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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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The theming on both versions looks amazing. Incredible attention to detail. As a huge Simpsons fan, can't wait to get to Florida and check it out. Thanks for the pics Robb. I see what you mean about it looking weird in 3D, those couple pics from Universal do look strange. But, great report!!

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I went on the Employee Preview night, waited a little over 2 1/2 hours and came out kind of...sad? Much of the movements really reminded me of BTTF(Magie's part especially) and I really wasn't very pleased with the computer/ video game animation. If you need any more photos Robb, I've got some. I also have a video of the pre-show video( the one you took pictures of). What I did like about the ride though is that it felt a little more smoother than BTTF.

Great PR Robb!

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The 3d animation works well for the frenzied pace of the whole thing, and it might not have looked good to have the series "normal" 2d animation up on an IMAX format, either.


I wasn't too keen on the 3d animation the first time I rode, but after a few rides, I've warmed up to it a bit.

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you have to amdit, too, that a 3D ride isn't neccessarily the first and most plausible idea when you're thinking of a simpsons based ride. A ride more of the style of Rodger Rabbit or something like that would seem more fitting, but for what they wanted to do, convert the ride, I guess it works.

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I'm sort of indifferent on the 3D animation. It's definitely weird to see them that way, but at the same time...it was still entertaining, so I sort of overlooked it. I was more interested in hearing all the one liners.

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So, just to clarify... is it open open? Like, can people just walk up and ride it? Because we're going on Sunday, and crossing our fingers. It looks great, I'm glad they managed to build it simoultaneously with Orlando, it looks exactly like it.

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Does Cletus show up in any part of the ride? He's probably my favorite 2nd character from the Simpsons .


He's in the queue video.


The ride officially opens May 19th. So far it has soft opened every day since Wednesday though...

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^ The ride isn't in 3D, the animation is 3D animated. Like Pixar movies, not like the Simpsons 2D TV show. Not sure if you understood what we were talking about from your post.



yea, i understood its 3D animation. I guess I should have been more specific or worded my phrasing differently.


Regaurdless, I cant wait to get back to USH to ride this. Despite the sheer lack of anything to do, it's still one of my favorite parks to go to just to kick it with friends.. the park is kind of like re-watching your favorite movie.. a lot of it's the same, but its still a lot of fun.

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SO, I was looking through Youtube and I found a POV of the Simpsons Ride. I don't know if it's the one in Hollywood or Orlando( I think it's Orlando) but here's the link if you want to see what the animation looks like.


ADMIN EDIT - You can embed a youtube video when you post by clicking "Video" pasting the URL then clicking "Video" again.

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yes! So if we go on Sunday, we will be able to ride it as it will be in soft opening?


Since the ride is still in technical rehearsals for the weekend, there is really no definite answer to that question. So far they have been soft opening the ride every day, but that doesn't mean they will on Sunday. If you really want to ride, I would suggest hanging out by the ride and asking the crew members.

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Two of my favorite 7 or 8 things in life are theme parks and the Simpsons. I just wish I could get excited about this ride. I guess the fact that I thought Back To the Future was super-lame contributes to that feeling a bit.

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Does Cletus show up in any part of the ride? He's probably my favorite 2nd character from the Simpsons .


He's in the queue video.


The ride officially opens May 19th. So far it has soft opened every day since Wednesday though...


Here he is!

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yes! So if we go on Sunday, we will be able to ride it as it will be in soft opening?


Since the ride is still in technical rehearsals for the weekend, there is really no definite answer to that question. So far they have been soft opening the ride every day, but that doesn't mean they will on Sunday. If you really want to ride, I would suggest hanging out by the ride and asking the crew members.


Orlando's was open for a little more than a week before the real opening, so I assumed we would do that too.

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Ahhh...The good ole Tooth Chipper @ Duff Gardens! I remember that episode...one of my all-time favorites! Lisa drinking the water on the "It's a Small World" spinoff ride and she starts tripping to Jefferson Airplane!!


It has been a while since I have seen this one, but isn't this also the one where the whole family ends up in the park jail??


Anyone happen to know what season DVD this is on??

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