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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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By the way, I don't take much time in the gift shops, so does anyone know any good souveniers for $5? I wanna take something home this time.


Actually if you hit the shop near the shooting gallery in the back of the park, some bargains can be found.

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^ Thanks, but I already went. Got myself a Raptor mug and a Mantits buttom for $6. Speaking of today, I saw some interesting things. First of all, I saw the markings near Ocean Motion, and they were red, orange, green, and blue. Also, I saw the Mean Streak trains on the transfer track. Maybe they were testing the green train? I also did five consecutive rides on the Mantits.


Oh, and Hot Summer Lights isn't very good, although the intro with Boston is amazing!

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I have a question. This might be in the wrong forum, so please forgive me.


I am planning to go down to Sandusky (and Cedar Point) for three days and three nights. Seeing as I'm going to visit a friend, or two, and visit the park I need to find a place to stay that won't break my wallet. And I was wondering if anyone had any advice.

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I am planning to go down to Sandusky (and Cedar Point) for three days and three nights. Seeing as I'm going to visit a friend, or two, and visit the park I need to find a place to stay that won't break my wallet. And I was wondering if anyone had any advice.


Not sure what your budget is or what you standards are... I recently stayed at the Comfort Inn at 6 and Rye Beach Road, right next to Sawmill Resort. Very nice place and when i stayed it was 53.00 with AAA discount.


I also stayed once on 250, Americas Best Value Inn, in front of the Wal Mart, clean rooms and it was like 50-60.00.


I have also stayed at the Budget hotel right at the intersection of Cedar Point road and 6. Would not recommend this place.

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The weird thing about ERT at CP is that you can "buy" it. Some of the ticket packages have the option of adding it

Where?!What packages?


I think he means that if you buy one of there Hotel packages you basically buy ERT or you buy a season pass you buy ERT. ( To me I just think they are incentives)

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^ Thanks, but I already went. Got myself a Raptor mug and a Mantits buttom for $6. Speaking of today, I saw some interesting things. First of all, I saw the markings near Ocean Motion, and they were red, orange, green, and blue. Also, I saw the Mean Streak trains on the transfer track. Maybe they were testing the green train? I also did five consecutive rides on the Mantits.


Oh, and Hot Summer Lights isn't very good, although the intro with Boston is amazing!


Sounds like CP is getting ready to do some digging

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I also did five consecutive rides on the Mantits.


I think you can be on that show "I Should Not Be Alive...."


Not a huge fan of Mantis, but glad it gets some love.


Five? When I was working there in 2002, one evening (It was either during coastermania or an employee ride night, can't recall at this point) I ended up riding it over 45 times consecutively. My legs were jello for the next few days.

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My thoughts for 2011... Chaos gets removed for a Top Spin with Water effects called "Rip Tide" (Hence the updated water and sewer lines)


They did say a new "Thrill Ride" was coming.


I wouldn't be so sure. There are markings all the time on our street just for maitenence.


But now I have an urge to go to Cedar Point and ride Mantis all day. I must break 45!

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I wouldn't be so sure. There are markings all the time on our street just for maitenence.


Yeah, that's clearly the same thing


I would think that the ratio of times that markings have shown up at Cedar Point to times where those markings resulted in ride construction are a lot higher than on your street. Then again, didn't your street just get two new roller coasters last year?




But as you said, WAY to early to call it right now...

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This may be off topic for this thead but...... What is a good place to stay at when going to Cedar Point? I have checked a little and was thinking about Castaway Bay. We are going in August (first week). Is CP busy at that time?

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This may be off topic for this thead but...... What is a good place to stay at when going to Cedar Point? I have checked a little and was thinking about Castaway Bay. We are going in August (first week). Is CP busy at that time?


I would also recommend Hotel Breakers, its not the nicest hotel ever but its fairly nice, and extremely close (as in literally cannot get any closer). I've never actually stayed in Castaway Bay but I have been to the waterpark and it is a lot of fun, and the hotel did look very new when I was there, however its on the other side of the causeway and you would have to drive and park every morning. As far as convenience, Hotel Breakers is better.


Also early August, it most likely will be pretty busy, so use the hotel ERT to your advantage (its already been talked about many times in this thread). If you're going to be there on a weekend its going to be PACKED, but during the week I would guess moderately busy at most. If you want all the credits, and you dont want to feel overly stressed doing it, you'll probably need at least 2 days there. But the Hotel ERT does help a lot


Hope that helps!

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This may be off topic for this thead but...... What is a good place to stay at when going to Cedar Point? I have checked a little and was thinking about Castaway Bay. We are going in August (first week). Is CP busy at that time?


How much do you want to spend?


As others have said Hotel Breakers is a great choice, but in August it's going to cost you quite a bit.


If you want something cheaper, but still getting the perks, go with Breakers Express.


But staying at Breakers and being able to walk to the park is pretty nice.

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Four of us spent 3 nights at Lighthouse Point and it was quite comfortable. There is "limited" cooking available and you have a semi private deck overlooking the bay/lake. I don't believe it was all that expensive and is still within walking distance.

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I stayed at a hotel about 2 locks from breakers express for less than 1/3 of what they were charging at hotel breakers. The hotel was much nicer than any cedar point hotel I have ever stayed at.


There are a million hotels just outside of cedar point that are much better, and cheaper. Sure the onsite hotels are good for if you want to walk to your room and take a quick nap during the day, but it's not worth $120.00 more a night than what I would pay off site.

Off site hotels are maybe 5 min away from the park, so it's not a big deal.


Your best bet is to check out a discount website like hotels dot com. We booked the hojo right next to the entrance of the park for opening weekend for $30 a night, and the 3'rd night was free. I checked prices for a cedar point hotel, and the cheapest we could find for that same weekend, was $89.00 per night at breakers express.

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^ If you're getting in early, go from Raptor to Millennium to Maverick. Then *BAM* you're at the back of the park. I don't think early entry crowds are that bad that you need to park near Magnum. Although if you go around Perimeter Road, you can great coaster shots (Blue Streak at night is crazy).

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