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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Chances are an Intamin is likely because essentially Intamin and Cedar Point are in bed together and it doesn't look like they're coming out of it anytime soon


Seems so, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. The Intamins have all been good, in my opinion.


I think the new ride will be a good exciting flat ride. Coaster will be after this next addition.

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For the longest time I too believed the Point was full, but yeah, they can put a ride anywhere, problem is, the park doesn't have alot of trees, other than the frontier Trail...that place can get b!tchingly hot, and some more shade would be grand...


The point is- where the trees are along Frontier Trail is not the only place where they have room. The inside of Mean Streak's "bowl" is unused, CCMR uses a great deal of real estate where another coaster or tracked ride could intertwine with it, the air space over Turnpike and the Antique Cars (next to Raptor) is open, the roofs of the Main Midway have nothing atop them.


Look at how Blackpool or even Indiana Beach stack rides atop each other and run rides through each other. It takes a few extra minutes of planning, but it also adds to the thrill. CP really has more options available over their usual "Plow N Plunk."


Oh I wasn't saying that, was just saying that there would be more trees gone in frontier Trail...and I completely agree with the locations you've mentioned...

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so I'm looking at the park map, and taking heights into consideration with other rides in the area, I have to think if a dive coaster were to be installed, it would be installed in the back of the park around Mean Streak and the gemini, plus if need be you have a little parking lot out back you can dig into. The two B&M Dive coasters use scoops on the back of the train to slow it down through the water to make the turn to the station, if it were a cookie cutter of sorts and the park ordered a dive coaster and was adament it didn't have trims and wanted the cool attribute, they would need room for the pool( of course a large up hill could do the trick too). BG has three different scoop angles they can choose from, one of which sprays water a good 100 feet away which is why they don't use that angle of attack. I just don't see the room up front. Another item to point out is that all the "wet" rides are towards the back of the park, keeping them together actually makes sense, and if the pool effect were decided upon, well, there you go. Plus, the only real big draw to the back of the park is Maverick, adding another headliner to the back would draw the crowds that way.


Up front you have MaxAir to deal with, you can easily avoid the sky ride and the observation tower, however you'd have to build around the flying fresbie. But...wouldn't it be cool if they built it up front and have enough clearance between MaxAir and the rumored dive coaster to where you feel like your gonna smack the train from MaxAir?


CF may also be concerned with apperance on the midway. Honestly, I see a spinning dragon or the sorts being put where demon drop was. compact and easy to install. capacity would be greater than demon drop as well...


these are just my opinions and observations...


**Edit** screamscape had some pics of new B&M track, tho you can't tell really what type it is, i.e. invert, dive, hyper)

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^ I think there is plenty of room at the front. Chaos will also most likely be taken out as well, plus there is the employee parking lot that can also be utilized right there. Cedar Point has gotten creative in the past, I know they can fit one practically anywhere they want. In my opinion, the front of the parks needs something new and intimidating like a Dive Coaster to tower over the entrance. I think it would be cool too if it dropped right over the midway so people can watch people's expressions as they dive.


**Edit** screamscape had some pics of new B&M track, tho you can't tell really what type it is, i.e. invert, dive, hyper)


Regarding this, you can usually tell if it's Dive coaster track. I'm not going to break down every little detail, but basically Dive track is a lot bigger.

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Anyone intrested in this summer's Gateway Guide. I have mine and being that I have no plans on getting to Cedar Point this summer, I'd love to give it to a good home.


First person that PM's me : "I want a Gateway Guide" gets it!! HAve fun at the Point!!

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^ Regarding this, you can usually tell if it's Dive coaster track. I'm not going to break down every little detail, but basically Dive track is a lot bigger.


No need for explanation, guess I should have been more clear and said that the angle of the picture wasn't good enough for me to tell...


I suppose you could have enough room up front, and i do agree they have gotten creative, but I still think MaxAir will play into the picture given it's span when swinging around. All we know for sure is that they have ordered something, as for what, and from whom, guess we will only know when they make an offical annoucment, start pouring footers, or track arrives in the parking lots. Sure we can speculate and hope the word "dive" out of the big man's mouth has signifigance, but until we see it....

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Chances are an Intamin is likely because essentially Intamin and Cedar Point are in bed together and it doesn't look like they're coming out of it anytime soon


Seems so, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. The Intamins have all been good, in my opinion.


I think the new ride will be a good exciting flat ride. Coaster will be after this next addition.


This is a rumor and I'm not entirely sure how credible it is, but CP might be done with intamin. They supposedly had a deal with intamin for 5 rides in ten years (Milli, Dragster, Wicked Twister, Maverick and STR)



LOL that rumor is AT LEAST 5 or more years old..... I'd treat it as such.

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^^ What's the difference how old it is? Only this year the 5th Intamin was built, so obviously the rumor wasn't going to come into fruition until that happened.


At any rate, I do not think it is true anyway. If any deal was struck, I believe that it would have been for 3 Intamins in 4 years (MF, WT, TTD), and the rest were on their own investments that weren't part of a *insert number of rides here* in *insert number of years here* contract.

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If any of you guys were wondering about STR.

this is from Tony posting on Pointbuzz

OnPointTony said:

Here's an official update, since everyone is asking for one.


We're making modifications to the boats right now. When that is complete, the ride will begin cycling again. Then, state inspectors will be back to look at the ride. When they certify the ride for operation, it will open to the public.


We don't know when that will be, but we'll let everyone know when we have a better idea.

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Hey guys, quick question.


I have a value pass to Kings Dominion and I'm heading up to Cedar Point this summer for a few days.


Can I just upgrade my Value Pass to a Platinum Pass? Or Do I have to buy a whole separate Platinum pass?

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Over this past weekend it appears Gemini suffered a bit of bad luck when a train on the Blue side somehow valleyed in the helix near the end of the ride. I’m guessing it may have happened when the park wasn’t open no evacs were reported anywhere yet, but one train was left to sit in the helix during the daytime with the second stuck on the lift.



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CP is having terrible luck so far this year from coasters valleying to Shoot the Rapids not being ready. I'm hoping Gemini's trims will now be turned off since Mantis' trims have been off every time I have rode it since it valleyed. The weird thing is Mantis still seems to be going around the same speed as when the trims are on. CP must be messing around with something.

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