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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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  • 1 month later...

I am planning a trip to Oktoberfest this year and hoping to hit up a couple of parks while in the country. This question seems a bit silly but I am looking at the park hours and for 15 September and it states "Opening hours: Full", I assume that means the park is booked out and not open to Public?


The 15th would work best for our schedule but could go on the 16th if required.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  DBru said:
Heading to the park tomorrow! So excited but there's a good chance of rain in the forecast. Does EGF run in the rain?


Yes, almost every park in Europe runs their coasters in the rain so no worries there. Have fun! EGF truly is one of the best coasters in the world!

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  • 2 months later...

Holiday Park opens seven new attractions



Seven new attractions have opened yesterday, Saturday 21th of July, in the German theme park Holiday Park. Visitors to Holiday Park - owned by the Belgian Plopsa Group - were able to take a look in the indoor theme area Holiday Indoor for the first time.


The 7.5 million euro-themed area is home to multiple new attractions, like the family roller coaster Tabalugas Achterbahn, Mias Elfenflug, carousel Bauernhof Karussell, Riesenrutsche, Abenteuerwald and Heidis Spielplatz play area. There is also a theater, a catering point and a shop.


The roller coaster from the German manufacturer Zierer is 222 meters long and 9 meters tall. The top speed is 39 kilometers per hour. The model is comparable to the Wickie de Viking roller coasters at Plopsa Indoor Hasselt and Plopsa Indoor Coevorden.


All attractions in Holiday Indoor are based around the TV series Heidi, Tabaluga and Mia & Me. A new Heidi show will be performed in the theater. The area of 5,000 square meters is located next to the Anubis Free Fall Tower.









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  • 4 months later...

Has anyone around here in the forum been to the new indoor world already?

We live only 40 minutes from the park, but didn't make it this fall due to our baby, but we plan to be there next year, if there are enough attractions a one year old is allowed on.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Photo Trip Report - Season Kick Off Holiday Park 04/07/2019


On Sunday, April 4th 2019, Holiday Park invited the Season Pass holders to the exclusive Kick Off Event. Every pass holder was able to bring a friend. So Sarah, Paul and me went with my brother and her maid of honor to have a fantastic day. Weather was pretty solid, no rain, some wind and a lot of sun.


You had to get your tickets beforehand online, so they knew the park would be packed and sent an email on friday, saying that the park would open at 10 am, three hours (!) earlier than scheduled! Most people were families with little children, so Maja Land was overcrowded and we skipped Holiday Indoor completely because there was a line just for going into the building every time we passed the entrance.


Paul was able to ride the Frog Hopper (5 minute wait), which made him a lot of fun, the antique carousel (walk-on) and the

Balloon Race (15 minute wait). We were very fortunate with this, because it was down for maintenance more then open the whole day.


After that we took our ride on the Sky Fly (15 minute wait). Paul was getting hungry, so we went to Sky Scream, split apart in groups of two (that the other two could play with Paul) and did some rides. Curiously enough (remember that the park was really, really full), lines were almost nonexistent, we waited three trains maximum with each try. Afterwards Paul went for a nap in his handcart, giving us the opportunity to walk over to Expedition GeForce and ride it twice in the front and the back, again with two and three train waits each.


It was around 2 pm now and we thought it would be a good time for lunch. Here we had the significant letdown of our day, we had to wait 65 minutes to order (!) our food. When we got in line for ordering, there were roughly 20 people in front of us. Normally ordering, getting drinks and paying should not last long. We knew, that waiting for our food to be ready will need some patience, but we thought to go to the rafting while waiting. But they had only 50 buzzers (the little devices that are beeping and buzzering when your order is ready to get at the counter), so every customer stood in the frond and had to wait 5 to 15 minutes after ordering and paying for a buzzer to return before the transaction could be finished and the next customer was in place. There was no back up system. There was no plan how to handle the situation. Surely enough, we could just have went away and eat elsewhere, but when we recognized the problem, Sarah gave Paul his lunch and we all, including him, needed some sit down in the shadow. To sum it up: food was good, operations and B2C communications were horrible. As they knew how many people were heading to the park and they made food 50% off the whole day, they should have known what will happen and could have had a plan.


After our lunch/dinner we split again and went to the water rides, first the Donnerfluss (10 minute wait). It was a ton of fun and really got us wet in the wave pool section. In the meantime, Sarah and Paul went again on the carousel, which he liked a lot. After that, we were heading directly to Wickie Splash (15 minute wait). We really got soaked, but it was well worth it. I love the double down!


In the meantime the park decided to extend the opening hours for that day until 7 pm, so we decided afterwards to get our final round through the park to visit the Pirate Ship (5 minute wait), Sky Scream again (walk-on) and Expedition GeForce (10 minute wait because it was down to one train operation), before we got our passes processed and left for the day!


We skipped the Free Fall Tower, Holiday Indoor, a second run to Maja Land and the water ski show, but we really had a blast with great weather.



Here are our ride reviews for the day:


Expedition GeForce: ran two trains for the majority of the day, which was the first time I experienced this! Our ride in the front was really good! It ran very well the whole day. In the front, we had some minor shaking in the turn over the rafting, but nothing unbearable or bad. In the back, this was not noticeable. We had trimless rides all day and it ran really fast. Therefore we wanted a late ride again and were able to hop on one of the last three or four trains of the day. It really had warmed up and was hauling a$$ this time! No trims, not rattle but airtime all over the place. On the airtime hill after the first overbank, I was slammed into the lap bar and didn't return until the very bottom of the drop! Very nice ride OP's, especially Eric!

On a side note: It could really use a paint job! It's not only faded, it's ugly. Nobody, who isn't in the know, would expect that thing to be one of the world's best coasters.


Sky Scream: butter smooth as always. Really good airtime in the back when coasting forwards after the backwards launch. Amazing airtime in the front when going horizontal again after the vertical section after the launch. I love the hang time in the roll. The only coaster clone I've ridden I really love! Our only complaint is, that we didn't expect an double run (shooting through the station after the first loop; we had this at an halloween event).


Carousel: Seriously, Holiday Park? There was damaged and ripped fabric on almost every seat, really much dirt everywhere and it looked like it was the last day of operations after a hard season and a very wet autumn. It's such a nice carousel and the little kiddies love it. But it needs to shine and not to rot.


Pirate Ship: Really good ride cycle, better than the last time we've ridden. Awesome ride OP (don't remember the name).


Wickie Splash: I don't know how and why, but I never was this wet after riding this! Also an awesome ride OP (Manfred), keep going!


Donnerfluss: The water was utterly brownish, but it worked with the theming. We didn't get wet until the wave pool. We had the feeling not every gimmick that should get you wet was working. Very good ride OP (turkish name).



One last thing to mention:

Debbie Downer: At the Donnerfluss our second-hand embarrassment moment of the day happened: There was a woman who insisted that her (clearly) too small son has to go on this ride because some other staff member at the entrance said he could. He explained her the rules and didn't let him go. I stood to his side. He saw my Club TPR shirt and smiled. I told her, that the height restrictions are for safety reasons, not for fun and that it could be dangerous for a smaller person to ride (I had the same problems at Tripsdrill, but a rule is a rule and there's no way to call a ride OP following these rules expletives). She then screamed also at me and the ride OP let security come and get her way. After our ride we saw the very same woman on the carousel. Sarah later told us that another woman (or maybe the same) smoked her cigarette in the waiting line and told her kiddies that in two weeks, they will "go where they belong", to Europa Park, where "the employees know where they belong". She told her kids that last year, she "drop her fag and let the employee get it, because thats his job".

The women I "talked to" wore clothes of a german enthusiasts group. I don't know their names or anything, but I was really embarrassed because such idiots are putting a bad light on every enthusiast group. Do you think I shall email the guys running that group and inform them?


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my first trip report ever. Here are some photos of our tour:


Good Start with a free look on two Intamin hotties!


Hop the frog! So much fun!


Sexy Intamin curves


Two must rides. Simple as that.


This was way more exciting than we thought! Loved it. Paul was a bit scared.


Hang time in the sky I can see. Screams I can hear.


Two train operations on GeFroce!


This was the line at the restaurant. It lasted 65 minutes from here to order!


I love how Expedition GeForce interacts with the park!


It was hauling!


Where is mommy?


Here she comes!




That's one weird support!

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Great report! Bummer about the food situation, but I guess that's part of the reason to have these shake down events prior to season opening to get all departments ready.


I would send a quick, polite email to that other group and let them know they had a member representing them poorly. It's certainly something we would want to know if the situation was reversed.

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  SharkTums said:
Great report! Bummer about the food situation, but I guess that's part of the reason to have these shake down events prior to season opening to get all departments ready.


I would send a quick, polite email to that other group and let them know they had a member representing them poorly. It's certainly something we would want to know if the situation was reversed.

Okay, I'll do that.


On the food situation.. We were pretty aware that the Kick Off is meant to sort out the kinks in operations.. But only 50 buzzers is not enough, no matter on which day!

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  • 2 months later...

So.. We'll be at the park tomorrow. Weather seems not to be too good, but perhaps crowds will be not too much because of that!

If anyone is there from the forums who wants to meet up, just give us a message!

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Photo Trip Report - Park Visit 05/20/2019


On Thursday, May 20th 2019 (a local holiday), we went to our second trip of the year. We invitied my brother with his daugther and our friend with her american fiancé to the park. Weather forecast was pretty bad, but we dicided to go anyway as showers would not last long. The first bummer was at the parking lot - no noise of Expedition GeForce testing.

When we came to the entrance there were signs saying "GeForce maybe not running today". So we did all rides in Holiday Indoor first, as we didn't do it last time. It's a great addition and something the park was definitely in need of. After that we hit Maja Land for Flip, the frog hopper, the rocking tree and the jumping flowers before we went to the bigger rides. We took the clockwise turn and did Sky Scream, Lighthouse Tower, the pirate Ship before we went for lunch near GeForce. There we noticed for the first time, that GeForce was not only not even testing, there was nobody next to the ride. The app still said "closed temporarily" and on their facebook site was no mention at all about this case. So it was clear that it was down mechanical and will not open soon. Not good, but it's the way the cookie crumbles and nothing we did not expect from minute one his day. So we went on another circle through the park where we hit the free fall tower, again the frog hopper and Flip, Beach Rescue and Wickie Splash for our wet goodbye for that day. At the end, we had no rain an temparatures over 80° F the whole day - itcould have been perfect, if GeForce would have ran.

We know that coasters, especially Intamins, may break down, that's nothing new to us. But the fact that there was nobody on site and the ride is closed until today shows, that they knew that it would not run on Thursday. As it is the only really major attraction in the park, so they could have communicated that better. Until today, there's no tweet, no post on facebook and on their website, you only have a small line on the very bottom of the GeForce-Page. We know, they are not forced to do more and it may be a money issue with people staying away if they know it's closed. But as an example: Our american friends were really unhappy and won't returs soon either.


The rides:


Paraglider: I love interactive rides. Here you can set your height. But four of twelve cars were broken and roped off and the ride broke down multiple times we've benn in the indoor world.

Wooden carousel: Very slow carousel with wooden carved animals. Nice ride for the smallest ones.

Tabalugabahn: The newest family coaster. The park was in desperate need of this. It's really nice, you get usually two laps in a row. They could have staffed it with more than one OP. She hat to check all restraints, cross the tracks, check the exit door, cross the tracks again, go to the front row, press a button and go back to the panel an the ent of the train to release it from the station alone. If some check failed, she had to do everything again. So the checking procedure lasted longer than the ride.

Frog Hopper: Paul did his first ride alone (I sat on the saet behind him). Great first ride for kids!

Flip: Funny themed powered ride. We loved it.

Rocking Tree: I hate them. Sarah loves them. I watch Paul, she and the others ride. Good stuff!

Jumping Blossoms: Very nice. You can choose if they rise or go down and so you can manage if you get (extra) wet or stay dry.

Sky Scream: Just a good coaster, ran good as always. Funny crew who spayed water when the train ran through the station.

Lighthouse Tower: I don't know why, but these Star Flyers scare the crap out of me.. But I have to ride them. It was a really long cycle.

Pirate Ship: Also not my stuff, but Paul loves watching the others. I like it that the back rows go really 90 degrees (unlike the ship at Europa-Park)

Free Fall Tower: We were at the top like forver - I love that ride. The drop came so unexpected. Great stuff.

Beach Rescue: Never did that before. Awesome interactive water flat ride. You really have to hold tight.

Wickie Splash: The crew was hauling, every boat was completely full. Such a funny flume.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed our trip report. Here are some photos of our tour:


Cloudy weather, but nice and warm. No sound of GeForce, though.


Not my type of ride..


That's fun!


Hop the frog - Paul at his first ride alone. So proud!


This is really funny, but broke down immediately after we left.


The new family coaster.




The coaster


Paul and Sarah on the wooden carousel




..the hopping ride

Edited by Pedrinho
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  Canobie Coaster said:
Great report! A bummer about GeForce though. I couldn't imagine being at Holiday Park with that ride closed.

Me neither. But what would you do if you have checked Twitter and Facebook in the morning, took four guests with you and the entrance says "temporarily closed"?

I don't think many people will turn around and drive one hour home again..

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Last year when I went to Lake Compounce and saw Boulder Dash closed (wasn't the park's fault, a power outage closed half the park), I got in my car and drove to Six Flags New England.


However, I know most people probably wouldn't do that.

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The lifthill cable (isn't it called cabel car?) needs to be exchanged as far as I know and this will take a while. But don't quote me on this. However, this is a recent problem that started a couple of days ago. On your day you just must have been very unlucky.


btw. forget checking their Social Media. They don't announce the closure anywhere. The only way to find out about it, is navigating to the ride's subpage on their website. There it simply says: Closed today

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

An update from Holiday Park, which announced it will open June 10.


New this season is a brand new theme for its rapid river. New queue, scenery, plants, rockwork. And dinosaurs, lots of dinosaurs.



















Construction also well under way on the park's new Wickieland area, which was announced for 2021.










photos: Holiday Park

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