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What's the worst song you ever heard?...

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The title is self explanatory. Is there a song (or songs) out there that makes you absolutely cringe every time it comes on the radio or Television?


For me, the worst, most cringe-inducing song I've ever heard was Macarthur Park, the original version sung by Richard Harris. A guy who was known for his wild reputation as an actor, who hung out with cool old actors like Robert Shaw, and yet here he is singing about a god damned cake.


Not exactly a shining moment for anyone's career.

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^Hanson sucked pretty bad. They were one big joke. However, I must admit, they released a single last summer called "Penny & Me" that wasn't too bad. :shock: Did I just admit that!?!?


I'm not sure what to put my vote towards. There are so many good nominees. Or should I say bad nominees? I don't know. I let everybody pick mine for me from the following:


- "Barbie Girl" by Aqua

- "Macarena" by Los Del Rio

- Anything from Gwen Stefani's solo album

- "The Reason" by Hoobastank


Scott "Still in awe that I admitted I like a Hanson song" P.

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Oh god, I forgot all about Hanson. I remember everyone in the media was making such a big deal about them back in the day, and they only had like one hit song in their entire time in the spotlight. It was psychotic.


Doug "The most glorified one-hit wonders in all of music" Booth

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^ ahhh no! linkin park rocks!!! just not their new stuff with jz...that sucks.........hard


:shock: (Still picking my jaw up off the ground). Until now, I've actually have never met anybody who didn't like that album. It is one of the best I own personally. But hey, we all have different tastes!

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Anything by Winger.

Barbie Girl was bad.

MacArthur Park: i agree, was pretty bad... ' at it took so long to bake it,

and i'll never have the recipe againnnnnnnnnnnn, oh nooooooooooooo!'

My older sisters loved that song, and played the 45 constantly.

yeah, MP gets my vote as the worst....

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Gwen Stafani "Hollaback Girl"


For heavens sake look at the lyrics.


Uh huh, this my sh*t

All the girls stomp your feet like this


A few times I've been around that track

So it's not just going to happen like that

Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl



Oooh, this my sh*t, this my sh*t [4x]


I heard that you were talking sh*t

And you didn't think that I would hear it

People hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired up

So I'm ready to attack, going to lead the pack

going to get a touchdown, going to take you out

That's right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired up


A few times I've been around that track

So it's not just going to happen like that

Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl



Oooh, this my sh*t, this my sh*t [4x]


So that's right dude, meet me at the bleachers

No principals, no student-teachers

Both of us want to be the winner, but there can only be one

So I'm going to fight, going to give it my all

going to make you fall, going to sock it to you

That's right, I'm the last one standing, another one bites the dust


A few times I've been around that track

So it's not just going to happen like that

Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl



Oooh, this my sh*t, this my sh*t [4x]


Let me hear you say, this sh*t is bananas


This sh*t is bananas


Again, the sh*t is bananas


This sh*t is bananas



A few times I've been around that track

So it's not just going to happen like that

Cause I ain't no hollaback girl

I ain't no hollaback girl



Oooh, this my sh*t, this my sh*t [4x]

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I must say I am not a fan of Linkin Park, but if they are the worst you have heard, you need to start listening to more music. With that in mind I point you over to http://www.PureVolume.com and especially a band called Big T Loves (http://www.purevolume.com/bigtloves). Listen to the song "Yo..." and I guarantee that you will never be the same again. (I guess I should warn you; There is some swearing and if you are not this tall, you may not ride/listen.)

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but I cannot stand Bob Dylan's voice, its horrible!!!


I'm going to cry.


Seriously though, I've heard so many painful sounding songs that I can't even begin to think of them all. I will second the fact that Linkin Park should be put in a rocket and launched into the sun, but sadly they are very far from the worst I've heard. That crap Rockman89 posted came very close to being the worst ever, but I'm not even sure I would consider that music.

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Everything by Nelly

Everything by The Game

Everything by 50cent

Everything by Jay-Z

Destony's Child - Solider

Everythig by Pretty Ricky

Everything by Ludicris

Everything by Ying Yang Twins

Everything by Bow Wow

Everything by Mike Jones

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I'm suprised nobody has mentioned Ashley Simpson. The ONLY reason she's in the business is because of her sister's name, and her baptist minister father who has sold all their souls to the devil. She's ugly, she can't sing worth a crap, she's a total phony.


At least Jessica can sing, and is pretty.

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