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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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^But we're also comparing a ride that goes into a 156-foot-tall overbank with its speed to a ride that pulls what I imagine to be a good 4.5Gs for an extended period of time. That's going to do damage to the track and the wheels no matter how hard to try to fix it. And Kings Dominion's maintenance team worked around the clock all last year to keep I305 open while it was running through sets of wheels every single day, so I don't think that they're just letting the ride go.

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Last time I was there (2009) Millie ran great, but looked kinda bleh... I'm not too picky, paint fades. Although if I recall Millie got some new paint recently on the lift?


Well only about 70 feet up plus most of the end of the ride. They will paint the rest over the next two years.


I dunno,we at KD have been waiting over a year for anaconda to have it's repaint completed & so far all they've touched is the brakrun/turn into the station & nothing else since the 2009/2010 offseason.

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^^That's very true. Since I305's turn is much more stress on the track, obviously it is likely to wear down more quickly. And I honestly doubt that maintenance has anything to do with things like this. Stuff like this just happens over time, you have to deal with it. Parks take pride in their coasters, especially the giant crowd pleasers, and maintenance workers do their job, that's pretty much all they can do. If a coaster is running, they're not just going to take it down whenever they feel like it and replace wheels, they wait until the wheel isn't useable. Then if night maintenance decides that something needs to be replaced, they do it. Every night.


Maintenance teams never get enough credit for their work.

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Word on the street is (and don't kill the messenger please) that Dominator is still VERY smooth in the front if the train, but the back has a rattle that's at least bad enough to cause some headaches for some. It sounds like it was even better at GL back when it operated there as Batman. Now, somebody did make a point (although they were slightly incorrect) that Dominator had sat around for a little bit after GL closed. While is wasn't operating often back in the 07/08 offseason, it wasn't even close to being off the tracks for years. Intimidator 305 is acceptable but Dominator could probably have gotten some better care once it arrived. A "bad" rattle in the back of the train on a B&M Floorless is certainly not "normal".

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^Dominator in the back on a warm day gives me a headache every time. I've found it better lately because I've been able to anticipate that terrible jolt entering the loop - I'm assuming that came from some sort of problem with the move from GL, but there's no kink in the track visible from off-ride; you can clearly see the trains shift sideways though.


But Dominator isn't at Cedar Point, and this is the Cedar Point thread...

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Word on the street is (and don't kill the messenger please) that Dominator is still VERY smooth in the front if the train, but the back has a rattle that's at least bad enough to cause some headaches for some. It sounds like it was even better at GL back when it operated there as Batman. Now, somebody did make a point (although they were slightly incorrect) that Dominator had sat around for a little bit after GL closed. While is wasn't operating often back in the 07/08 offseason, it wasn't even close to being off the tracks for years. Intimidator 305 is acceptable but Dominator could probably have gotten some better care once it arrived. A "bad" rattle in the back of the train on a B&M Floorless is certainly not "normal".


The same could be said for Hydra at Dorney Park, I hit my head pretty hard against the restraints quite a few times. From my experience, a rattle is pretty normal on a B&M Floorless.

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^It's interesting, of the two floorless coasters that I've ridden, Bizarro is butter-smooth, but The Dark Knight has a bad rattle throughout, and some jolts going into the corkscrews that caused me to hit my head.


But enough talking about rattling coasters at other parks, this is the CP thread after all.

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So a good Cedar Point attc pla is this? 1.) Ride Maverick first 2.) Ride Dragster 3.) Ride Millennium Force 4.)Magnum, is that right? Gimme some tips please .

Maverick's line is going to be about the same all day, but will be longer in the first three hours of the day. Top Thrill Dragster and Millennium Force's lines get shorter the later at night you ride. Magnum XL-200 has such a high capacity that it really doesn't matter when you ride it. I've been able to get on it within 10 minutes on a busy day before. Best plan of attack is start over by Magnum, loop up around Frontiertown, over by Wicked Twiter, then back up the other side. A giant figure-8. This plan keeps you away from the main crowd if you pace it out throughout the entire day, with the exception of Millennium Force and Mantis, which you should save for as late as possible.

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So a good Cedar Point attc pla is this? 1.) Ride Maverick first 2.) Ride Dragster 3.) Ride Millennium Force 4.)Magnum, is that right? Gimme some tips please .

Pretty good, I would just recommend switching MF and TTD. MF is located about halfway between Maverick and TTD, and the lines for the two should be about the same, so you should save yourself some doubling back by riding MF. After those four, I would say do a loop around the back of the park again to pick up the other credits/flats, before heading to the front of the park later in the afternoon. Once you get everything important done, you can get some night rerides on your favorites at the end of the day.

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While is wasn't operating often back in the 07/08 offseason, it wasn't even close to being off the tracks for years.


Right when GL closed in September, they started dismantling Dominator to transfer it (like literally the next week) so I don't know you mean by "wasn't operating". (just thought I'd throw that out there)


As far as Maverick's line, it usually is about the same all day (over an hour). On a good day, Magnum won't have much of a line (if any). Top Thrill Dragster and Millennium Force can very in their line lengths. I guess it just depends on that specific day.

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^It's interesting, of the two floorless coasters that I've ridden, Bizarro is butter-smooth, but The Dark Knight has a bad rattle throughout, and some jolts going into the corkscrews that caused me to hit my head.


But enough talking about rattling coasters at other parks, this is the CP thread after all.


If you thought Bizarro is butter smooth then I thnk I need to rethink my analysis of roughness.... I thought Bizzaro was comparable to Shockwave at KD.....


Anyway, are their any photo TRs from Halloweekends this year?

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While is wasn't operating often back in the 07/08 offseason, it wasn't even close to being off the tracks for years.


Right when GL closed in September, they started dismantling Dominator to transfer it (like literally the next week) so I don't know you mean by "wasn't operating". (just thought I'd throw that out there)


As far as Maverick's line, it usually is about the same all day (over an hour). On a good day, Magnum won't have much of a line (if any). Top Thrill Dragster and Millennium Force can very in their line lengths. I guess it just depends on that specific day.

That "often" shouldn't have been there. But basically I was just saying that it wasn't operating for just half a year at the most. I was making a point as someone said it was a lot longer than that.

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What can I expect wait lines to be for Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, Maverick, and Magnum on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in early September? Thanks guys !


Any time of the year you can expect longer lines on a Saturday than any other day of the week. However in early September, Fridays shouldn't be too bad but Sundays they can get kind of long because it's still the weekend (at least for MF, TTD, and Mav.). Magnum usually doesn't get too long of a line at any given time.

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