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Walt Disney World Epcot Discussion Thread

P. 119: Test Track closure announced, new concept art released!

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If Wonderbread wins this supposed bid, during the crash test simulation, with the doors be covered in nice, soft, fluffy loafs of bread - and instead of the doors opening to the track, will the car just bounce off of the marshmallow-like goodness that is Wonderbread?

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  holidayworld08 said:
On my recent disney trip a busdriver told me that Oldsmobile and WonderBread are currently in a bidding war to take over sponsorship. Anyone heard more?


Sorry to double post, but are bus drivers the new Dippin' Dots guys?


Bus Drivers at WDW, are slightly more knowledgable than the Dippin' Dots guys.


Dippin Dots guys have no knowldege of anything so.......do the math.

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Associated Press - Dateline January 13, 2010

In a suprise move, CEO of Wonderbread Inc. Jeff Johson, has anounced that Wonderbread LCC will be the official sponsor of the former Test Track ride at Epcot. The new name of the new ride will be "Test Kitchen". Guests will experience the test and adjust experience each loaf goes through before becoming WB Approved. Some of the highlights include, high temperature baking, spraying with mistery perservatives, cuminating in a 60 mph ride through packaging process. Local Citizen "Horizons" is quoted as "Shedding a Tear Over The Death Epcot".

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It now has been a little over three years since they closed all the attractions at Epcot's Wonders of Life pavillion. The Making of Me was certainly one of the more infamous attractions which it may be the only sexual eduactional movie created for a theme park. Well, at least the only one at a Disney theme park. There are a few places, especially the first 30 seconds of the movie where it is very blurry, but you still can listen to the audio in these parts. Anyways, enjoy!



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"Paging Barry Hom... Mr. Barry Hom. Your show's revival has arrived!"


In all seriousness, thanks for sharing this with us Erik! I never got to see The Making of Me during my visits to the Wonders of Life pavilion, so this is an interesting experience for me. That being said, I still prefer Martin Short when in Canada.

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Making of Me's most entertaining attritube was watching the reactions to parents with their younger children during the more "awkward" moments.


Body Wars was horrible. It was as if Disney decided they didn't cause enough motion sickess with Star Tours and wanted a post show for an attraction called "barf".


On the other hand, Cranium Command was one of my all time favorite WDW attractions. The show never ceased to entertain and was really the only major loss when this pavilion went into hibernation.

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Thanks for sharing this, Erik. I'm probably the only one that misses the Wonders of Life pavilion because when I was younger, I always used to love riding around on those bicycles with the TV monitors attached to them showing scenes from around WDW.


Alas, its gone, and the last pictures I've seen from inside had most of the attractions covered up and mold getting to some of the theming.

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I also very much miss this area of the park. I really thought the entire pavillion was well done and all the attractions were great! Cranium Command will still be one of my favorite "Epcot Shows" and I think I'm most bummed out about losing that one.


Body Wars was my favorite simulator (not sure why), but I liked it a lot more than Star Tours.


And Making of Me was...well, funny for being very serious!



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  robbalvey said:
I also very much miss this area of the park. I really thought the entire pavillion was well done and all the attractions were great! Cranium Command will still be one of my favorite "Epcot Shows" and I think I'm most bummed out about losing that one.


Yuck. I hated WoL. I always thought it was poorly themed, and didn't fit the rest of Future World very well. I'm not sad it's gone, as I only went in it twice, and that was enough for me!

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My Disney Dream is for them to turn the Wonders of Life Pavilion into a Weather related Pavilion and put Aquatopia in the middle, Storm Rider into Body Wars, and other random Weather attractions in the other theaters.


I think it would fit Epcot well and bring one of my favorite Disney rides a bit closer!

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I finally saw this when WoL was open for the last time in December 2006. I dragged my brother to see it too, and we both thought it was lame, but had fun riding Body Wars several times. All the times we stopped in there that trip, the place was practically deserted! I hope WoL can be used again someday for something other than the various Epcot festivals.

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Thanks for posting this Erik. I was never made to go see this film but I remember all of my friends did in my junior high school years and they all had horror stories about how awful it was seeing it with your parents - so I was always curious about what the big deal was.


Apparently not much. . .


What a bunch of whiners.

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Wow, this was... kind of awkward, but not in a terribly bad way. I only ever made it into the Wonders of Life pavilion once, when I was ten years old. I'm kind of glad I didn't see this when I was there, as it probably would have gone right over my head. But it's interesting to see just how much a theme park can really get into the educational role.


On a side note, the scene in this movie where the "mom and dad" are at the dance highly entertained me. I'm in a club where all we do is that style of dancing (swing- notably Jitterbug and Lindy Hop), and it excited me to see two of my passions combined into one thing. I even recognzed the music as being Duke Ellington's "Take the 'A' Train."

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