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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Media Preview & 2007 Season

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Wow, I love the new signs and the colourful animals all over the park look great.


V2 looks good with it's new paint job.


I really like the new name of the park aswell.


I think they should add some shrubs and trees around Kong's layout.


The one thing that they really need to do is repaint Medusa, It does'nt fit in with the area and they should dig up the tarmac and put grass and trees around the layout.

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Wow, I'm really impressed, it looks super nice!


Plus there was a Penguin so I'm happy!


Immediately thought of you, when I saw that, LOL!


New themeing looks great. The animal sculptures are interesting, "mosaic in nature" nyuk nyuk.


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Plus there was a Penguin so I'm happy!


No!!! I was really impressed until we got to the penguin!!!







Anyway, great photos! I've been really impressed by the park in the past and these steps are just beyond what you'd expect from Six Flags!



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Not to many changes except for the massive new signs.


I think they look awesome, but probably could have left off "Entry to" on all of them.


I still don't get how they sectioned the park of, considerings there is sky, land, and sea stuff all over the park. Like right next to V2 and Roar is a whale ride, and thats the Sky section of the park? Granted the Whales do kinda fly on that ride.

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Plus there was a Penguin so I'm happy!


No!!! I was really impressed until we got to the penguin!!!







Anyway, great photos! I've been really impressed by the park in the past and these steps are just beyond what you'd expect from Six Flags!




i was impressed by the guins on my last visit. it was a tuxedo orgy, penguins humping everywhere i looked

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Great pictures! My family and I have always liked this park and this will just make it that much better. Definitely a step in the right direction. We will be making a trip down there for sure this year. I'm looking forward to the rest of the pictures.

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Not to many changes except for the massive new signs.


I think they look awesome, but probably could have left off "Entry to" on all of them.


I still don't get how they sectioned the park of, considerings there is sky, land, and sea stuff all over the park. Like right next to V2 and Roar is a whale ride, and thats the Sky section of the park? Granted the Whales do kinda fly on that ride.


The signs do look nice but that's all that looks new besides the newly painted V2. Looking forward to the full TR to see what all's new.


With the re-routing of the Kong queue, could it be possible for something new to be shoehorned into Kong's former entry/exit path?

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Looks like Six Flags may have the right idea with this park. I've never been, myself, but my nieces and nephews have always liked the place. Thanks for sharing the photos.

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Great Pictures!


It has always been a park I liked spending time at, and I like the improvements. I haven't been there in a few years (though I did manage to get the Zonga credit) and hope some of my favorite walk though sections are still there.


I just have a few questions, is the butterfly house still there? Even though it was in sort of a nondescript greenhouse at the back of the park, it is one of the most unique experiences at any sea world type park I've been to.


Also, I'm probably a little late in asking this but is there any news about what is going to happen to the fairgrounds right across from the park? If Shapiro is so interested in improving SFDK the Fairground would make a sensible purchase, Either for more animal exhibits or maybe a water park, both would be family friendly.


Also a Medium/large family coaster, something like a mine train or Maurer Söhne custom spinning mouse would work really well at this park.

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Still not as nice looking as the park was back in the Marine World Africa USA days but it's definately an improvement on what it was. I'm not entirely sure that I like the signs, they look a tad plastic for my liking but I can see what they were going for. I'm hoping that Six Flags will keep on making these changes over the next few seasons until the park looks as good as it once did

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Still not as nice looking as the park was back in the Marine World Africa USA days but it's definately an improvement on what it was. I'm not entirely sure that I like the signs, they look a tad plastic for my liking but I can see what they were going for. I'm hoping that Six Flags will keep on making these changes over the next few seasons until the park looks as good as it once did
They arnt plastic. They are concreteish or something similar. The park did look really nice. It was by far the most crowded opening day I've ever been too. Probably due to the massive amount of advertising.


The were running 3 trains on Medusa (sorta) and V2 wasnt open yet. It looks like it should be a good year this year.


It was cool to meet Sean in line at Medusa.

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I still don't understand why they completely changed the name. Hasn't this park always been known as Marine World? I dunno. I just don't see the point of changing a 20 year old name.


Did the name "Marine World" have a bad rep, or something?


The park was originally know as "Marine World Africa USA" which worked with the theme of the park a lot better than the Premier Parks/Six Flags shortened "Marine World". I think the name change was a pretty good idea. The "Marine World" name really ignored the entire north end of the park with all of the land animals. And from what I have heard from my friends in SF, there is some hostility towards the new location and the addition of rides to "Marine World Africa USA" so Six Flags would have had to deal with comparisons with the old park if they returned to the original name. (My friends seem to have this desire to have the original park back I guess.)


Shedding the old identity of the park was probably one of the best things Six Flags could have done with the park. I just hope that Shapiro realizes that it isn't just a 1 year fix and will continue sending money to the park to keep up with maintenance. They don't need a huge new ride every year, but as seen at Disneyland in the last couple years, its amazing what a new coat of paint on a regular basis can do.

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