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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Ahhh memories... I'm getting a little nostalgic.


I'm nostalgic for that animation of all the rides they had at the top of the page. I wonder if that's still available somewhere.



Hhaha, yes. I remember those. And all the pint-sized POV videos.

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Anyone one know what the mean streak Challenge was today?


Had to keep water in a cup through the ride. The 15 with the most won a 2015 Platinum Pass. After reading the rules and seeing the line (with no guarantee of even participating) I decided to get five laps on Maverick instead. No regrets.

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Anyone one know what the mean streak Challenge was today?


Had to keep water in a cup through the ride. The 15 with the most won a 2015 Platinum Pass. After reading the rules and seeing the line (with no guarantee of even participating) I decided to get five laps on Maverick instead. No regrets.


I rate this a wise decision.

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The event tonight was wonderful. Cedar Point is throwing some of the best events, easily. Food was excellent, ERT was awesome and the boat ride was above and beyond. The fact this is a free event blows my mind (and any of the other events they have done).

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Anyone one know what the mean streak Challenge was today?


Had to keep water in a cup through the ride. The 15 with the most won a 2015 Platinum Pass. After reading the rules and seeing the line (with no guarantee of even participating) I decided to get five laps on Maverick instead. No regrets.


Do you know if there were any other rules? Like putting your hand on top?

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Anyone one know what the mean streak Challenge was today?


Had to keep water in a cup through the ride. The 15 with the most won a 2015 Platinum Pass. After reading the rules and seeing the line (with no guarantee of even participating) I decided to get five laps on Maverick instead. No regrets.


Do you know if there were any other rules? Like putting your hand on top?


If I read the rules correctly (someone tell me if I'm wrong) the cup was attached to the train itself and you couldn't interfere with it.


Also, on a completely separate note, I'm at Kings Island now and just got my first ever ride on Banshee. While fun, Raptor is still my preferred ride. I want those leg numbing banked curves and tight inversions!

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Cedar Point is not letting anyone inside the park as of now from what I've been told. There is a water main break somewhere on the peninsula and they have no running water. So I guess it's a health code violation to have people in the park. But since early entry is already inside, they are letting them stay and not letting anyone else in. I'm inside right now and the entrances are blocked off and no food places are open. People are waiting by the main gate so I'm not sure if they're going to be opening it soon or not.

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Saw this on CP's Facebook page: Early this morning, the City of Sandusky experienced a water main break on the main line that supplies water to Cedar Point. The City of Sandusky is currently working to repair the system. Without our normal water supply, and due to safety concerns, the park is unable to open today. All guest tickets will be honored on future dates this season. Please visit cedarpoint.com for the latest updates.

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Saw this on CP's Facebook page: Early this morning, the City of Sandusky experienced a water main break on the main line that supplies water to Cedar Point. The City of Sandusky is currently working to repair the system. Without our normal water supply, and due to safety concerns, the park is unable to open today. All guest tickets will be honored on future dates this season. Please visit cedarpoint.com for the latest updates.

Yikes!! Extremely disappointing for the park and guests.

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My family is at Hotel Breakers. No water in any of the hotels, most of the restaurants are closed, and there are lots of angry guests.


Wow sounds pretty bad, you'd think considering CP is in such a remote area they'd have a back up or something.

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Cedar Point is going to take a huge financial hit for this, it's a Saturday with perfect weather the day after Coastermania... and to be honest if they don't offer some kind of credit to all of their resort guests they're going to face an even bigger PR hit. I feel awful for the guests at the park and for the PR department as it's really not the park's fault at all.

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Looks like I just got out in time! As I was leaving they were closing part of the parking lot as it was flooded.


Coastermania was great! I've been going for over 15 years and this was one of the best! Just two thoughts:


- Millennium Force! Wow! I'm in the "it's fun but forceless" camp but it was hauling yesterday (even in the morning) by night ERT it had been running for 16/17 hours and I don't think I've ever see it run faster. The hill next to station was ejector air as was the return hill from the island (not as powerful but not the usual just floater). Am I crazy or did anyone else sense it was running really fast? Like I said even in the morning it was flying - you can always tell by how fast it hits the final brakes.


- Why are enthusiasts so ungrateful? This is one (if not the only) event that is FREE but all I heard was complaining all day. From the long line in the morning (it happens every year but park knows how to handle and push ppl through) to numerous people screaming at MF ops during ERT because they were doing their job and pulsing the line to the station. The poor ride OP ran off all upset - one chick said "let's just push are way through this is crazy she is preventing rerides!" Mind you the line was only 2 mins long... And the amount of people complaining about lines or lunch on twitter was disappointing. Back in the day it was some ERT and hot dogs for lunch now it's tons of events and full ribs for lunch with a case of free swag - hopefully the few doesn't ruin it for us.


Again props to the park - been going to event since late 90s and they always do a great job!

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