,



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I suggest you also visit Tripsdrill with that extra $40.

One of the world's most beautiful theme parks, with quite a few fantastic rides, only an hour away.


must-rides at Holiday Park:

- GeForce (GeForce!)

- SkyScream (Premier SkyRocket)

- Burg Falkenstein (medieval-themed dark ride)

- Freefall Tower (if you like drop towers)

- SkyFly (Gerstlauer SkyFly)


must-rides at Tripsdrill:

- Mammut (a great woodie)

- Karacho (massive Gerstlauer launched looper)

- Gsengte Sau (Gerstlauer family coaster, super smooth)

- Badewannen-Fahrt (log flume themed to baths and spas)

- the wine museum (it's free AND you get a free Tripsdrill-themed glass)

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Im curious how Expedition GeForce is holding up, I rode it in April and it was rattling a lot throughout the whole ride unfortunately. I had looked forward so much to ride so it really sucked. Is it better now during the summer? Holiday Park take care of your intamin!

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I rode GeForce in June but I didn't notice any rattle. Just smooth Intamin bliss! I hit the queue first thing when it opened and got a couple of rides while queue time was under 10 minutes.


Oh, and I'd also highly recommend watching the water-stunt show. It's amazing and doesn't cost any extra!

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I rode GeForce in June but I didn't notice any rattle. Just smooth Intamin bliss! I hit the queue first thing when it opened and got a couple of rides while queue time was under 10 minutes.


Oh, and I'd also highly recommend watching the water-stunt show. It's amazing and doesn't cost any extra!


Thanks! do you know how bad the other lines are during the day, which one dies out later in the day? Is the ride experience of G-force significantly better in the afternoon then in the morning? I shall give the show a try thanks .


I suggest you also visit Tripsdrill with that extra $40.

One of the world's most beautiful theme parks, with quite a few fantastic rides, only an hour away.


must-rides at Holiday Park:

- GeForce (GeForce!)

- SkyScream (Premier SkyRocket)

- Burg Falkenstein (medieval-themed dark ride)

- Freefall Tower (if you like drop towers)

- SkyFly (Gerstlauer SkyFly)


must-rides at Tripsdrill:

- Mammut (a great woodie)

- Karacho (massive Gerstlauer launched looper)

- Gsengte Sau (Gerstlauer family coaster, super smooth)

- Badewannen-Fahrt (log flume themed to baths and spas)

- the wine museum (it's free AND you get a free Tripsdrill-themed glass)


Unfortunately we've got very limited time, so it would be immoderate to visit 2 parks, but thanks any way.

Have you maybe got any idea how the operations are? The HP app shows erroneous wait times, so I've got no clue what to expect.

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It definitely runs a little bit faster in the afternoon . Also in regards to the rattle its annoying how different ride experiences can be, I wonder how much is subjective though. But I have herd of wheel changes making differences etc so who knows.

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  • 2 months later...

Phase 2 of the Sky Fly zone has been unveiled!

More scenery, and two new flat rides!


Overview of the area:


Sky Fly in the center, Balloon Race in the bottom left corner. Those rides already exist.





One of the new rides... which looks like some sort of Wave Swinger:





New colors and scenery for the existing Balloon Race, and for the shops:













photos: Holiday Park & Holly-Info

Edited by BDG
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