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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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The episode where they all end up in the parks jail is the Itchy and Scratchy Land one. Lisa goes crazy from drinking the water and Bart gets stuck on the "Barrel Roll" ride because he was too short.


The Tooth Chipper, along with the Screamatorium and the Yard Work Simulator (which also have posters in the ride) came from the episode where Homer and Bart become carnys.

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Wow, that looks really cool. This looks like a good reason to pick up a season pass this year.


I think they have a good opportunity here to alter the attraction into the "Treehouse of Horror" for HHN as well. Certainly would help with those crazy HHN lines.

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The episode where they all end up in the parks jail is the Itchy and Scratchy Land one. Lisa goes crazy from drinking the water and Bart gets stuck on the "Barrel Roll" ride because he was too short.


The Tooth Chipper, along with the Screamatorium and the Yard Work Simulator (which also have posters in the ride) came from the episode where Homer and Bart become carnys.


Ahhh yes, you are correct! They are in two different episodes. I remember both now, but it has been a really long time since I have seen either of them. I do remember Itchy and Scratchy Land and the carny one being in two different episodes. But wasn't there a Duff Gardens episode too, or am I dreaming this??


Thanks for the clarifications and DVD disc numbers, guys! I will just have to start borrowing the DVD's from my father...I think that he has just about all of them now!

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it really looks like fun, can't wait to go on it! it's still a shame they had to take down BTTF


Why? You can still ride it (and unquestionably the best version) at Universal Studios Japan. As Japan's BTTF attraction is only 6 years old, there's no chance of them ditching it.

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One of Hollywood's largest movie studios starred in a disastrous sequel Sunday as a fire ripped through a lot at Universal Studios, destroying a set from "Back to the Future," a King Kong exhibit and a streetscape seen frequently in movies and TV shows.


It was the second fire at the historic site in nearly two decades, leveling facades, hollowing out buildings and creating the kind of catastrophe filmmakers relish re-creating. This time around, thousands of videos chronicling Universal's movie and TV shows were destroyed in the blaze.


But Universal officials said that they were thankful no vistors were seriously injured — though several firefighters suffered minor injuries — and that the damaged footage can be replaced.


"We have duplicates of everything," said Ron Meyer, NBC Universal president and chief operating officer. "Nothing is lost forever."



And an official release from NBCUniversal Today:


As you may have heard, there was a major fire early Sunday morning at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Fortunately, no NBC Universal employees were hurt, although some firefighters sustained minor injuries.


While the Universal Studios Hollywood and CityWalk were closed to the public on Sunday to allow firefighters appropriate access, the MTV Movie Awards were held as planned in the Gibson Amphitheater at CityWalk Sunday evening. The theme park and CityWalk will be open for normal operations Monday morning beginning at 10am.


The fire was contained to one section of the backlot. Unfortunately New York Street and the King Kong attraction were lost, but the iconic courthouse on Courthouse Square and half of the buildings facing the square were saved. Also affected was a video vault containing thousands of video and digital copies of films and TV shows. Although many of these items were lost, we believe that most, if not all, are replaceable. It is important to note as well that none of the 30 soundstages on the lot were damaged.




Here are some photos of the fire:


More wreckage.


Wreckage of the park.


Smoke over Los Angeles.


Movie Sets on fire.


King Kong building in upper left hand corner. All that's left is an empty shell of a building. :(


King Kong building on fire.


Map of where the fire was.

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Yes, I also heard the PR director on MSNBC confirm that King Kong was destroyed.


Fortunately it looks like the film vaults are unharmed. I still can't believe they are opening the park though!

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I'm so upset about Kong!!!!!!!


Thank God nobody got hurt, or worse. Good for them for opening the park today and only closing what they need to. If there had been loss of life, it would probably have been respectful to stay shut, but opening today is good PR and good for morale, keep going through the bad times. Hopefully there won't be *too* much damage, though it does sound pretty bad. At least the flames were contained fairly quickly and didn't spread too far.

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The park never opened. The video vault burned for like 5,000,000 hours. Kong is completely destroyed, as are all the Metro sets. Only the courthouse and the park in front of it, New England Street, and some of the alley sets next to the courthouse remain.

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The park never opened. The video vault burned for like 5,000,000 hours. Kong is completely destroyed, as are all the Metro sets. Only the courthouse and the park in front of it, New England Street, and some of the alley sets next to the courthouse remain.



I thought the courthouse was destroyed, did the news reports get it wrong? I'm just amazed at the size and intensity of the fire, but then again, it doesn't surprise me when I look at what burned. This fire spread very fast, and al of the photos and videos I've seen of it make it look as though some industrial plant is on fire.


If you don't know, the video vault, not the film vault, burned. The video vault holds 40,000 duplicates while the film vault holds the originals.

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If you don't know, the video vault, not the film vault, burned. The video vault holds 40,000 duplicates while the film vault holds the originals.


My original "Ugh, that sucks" post actually went on about how the video vault was the biggest tragedy as it's irreplaceable stuff, then I decided that "video" indicated duplicates, so I deleted it.... I like it when my brain ends up telling me something correct, for once!!

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