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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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^...but, if you look on rcdb, there are photos with it previously running a full first-gen train (with the first-gen lead car), then at some point later, they switched out just that lead car.


Nice catch; I didn't notice that.


Like coasterkid124 said, it's probably a coaster to coaster basis. I always assumed EGF had the newer model trains (Goliath, Thunder Dolphin), but I love finding quirky things like this about coasters. Interesting stuff.

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Superman/Bizarro/Superman again at SFNE ran a full first-gen train until they got the second-gen trains for the Bizarro transformation, which they kept and just lightly modified for the return of Superman this year.


To the best of my knowledge and what I can find from searching and looking through photos online, EGF is the only case of the mixed train. Having rode both EGF about two months ago, then Superman a few days ago, I can definitely say that Superman's train feels uniquely "light" while riding and kind of seems to jog and bump up a bit going over the larger hills. EGF does not feel this way. I rode EGF in front row a couple of times and did not get a similar sensation. But at the same time, maybe EGF's heavier first-gen train pushing the lead car prevents this sensation from taking place.


Maybe the fact that the second-gen lead car also includes a very small "zero car" on the front (that shares a wheel assembly with the 1 car) that can flex a bit improves the tracking on a more twisted layout like EGF, or maybe helps with maintenance/wear and tear a bit? Purely speculating, also purely speculating about the second-gen being lighter, but thats the way they seem to feel with the way they track.

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Maybe the fact that the second-gen lead car also includes a very small "zero car" on the front (that shares a wheel assembly with the 1 car) that can flex a bit improves the tracking on a more twisted layout like EGF, or maybe helps with maintenance/wear and tear a bit?



The original front cars were no good for the twisty track. They actually got damaged.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

From the Holiday Park's Facebook page:


Next year the Holly's Wilde Autofahrt roller coaster will disappear from Holiday Park. In replacement the park will open a big new attraction in 2018. Next to the Light House Tower, there will open a new beach area (Holiday Beach Club) with three new attractions: a jet-type, boat carousel and playground.

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The new area's pre-rendering looks like it'll greatly improve the look of that area. The wild mouse coaster being a non-permanent model didn't match up with the theming of the rest of the park, which is otherwise heavily done.


Not sad to see it go, though I was glad that the wild mouse coaster was there for me, to serve as credit #249 and subsequently, dorkily make EGF #250.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

LOL how that piece of the old corkscrew coaster "sticks out" in the last photo.


And I love the set up all around the Star Flyer.

It all looks like it was naturally meant to be like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't say anything about the queue times as on my visit it was very quiet (only the log flume and Anubis drop tower had lines) and Sky Scream was closed. But what I can recommend is to ride Ex-G as much as you can (because let's face it, that's the reason you want to go there)! Ride it at least both in the front and in the back because it's very different (but excellent). Also don't miss the water ski show or Burg Falkenstein! They are definitely worth checking out.

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Hmmmm. So from the advice given, I think I should first hit up the parks new water ride, then the haunted castle thing, then definatly get a few rides on the log flume, not forgetting the star flyer, and if I have time at the end of all that to go on Sky Scream. But Ex-G Will be a miss, as everyone seems to think it is awful. Sounds good Nah, I will be tearing up my thighs on Ex-G most of the afternoon!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I was checking the queue times of some parks here in Europe (what else do you do when you're not at a theme park?), and I was shocked when I saw the queues for Holiday Park. Seriously, I have never seen this park that busy.



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^ That is not too bad really. It is very hot at the moment, and for a world class rollercoaster, 65 minutes is not that long. Sky Fly has a very low capacity of 12 riders, and the water rides would be busy too, as it is hot. Also, ExG is very slow to load, and I would guess they are running one train. Factor that in, and it is not too bad, considering what the park has now as a lineup.

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  • 1 month later...

Plopsa invests 7.5 million euros in new indoor area in Holiday Park



The German theme park Holiday Park, known for its roller coaster Expedition GeForce will be equipped with an indoor park for summer 2018.


The park will offer a 1.5 acre (6000 m²) surface entirely covered by a 40 ft (12 m) tall roof with no less than 7 attractions among which a family coaster. The cost of this project is 7.5 million euros. This extension of the park will be installed next to the children's area "Majaland", where the "Aquascope" once stood. Work will begin at the end of the 2017 season and the indoor park should be open as early as July 2018.


This new indoor area will be themed about the Heidi universe as well as Tabaluga and Mia & Me. The park's general theme will somewhat looks like the Heidiland area of ​​Plopsaland de Panne in Belgium. The only roller coaster in the area will be installed in the middle of a Swiss village and will be supplied by the German company Zierer. It will be a family coaster. There will also be two carousels, one themed to Heidi, the other to Mia & me. But also a giant slide, a ball pool and a playground. There will also be a show, with 500 seats. If you get a bit peckish, you will find a restaurant with indoor and outdoor terraces.


With this addition, the CEO of the Plopsa Group, Steve Van den Kerkhof, expects to reach the symbolic number of 1 million visitors per year. The park's next projects include a water park and a hotel. Since Plopsa bought Holiday Park in 2010, they have invested no less than 30 million euros in the park.






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  • 6 months later...

Looks like Holiday Park is giving people another reason to visit them, other than Expedition GeForce--although that's an excellent reason by itself.

Edited by cfc
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