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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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People tie their self-worth into the park they prefer and don't want to see another park "beat" their park. It's sort of like rooting for your favorite sports team, but even more retarded and pointless.




go lakers!

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It wouldn't surprise me if in some way the city of Sandusky were somewhat pressuring Cedar Point to try and maintain the coaster record. It seems like every City of Sandusky entrance sign says "Welcome to Sandusky, America's Roller Coast". In my opinion, I definitely don't want CP just to add a mediocre coaster for the sake of the coaster count. I would rather lose the most coasters record and get a top ten coaster versus keeping the record and getting something like an SLC.

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It wouldn't surprise me if in some way the city of Sandusky were somewhat pressuring Cedar Point to try and maintain the coaster record. It seems like every City of Sandusky entrance sign says "Welcome to Sandusky, America's Roller Coast". In my opinion, I definitely don't want CP just to add a mediocre coaster for the sake of the coaster count. I would rather lose the most coasters record and get a top ten coaster versus keeping the record and getting something like an SLC.


Well yeah, just this might just be what they're ending up doing.


As mentioned earlier, it's mostly of tourism and bragging rights.


I'd rather them find something for the better, too, but I'm just going with what I think....

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Regardless of whether they have the most coasters or not, Cedar Point will still be Cedar Point. Magic Mountain being clear across the entire country, I don't think they have anything to worry about when it comes to losing visitors. And besides, who said the title "America's Roller Coast" means that you have the most coasters? Having a LOT can still warrant that title...

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I'm taking a trip to Cedar Point on Tuesday and I was wondering, can you still purchase discounted tickets at like Kroger or Meijer grocery stores? I know you used to be able to but I can't find any information on that offer for this year...

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I'd be willing to bet that, if/when SFMM ties/beats out Cedar Point's coaster count, Cedar Point will still market itself as "the park with the most roller coasters in the world."

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^ Not likely. It says "No other park has more (coasters)" it the park pamphlet.


Anyways, any buzz on Walter Bolliger's appearence at CoasterMania? It'd really be awesome if they got a new B&M; they're my favorite manufacturer.

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I'd be willing to bet that, if/when SFMM ties/beats out Cedar Point's coaster count, Cedar Point will still market itself as "the park with the most roller coasters in the world."


Or 'The park with the most working coasters...oh crap, with Flashback and Psucklone gone, can't get away with that joke anymore, eh?

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I was at coastermania the past 2 days. When Walter Bolliger of Bolliger and Mallbiard (B&M) finished his speech, one of the questions he was asked was-


Will Cedar point be taking a "dive" into the future?


Simply, he was asking about a dive machine. They just said something, ignored him, and moved on. But I heard that Mr. Bolliger's face turned red.


Simply put, one of B&M's founders has just given away the Cedar Point Secret.


ADMIN EDIT: I merged this with our Cedar Point discussion thread where any Cedar Point stuff should be discussed.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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^If I was standing in front of coaster fans under a hot spotlight on a stage, I think my face would be red from the heat and stress alone. Somehow, I have a feeling he wasn't hinting at anything with his red face.

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Regardless, it is definitely strange that he was a speaker, especially considering Cedar Point's most recent B&M was built 14 years ago. The Dive Machine rumors have been going around for a few years now. I know I wouldn't mind one, as I really liked Sheikra! Knowing Cedar Point, it would probably be one monster of a coaster also, possibly 230+ feet tall.

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I still don't entirely understand why everyone wants Cedar Point to get a Dive Machine. There are already enough rides with vertical, near-vertical, or past-vertical drops, so why build another? It seems too gimmicky and pointless. But that's just me...

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^ They're big, intimidating to the GP, and overall fun coasters (at least to me, and the majority of the GP that ride them). I think one would be a good addition to Cedar Point. I, nor anyone else never said I/we *wanted* one, and that it's exactly what needs to be built, just that I *wouldn't mind* if they built one, and it would be a decent fit, in my opinion. Not to mention, I don't know about you, but steep drops are pretty thrilling and fun. You'd rather have a drop that gradually slopes down? To each his own I guess.


A drop's a drop, in my opinion, steep or not. Cedar Point doesn't have a coaster that emphasizes and has the sole purpose of 90 degrees straight down. Millennium and Dragster focus on speed and height, Maverick's drop is too small to really get the full effect of beyond straight down, and Wicked Twister is a different 90 degree experience altogether.

Edited by FeelTheFORCE
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I still don't entirely understand why everyone wants Cedar Point to get a Dive Machine. There are already enough rides with vertical, near-vertical, or past-vertical drops, so why build another? It seems too gimmicky and pointless. But that's just me...


If I could quote this 100 times and not piss off the mods, I would. But what this guy said +100000000000000000000000

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^^I honestly don't think B&M has anything that would significantly improve CP's collection right now. Sure, it would be nice to see more B&M there, but unless they come up with something new/unique/ground breaking for CP, I don't see CP using them any time in the near future. As far as what I think they need for a coaster, the list begins and ends with wood, but I'm fairly positive that's not the direction they're going next year. My money will be on a ZacSpin on DD's footprint until they announce otherwise.

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Fair enough. I agree that a Dive Machine wouldn't significantly improve their collection, but that doesn't mean they aren't decent coasters. Also, they still have a great collection of coasters, where perhaps they can afford to add a "cookie-cutter B&M" just to make their collection a little more well-rounded. Eh, I don't know, I'm just rambling, lol.


About Big Dipper, there was a rumor a year or two ago that it was coming to CP, but that fizzled out quickly and didn't really hold any water.

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