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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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As cool as it would be for them to use the main lot for park space, I would be surprised to see it happen. The investment to do so would be unbelievable. I know CP has been buying up land on the mainland, but it would take large piece of land that would need all of the improvements necessary like electrical with lighting and water services some level in addition to paving and toll booths.


Then there's the cost of the monorail or tram system to get from the lot to the park. And I'm assuming they would want to build out the entirety of the new park space at once, since they would have to move the ticket booths and entry gates


I guess they could eliminate all of the main parking and move the ticket booths and gates to the mainland parking area and force everyone to take the tram. I dont see them eliminating all parking in the main lot area though for a number of reasons.


Regardless they would want to relocate the entrance to it's new long term location, and then can't just leave a giant swath of asphalt in the front of the park and fill it with rides, landscaping, electric and water service, bathrooms, shops, restaurants etc. gradually.


The whole idea just seems so, so, so expensive. Maybe they could do a 2 or 3 level garage and take a portion of the lot or something. But I think there are too many other options to consider before they get into the undertaking of moving most or all of the main parking off the peninsula.

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So, the Coastermania Q&A just happened, and I feel compelled to mention that Jason McClure gave affirmation that the 150th Anniversary in 2020 WILL be celebrated by something "big", and they will go all out! Let the debate begin again!


Sometimes I just can't help but stir the pot!

A pier with a GCI roller coaster.
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Currently at the park. Everything is running well, SV appears to be 2/3h (2h on sign when I entered) FL+ says 45 minutes but as I'm standing looking at about 1h 15-30min. Question: where would I find the best fries in the park?


Chickie and Pete's are good, but I prefer the cheese fries across from Gemini myself.


Cheesy goodness. Sure they are a heart attack waiting to happen, but if you have folks to split them with, it shouldn't clog your arteries too much. ;-)


Happy Friar if you like corn dogs and the even more incredibly unhealthy - cheese on a stick. Make sure that if you order this that you go all in and get the cheese dipping sauce to go with it. LOL!

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^ Me too.


I have had the ones on the main midway as well as the location over by Windseeker, but they don't taste as good for whatever reason. Maybe I had gotten ones from those two locations that sat under the heat lamp too long or something.

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I know the conversation of wait times on SV is almost irrelevant at this point. I just want to give a shout-out to CP's staff during our visit a couple weekends ago. During our first glance at SV, the girl at the entrance to the ride actually had a loud speaker calling out the estimated wait time for the ride so people had an accurate up to date time frame. When we later committed to our first ride there were no announcements, so we asked the staff at the front of the queue how long they thought the wait would be. They were uncertain, so one of the employees eagerly volunteered to go check the length of the queue and he came back and advised the wait was about an hour and thirty minutes. He even padded the time and our wait was under an hour and fifteen minutes. Despite everyone saying that operations would suck and the park would be minimally staffed, we didn't see many signs of this our weekend before Memorial Day. Our expectations far exceeded our experience to the point where we will consider going back for Coaster Campout next year. It was our best visit to CP up to this point, and it was right up there with our most memorable and enjoyable park trips.


Happy Friar if you like corn dogs and the even more incredibly unhealthy - cheese on a stick. Make sure that if you order this that you go all in and get the cheese dipping sauce to go with it. LOL!

Damn, I like your style, Phil.

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Despite everyone saying that operations would suck and the park would be minimally staffed, we didn't see many signs of this our weekend before Memorial Day. Our expectations far exceeded our experience to the point where we will consider going back for Coaster Campout next year. It was our best visit to CP up to this point, and it was right up there with our most memorable and enjoyable park trips.


Glad to hear you enjoyed the event so much. Its one I was considering with much hesitation for some of the same reasons you were. Didn't pull the trigger but will definitely give it stronger consideration next year.

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I'm sure this has probably been brought up in the past...


Ever since about 1993 when enthusiasts thought there was no possible way to squeeze the supposed B&M invert anywhere within the park boundaries.


That was a thing? Good Lord.


Ther is *another forum* where whenever the topic of Cedar Point running out of space comes up, someone links to a post from 1993 where the user is perplexed as to where the park could possibly find room for another big coaster.

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I know the conversation of wait times on SV is almost irrelevant at this point. I just want to give a shout-out to CP's staff during our visit a couple weekends ago. During our first glance at SV, the girl at the entrance to the ride actually had a loud speaker calling out the estimated wait time for the ride so people had an accurate up to date time frame. When we later committed to our first ride there were no announcements, so we asked the staff at the front of the queue how long they thought the wait would be. They were uncertain, so one of the employees eagerly volunteered to go check the length of the queue and he came back and advised the wait was about an hour and thirty minutes. He even padded the time and our wait was under an hour and fifteen minutes. Despite everyone saying that operations would suck and the park would be minimally staffed, we didn't see many signs of this our weekend before Memorial Day. Our expectations far exceeded our experience to the point where we will consider going back for Coaster Campout next year. It was our best visit to CP up to this point, and it was right up there with our most memorable and enjoyable park trips.


Happy Friar if you like corn dogs and the even more incredibly unhealthy - cheese on a stick. Make sure that if you order this that you go all in and get the cheese dipping sauce to go with it. LOL!

Damn, I like your style, Phil.


LOL - as long as you limit it to vacation only!


Seriously though, I did try that cheese on a stick with cheese sauce once and it was absolutely disgusting. I will stick with the "healthier" cheese fries from here on out.


Glad to hear that you had such a great time at Coaster Camp Out. I was reluctant like you to try anything of this nature, but it sounds really cool.


And yes, the ride op's kill it at CP...I can't say enough good things about them. They are #1 of any park that I have been to...and that includes some damn fine parks like WDW, DW, SDC and the two Busch parks.

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Yeah if you want fries the best place to go is by the Happy Friar location shown above. They were making them so fresh when I was there at the end of May, we actually had to wait a couple minutes and they were so hot we had to let them cool or they'd burn our mouths. Also, I would suggest trying them plain with just salt, malt vinegar, and ketchup (which is how I used to eat them with my grandparents back in the 90's).


They're pretty much the best fresh cut fries ever.


Ther is *another forum* where whenever the topic of Cedar Point running out of space comes up, someone links to a post from 1993 where the user is perplexed as to where the park could possibly find room for another big coaster.


Uhhhhh. Call me crazy, but I don't think there were online theme park forums in 1993...


Anyone at the park see how many switchback are filled up with a 90 minute wait and 2 train operations at Steve? Has it been up and running pretty consistently all day?

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Ther is *another forum* where whenever the topic of Cedar Point running out of space comes up, someone links to a post from 1993 where the user is perplexed as to where the park could possibly find room for another big coaster.

No joke: said user literally suggested the parking lot monorail idea. In 1994.

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They wouldn’t have anybody to staff the monorails or to put up the “Monorails closed for high winds” signs. They can’t even staff the park now and it’s June. The main midway is lined with food trucks and at least half of the food stands in the back half of the park are closed on Holiday weekends. If they expand the park to take over the parking lot, who would work there?


... and that’s only one reason why this is an insane idea that’s never happening. There are hundreds more, including the fact that it’s entirely unnecessary and there’s plenty of room.

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They wouldn’t have anybody to staff the monorails or to put up the “Monorails closed for high winds” signs. They can’t even staff the park now and it’s June. The main midway is lined with food trucks and at least half of the food stands in the back half of the park are closed on Holiday weekends. If they expand the park to take over the parking lot, who would work there?


... and that’s only one reason why this is an insane idea that’s never happening. There are hundreds more, including the fact that it’s entirely unnecessary and there’s plenty of room.




I had a hard time finding something that I "wanted" to eat in the park yesterday tgat was actually open. I always skip the burgers and chicken strips, so the options were scarce.

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Said post (from 1994, excuse me, off by a year )




Moral of the story, Cedar Point is a gigantic park as-is. They’ll continue to remove old rides to install new ones. They’re never going to expand the park into the parking lot.


but they TOTALLY should replace the petting zoo section with a Dog Fart coaster for the Anniversary!



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Even if it was open the operations at the food locations I visited were terrible. I figured I would try Miss Keats Smokehouse, except they had ran out of every single meat, and it would be a 20 minutes wait for anything, how does a smokehouse run out of every single meat on a slow day? Not wanting to wait I figured try a new burger over at Round Up, and I will admit the food was actually pretty good when I finally received it. But it took 5 employees almost 10 minutes to make a burger and fries.

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I don't ever recall the park having this much of a staffing issue.


Several food locations were closed, and most that were closed were locations that accepted the dinning plan.


The water park is also being affected by staffing. Several closed attractions.

Several gift shops were closed, and some had limited hours. A walk down the frontier trail, and you will see 3/4 of all retail locations closed.


And can somebody please explain to me why the gift shop at the front gate closes at 10? We were leaving the park at 10:30, and it was closed. Several people were wanting to get something from the shop, but found the doors locked.There were still a lot of people in the park. I have never been to a park where they closed the gift shops at the front gate of the park that early. Lots of missed sales. Some locations like sweets and treats are not even opening. Kings islands shops are always open later than the park, so is Disney, ect.....


I know it's still early in the year, but there has also been a lot of rides that have been down due to mechanical issues as well.


Now....I "kind of" understand and it does not affect me as much as a person that is only able to visit once a year. I have a season pass and go to the park multiple times a year. Personally, I would be pissed if I spent a LOT of money to visit the park, only to find all these issues. I would expect the full cedarpoint experience. The staffing issues are not the paying guests fault. The least they could do is maybe offer a early season discount ticket with something like "excuse us while we stretch our wings" type of thing.


We have been to several different parks this year, and have not run into these issues at those parks.


With that being said, why do you think that staffing is such a big issue at cedarpoint this year? Is it just the area the park is in, and the pool of workers limited? Or is it just that teens just don't want to work summer jobs like they used to? Or perhaps it's the parks fault for not trying hard enough?

I just watched an interesting piece on why teens are not working summer jobs like they used to, and the effect it's having on summer based businesses. It's not just a cedarpoint problem, it's pretty much any buisness that relies on summer help. A few of the reasons they gave were that more teens are involved in sports that involve practice and games in the summer. Another reason was that more high school students are doing volunteer work to help there chances of getting into college. One business owner said that he used to have people knocking down his door wanting summer work. He is now struggling to keep his store running because he can't find workers.


Any thoughts on why this year is so bad? Is it just a lack of a work pool to choose from, or is it something else?

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