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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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This looks incredible! And a thirty million investment right after another nearly thirty million dollar investment. Reading the Facebook comments is mind numbing though: "Lost River was a classic blah blah blah there's not enough for old people blah blah blah that drop looks too big for my kids blah blah blah no more thrill rides! Heights heights HEIGHTS!" Lord I'm so excited to experience something like Infinity Falls in what is basically my backyard!

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So what's the tallest in the world? I'm having trouble figuring that one out.


Yes, this is what has me perplexed as well! I know when it was announced, Infinity Falls claimed to be the tallest in the world, and this is taller than that. Has a new one opened since then, or is opening next year? Inquiring minds want to know!


Love this addition though! I still haven't been able to make it out to SDC, but I'm glad this will be there whenever I do! I'm not usually a fan of Rapids Rides, but I liked the one at Animal Kingdom because of the drop, so I'm excited about Infinity Falls and this as well. Such a beautiful looking park! Can't wait to get out there someday!

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I was at the announcement ceremony and did the tour of the construction site. Very impressive for a river rapids ride. I do like the landscaping/theming/scenery/etc quite a lot from whats been done so far. This will indeed be a huge hit with the park like Outlaw Run and Time Traveler were. I expect the lines will be pretty crazy and long for this thing like how Lost River was. lol The ride basically combines elements from the American Plunge, Waterboggan, and Lost River.









You might notice lots of rock work and several decently sized trees have been planted and even some waterfall elements have already been made operational for part of the ambience that this area will create. Huge kudos to the park management and construction crew on what I have seen so far.


Further up towards The Barn Swing I checked out the canals and the pits that were already constructed but was told to overall stay outside the structures. Got lots of photos and video. Also chatted with some of the construction crew while out there, I asked about Lake Silver and was told by one of the foreman that the new lake size will be reduced by almost 75 percent from before but it will be about 25-30 feet deep when they get done with it and its refilled. I suggested they should put some Koi or some kind of fish back in it to entertain the kids while they wait in line as the queue line will be right next to the "new" lake as the load station will be in the center of where the old lake once was. lol


Also note the huge pits dug out for the canals, reservoir, and the drop tower structure which will be over 80 feet high and the pumps on this thing are insane, 200,000 gallons per hour per pump is what I was told. That's a crazy amount of water if you think about it, but I guess that's needed for what all this ride experience will entail. Standing down there in the bottom really gives you a sense of scale of this water ride. The ride's capacity will be upgraded from 6 to 8 persons along with a faster load/unload system and will last 5 and a half minutes over a half mile ride course equaling a much higher PPH than the old Lost River ever did.


Only negative/critique I could come up with is to the theme/backstory being tied to the cave as I guess I was a bit let down as I had originally envisioned with the cave teasers that this was gonna be a mountain type structure with the slide element dropping into the mouth of a fabricated cave (see the entrance to the real Marvel Cave to understand my thoughts here) for an extensive indoor segment similar to how the last 25% of Lost River's course was. But I guess with the areas combined investment being more than Time Traveler, that kind of design would probably be too cost prohibitive. One can dream, right? lol Don't take this the wrong way or that I am implying that this seems underwhelming, I still think this will be incredibly beautiful to see in person and a very fun and thrilling ride once it is all said and done next year.


















Edited by sdcfan88
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Only negative/critique I could come up with is to the theme/backstory being tied to the cave as I guess I was a bit let down as I had originally envisioned with the cave teasers that this was gonna be a mountain type structure with the slide element dropping into the mouth of a fabricated cave (see the entrance to the real Marvel Cave to understand my thoughts here) for an extensive indoor segment similar to how the last 25% of Lost River's course was. But I guess with the areas combined investment being more than Time Traveler, that kind of design would probably be too cost prohibitive. One can dream, right? lol Don't take this the wrong way or that I am implying that this seems underwhelming, I still think this will be incredibly beautiful to see in person and a very fun and thrilling ride once it is all said and done next.

I’m glad I didn’t have to be the first to say this. These were my EXACT thoughts today. I envisioned more of a “cave exploration/adventure theme like the original vs. a cave mining company. There is only one enclosed section and it’s very small. I am incredibly excited for the ride, do not get me wrong! I just find the thematic choice odd.


Also, while the lake is smaller, this time you’ll be right in the middle of it and so it’ll feel more immersive - at least that’s how I felt after standing where the station will be today. You’re going to really feel surrounded by water this time.

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Good to see they're going to have a 40" minimum. Lost River was 36", and I was concerned this new one would be higher, like along the lines of Fury of the Nile's 46". While SDC does have a significant number of families with kids in the 36-39" range, I feel like this minimum height shows the park made a great effort to make the ride as accessible as possible.

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I can't imagine the lines this thing is going to pull in. Lost River always had insanely long lines, I can only assume this will be just as bad... if not worse! - Should make the season Trail Blazer pass even that much more worth it!

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Call me weird but even as a coaster enthusiast I'm actually more excited to see this finished than I was for Time Traveler.


Same. This seems to be more “complete” than Time Traveler. To me it seems like they did Time Traveler a massive disservice by just plopping it down on a barren hillside with the only theming being the station. (Don’t get me wrong. I love the ride.) But of all the attractions at SDC it’s the one that just doesn’t seem to “fit” as well.

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Call me weird but even as a coaster enthusiast I'm actually more excited to see this finished than I was for Time Traveler.


Same. This seems to be more “complete” than Time Traveler. To me it seems like they did Time Traveler a massive disservice by just plopping it down on a barren hillside with the only theming being the station. (Don’t get me wrong. I love the ride.) But of all the attractions at SDC it’s the one that just doesn’t seem to “fit” as well.


Agreed on that, love the ride as it is right up there with Powderkeg as my favorite coaster and had also de-throned Wildfire for me as a favorite. I kept hoping there would be more landscaping or theming done through the ride course but I was hearing statements from employees that they "ran out of money" allotted for the project so the extras were evidently scrapped. Hopefully that doesn't happen here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So excited that I am getting back to SDC next month! I haven't been for years and need to ride Outlaw Run and Time Traveler. I had a quick question if I could for the locals. I picked the White Wing Lodge in my package as it was the closest to the park. I read it is within walking distance to the park and I thought that was appealing to not have to mess with driving. Does that sound like an ok plan to you guys? Just curious if you thought it would be ok to walk or go ahead and drive. I wasn't sure and was hoping someone might have done it and knows for sure. I wasn't sure of the layout of everything. Thanks so much if you can help!

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Just keep in mind that Indian Point Road doesn't have sidewalks and its a fairly narrow road. Not high traffic once you get past the park though, just be aware, particularly if you're heading back later and it's getting dark. Plus you're going to be walking all day in a hilly park as it is; the walk from that hotel to the gate is a pretty good distance, but you could just walk to the main parking lot tram pickup which might help you out a bit.

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