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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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So as for the wind policy. Is it too strict? It was breezy but only about 20 mph winds. I can udnerstasnd Sky Ride being shut down for the day but GK and Raptor? How can Mantis run all day but not these two?


I know Raptor's trains like said above are not very aerodynamic. I've been in the queue before they've closed Raptor for high winds and the train was just barely making it to the MCBR before they closed it due to the wind.

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^Was it the only ride? Last year I saw all the B&Ms running in the rain as well as wicked twister.


When we were there last year we also noticed all of the B&M coasters running in the rain, but I guess if it rains and it's windy everyone has to settle for Mantis. It's a shame as it's probably their worst coaster.


Personally I think the only ride in the park that should close in the rain is Dragster. All of their other coaster types run just fine in the rain everywhere else. I think the highlight for me on our visit last year was during a brief sun shower where it drizzled for about 20 minutes in the middle of an otherwise nice day on Labor Day weekend. Every single ride in the park closed except for the flats that were covered, Gatekeeper, Raptor, Skyride and Mantis (and maybe a few others we didn't walk by). This included Snake River Falls, a ride that's only purpose is to create a massive wall of water that soaks everyone on the boats and on the nearby bridge. I had no intention of riding it but when I saw that it was closed I had to walk up to the ride host sitting at the entrance just to make sure it was really closed due to weather and not something mechanical... they confirmed that it was closed due to the light drizzle that at that point had ended 10 minutes prior. I swear on my life this ride really closes in light rain, I'm not making this up.

Edited by coasterbill
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^Was it the only ride? Last year I saw all the B&Ms running in the rain as well as wicked twister.


When we were there last year we also noticed all of the B&M coasters running in the rain, but I guess if it rains and it's windy everyone has to settle for Mantis. It's a shame as it's probably their worst coaster.

Some mentioned raptor not being aerodynamic and, therefore closing with wind but to me it looks just as aerodynamic as mantis due to its tall stand up trains, doesn't it?

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It does but I'm no expert on that sort of thing (or the rain thing, I'm just going off of what other parks do with similar rides in similar conditions). The layout might have a lot to do with this policy too as Raptor has been known to valley and I don't think Mantis has ever done that. Out of curiosity, on windy days if the ride may need a bit more speed (as the policy seems to be driven by a concern about the rides valleying) can they turn the first drop trim off on Mantis?

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CP Rundown on Coastermania-



1. Registration takes place at the front gate only – this means NOT at the Marina Gate, Resort Gate or Beach Gate. If members are staying at the hotels on property, they can catch a shuttle (at the RipCord/Challenge Park/Soak City stop) that will take them to the front gate beginning at 6:00 a.m. Shuttles will run continuously. Please only enter through the front gate.

2. The CoasterMania! Cruise – Enjoy a FREE, 45-minute cruise on the Jet Express and absorb the breathtaking views of Cedar Point from the water! Grab your cameras and get ready to see our park like you’ve never seen it before. Other cruises go PAST the park. This one’s going all the way around the Cedar Point Peninsula so YOU can get the best shot of America’s Roller Coast. Several cruises will depart from the Cedar Point Marina throughout the afternoon and evening. Limited availability. Members interested in going on the cruise must pick up their ticket at morning registration at the front gate only. Tickets will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all tickets are given out, that’s it!

3. The Mean Streak Challenge – Want to WIN a 2015 Platinum Pass? You can during The Mean Streak Challenge! What is it, you ask? All we can tell you is that it involves riding Mean Streak. And a few “other” surprises to go along with your ride. Members interested in participating must be at the Mean Streak entrance by 9 a.m. on Friday, June 6. Limited availability on this contest. Full rules will be posted at the ride entrance.

4. Other surprises we can’t tell you about!

We’re excited to see all of our friends & fans on Friday. Please spread the word about these new additions so everyone knows!


Mean Streak Challenge? ROFL!

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Mean Streak challenge =



MS isn't that bad. The third drop (where the camera is) is partly retracked this year (they didn't really do much to the pull-up out of it), making it smoother. The ride is just kinda boring. Bumpy, too, but not as bad as many think it is.

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I'm going to be at Coastermania alone on Friday (girlfriend has to be back in Baltimore to work ). I wouldn't mind sharing a couple rides with some other awesome coaster enthusiasts so keep a lookout for a big guy in an orange shirt if you would like some company!

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With the Goliath media day delayed, my girlfriend and I decided to get a cheap room at Breakers ($123, which is cheap for Breakers!) for Friday night, so we'll be there open to close. I'll probably be rocking my Club TPR shirt. I'd like to try the Mean Streak challenge. Not sure what to expect, but we'll see.


Also, those webcams are awesome. I can't stop watching.

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With the Goliath media day delayed, my girlfriend and I decided to get a cheap room at Breakers ($123, which is cheap for Breakers!) for Friday night, so we'll be there open to close. I'll probably be rocking my Club TPR shirt. I'd like to try the Mean Streak challenge. Not sure what to expect, but we'll see.


Also, those webcams are awesome. I can't stop watching.


How did you get that price? Was it on the Cedar Point website? Whenever I look the prices are much, much higher than that. Good for you.

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I was just reading about this on a Cedar Point fansite because I was wondering the same thing. This is now third hand information but apparently the park is referring to it as a "significant mechanical issue" and they're hopeful it will be open by the weekend but they're not sure. It apparently broke down during the day on Monday and the trains haven't even left the transfer tracks since.


In short, they're not saying what's wrong with it or how long it's going to take (which is pretty standard) and nobody on the inside has given out any more information than that.

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