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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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^^^ On the Wickieland art concept map, I'm curious what that other circular thing is, at the right end of the Disko, there? It looks like a shield of some kind. If it is, will the ride vehicle go under it? By the way, I love how parks are now theming their Diskos up, more than just leaving the framework and track visible.


(I bet they're stealing an idea from Movie Park Germany, or the now closed

Space World in Japan, and putting a flying saucer up there, LOL! Kid-ding.)

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Not gonna lie, I had forgotten the park even had a rapids ride. I'm really digging the look of Wickieland, especially the entrance through the Disk-O. One day I hope this park adds another world-class coaster, though. GeForce is so out of place compared to the rest of the park, haha.

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In our local print newspapers a new big coaster was rumored all over the first decade of this century. But since a few years the rumors died down. Honestly, we're happy that the park didn't die during corona. Now some additions smaller than a new coaster are made over the next years.

I suppose once the hotel is finished and working, they'll do something bigger. If it's a coaster and if it's world-class - we'll see.

My two cents: First try to run GeForce with two trains, without stacking so you don't need to wait 30 minutes for 10 trains to be sent, then think bigger. First do you homework, then go out and play.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 9 months later...

Hey all,

The bf and I are going to Europe in September and we're attempting to purchase tickets and make reservations for Holiday Park, but we're running into an odd issue, two odd issues really. The date we're attempting to reserve is open on their calendar but the website comes up blank when picking that date for a ticket purchase. Even more odd, if I try picking a random date on the calendar that does have tickets coming up as available, when I pick a date and then add a ticket to the cart, the "continue" button does nothing. Clicking the shopping cart button does nothing, too.

I've tried using my phone, another browser, using my bf's Windows computer (I'm on a Mac myself), using my VPN to change my apparent location to Germany, clearing cookies, and even changing the language to German and going through the same motions.

Of course, I contacted the park a few days ago and they replied with a very friendly message saying they had a system backup issue the day before, that the date we want is available, and that it should be working...but it isn't. 

Just figured I'd ask if anyone in the area has gone or if anyone has visited and had the same or a similar issue. There has to be some way people are buying tickets since the park is open right now and I'm sure they'd notice if nobody was there...lol. We're a little wary of waiting too long so we'd like to get advance tickets as soon as possible because we could really use some GeForce in our lives!

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Their webpage had some real issues the last weeks. 

Even if I really don't like it, it was fine with Microsoft Edge.

If wou would tell me the date, I'd be happy to check it anyways.

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13 hours ago, xVicesAndVirtues said:

^sure, we’re trying to book 9/26! Let me know if it works for you and I’ll happily download MS Edge

I can choose 9/26 without any problem with Chrome and Edge right now.

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Yes, I do..


This is Chrome. But the same goes for Edge and Firefox. I suppose, the problem in on your end. :(

Please try and contact customer service again. Perhaps per phone? They should have someone speaking proper English since we're close to Ramstein AFB.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update from today's tour to Holiday Park:

All major rides were open. Some rides at Majaland were not and seem down for the season. Expresspass is available again with the usual perks (nine points for 30,-- €).

Expedition GeForce was running great.

For the fellow who visits on thursday: I don't see anything preventing you from having a great day. You wont need Expresspass. Expedition GeForce was a maximum wait of two trains for any given row all day. All other major rides were merely walk-ons.

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1 hour ago, KBrylczyk said:

Turns out you're one of the lucky ones!

To be honest, we had no downtimes the whole (operating) year. That means June to today. And all rides were as smooth as a kicka$$ Intamin in a small park can be.

Last year, things were pretty different. Bad reliability and shaky rides.

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Well.. To be honest: We are really surprised and happy that it had such a good year. When I heard that last years rumors that the second train was eternally dead were true, I thought nothing good. And the current Frankenstein train does truly look like a really bad treated coaster. But in the end, i runs as good as I last experienced in summer 2019 when it had constant two train operations.
The thing that I was surprised about the most was, that it ran really good on Tuesday, which was a rainy, foggy morning with low temperatures. That in combination with one train operations and half full train meant bumpy and slow rides in the past. But it was very different. I don't know what they are doind different then in former years, but it works.

What I personally still fear about is a covid free 2022 with a full park and one train operation. That means about 400-500 pph at best. That means no rides for me as I will not wait more then 15-20 minutes for it.

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On 10/19/2021 at 8:27 PM, Pedrinho said:

Just a quick update from today's tour to Holiday Park:

All major rides were open. Some rides at Majaland were not and seem down for the season. Expresspass is available again with the usual perks (nine points for 30,-- €).

Expedition GeForce was running great.

For the fellow who visits on thursday: I don't see anything preventing you from having a great day. You wont need Expresspass. Expedition GeForce was a maximum wait of two trains for any given row all day. All other major rides were merely walk-ons.

Sorry, was only able to have some time on my PC now. But thanks for all the tips!


And now to the big reveal...... I got to the park Thursday morning and it was closed 😅😅

They had some bad weather during the previous night and didn't open from damage..... Luckily, it was my last park of the trip and I had already booked a hotel nearby. So I managed to spend 2/3h in the park on Friday, before having to drive back to Switzerland. 

Expedition GeForce took 1h30 to open (due to cold) but then it was almost a walk on, so I still managed to get 5 rides that day. As expected, it was a really awesome ride (with a lot more positive Gs than I thought, actually!) 

Sky Scream had a sign saying "closed for maintenance". There was also nobody near the entrance so I couldn't really ask what the matter was. Overall, it felt like they were still recovering from damage of Wednesday night since a lot of rides were closed or took a bit to open. 

Overall, however, given this issue and the time limitation on that day, I was really happy with the visit and glad to close the "coaster year" with a back car ride on Expedition GeForce 😊

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6 hours ago, rcjp said:

Sorry, was only able to have some time on my PC now. But thanks for all the tips!


And now to the big reveal...... I got to the park Thursday morning and it was closed 😅😅

They had some bad weather during the previous night and didn't open from damage..... Luckily, it was my last park of the trip and I had already booked a hotel nearby. So I managed to spend 2/3h in the park on Friday, before having to drive back to Switzerland. 

Expedition GeForce took 1h30 to open (due to cold) but then it was almost a walk on, so I still managed to get 5 rides that day. As expected, it was a really awesome ride (with a lot more positive Gs than I thought, actually!) 

Sky Scream had a sign saying "closed for maintenance". There was also nobody near the entrance so I couldn't really ask what the matter was. Overall, it felt like they were still recovering from damage of Wednesday night since a lot of rides were closed or took a bit to open. 

Overall, however, given this issue and the time limitation on that day, I was really happy with the visit and glad to close the "coaster year" with a back car ride on Expedition GeForce 😊


Glad you had such a good time. Yes, Wednesday last week was an awful night in Rhinelanp-Palatine. I live about 40 kilometers away from the park and I thought of your visit on thursday morning. I'm surprised you managed to get some rides in. Consider yourself lucky. 

Glad you liked it. It seems we share a detail of our coaster seasons with our last ride of the season being GeForce in the back.

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22 hours ago, Pedrinho said:


Glad you had such a good time. Yes, Wednesday last week was an awful night in Rhinelanp-Palatine. I live about 40 kilometers away from the park and I thought of your visit on thursday morning. I'm surprised you managed to get some rides in. Consider yourself lucky. 

Glad you liked it. It seems we share a detail of our coaster seasons with our last ride of the season being GeForce in the back.

aha  cool!

Yeah, not bad at all. When, on Thursday, I was told the park would open on Friday, I wasn't so confident (especially as there was still some wind on Thursday) but all ended up working out pretty good! It was a shame to miss sky scream but it was more for the credit, really, as I have been on a clone of it

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