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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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This ride looks incredible. Knowing myself pretty well, I'm sure it will kind of wear me out like I305, but that doesn't mean I won't really enjoy it.


Was anyone else just a little annoyed with how the video kept switching back and forth between the standard POV and the rider cam? I suspect that was part of the tease, so it will still lead to continued anticipation for the standard POV.


I'm surprised anyone was concerned about pacing issues, knowing RMC'S builds to carry speed all the way through. I wasn't expecting anything less from a Cedar Fair and Rocky Mountain collaboration.


Sorry to disappoint all of the "must be first" riders, but it's now been ridden

I see what you did there, but it will still be major bragging rights to be on the 3rd public train, right?

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Was anyone else just a little annoyed with how the video kept switching back and forth between the standard POV and the rider cam? I suspect that was part of the tease, so it will still lead to continued anticipation for the standard POV.


I actually enjoyed seeing them and how they (and their bodies) reacted in some of the crazier bits. We know there will be a full POV eventually, and with it being so close to opening anyway, I didn't really care at this point lol.

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^ People were worried due to it having a MCBR and that CP would trim it to death there to save money on maintenance. In fact the only other RMC to have a MCBR is NTAG


I have faith in RMC that this will still be balls to the wall, regardless. I'm not losing any sleep over wondering how much the MCBR will slow down the train.

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^ People were worried due to it having a MCBR and that CP would trim it to death there to save money on maintenance. In fact the only other RMC to have a MCBR is NTAG


But, for anyone who has ever ridden NTAG they know that the MCBR does basically nothing to slow down the train. So we can safely assume RMC would design SteVen to run the same way.

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Some day, I'm gonna move to Frontier-Town. Buy a nice little house in a wooden meadow between tall lift-hills and steep drops.

Maybe open up a saloon... A little waterhole that sells cold beer and twisted horse-shoe rolls to fatigued travellers passing through.

Let them drown their sorrows and listen to them vent their frustration over long lines and uncomfortable restraints.

Steel the heart of a pretty little girl and marry her at Town Hall with hawks soaring far above.

Live out the rest of my days under starry skies laced with falling trains and screaming people.

Oh what a life.

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Some day, I'm gonna move to Frontier-Town. Buy a nice little house in a wooden meadow between tall lift-hills and steep drops.

Maybe open up a saloon... A little waterhole that sells cold beer and twisted horse-shoe rolls to fatigued travellers passing through.

Let them drown their sorrows and listen to them vent their frustration over long lines and uncomfortable restraints.

Steel the heart of a pretty little girl and marry her at Town Hall with hawks soaring far above.

Live out the rest of my days under starry skies laced with falling trains and screaming people.

Oh what a life.


Well done.

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OK Wait....where are the inside grab handles?




RMC trains do not have grab bars. So just throw those hands up and scream like a banshee lol!


Lightning Rod and Twisted Timbers both do.


Also - this thing looks incredible. So long.

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^ Oh I did not realize that. Thanks for correcting me! I'm glad they went without the grab bars then. It gives a much more intimidating vibe. The first time I rode Outlaw Run I was very taken back by the lack of something to grab onto lol!

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The little handle on the side isn't a grab bar, it's so the ride operators can easily check the restraints. I guess you could use that, but it's still kind of awkward to hold onto during the ride. Below is a picture of Twisted Timbers' seats, and I don't see any additional grab bars. I'm not sure if anything additional has been added to Lightning Rod, but Joker and Goliath are identical to the picture as well.



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The little handle on the side isn't a grab bar, it's so the ride operators can easily check the restraints. I guess you could use that, but it's still kind of awkward to hold onto during the ride. Below is a picture of Twisted Timbers' seats, and I don't see any additional grab bars. I'm not sure if anything additional has been added to Lightning Rod, but Joker and Goliath are identical to the picture as well.




KD must've installed them after that picture was taken. They are definitely there. I believe Lightning Rod didn't open with grab bars, they were installed at a later date. Anything is possible at this point really.

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We rode Twisted Timbers opening day. There were grab bars.



I'm not sure why anyone would care if they're there. If you don't wanna use them, don't. I don't think I touched them once.

Edited by boldikus
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Ah, gotcha. It's interesting they would open the ride (TT) without them, but install them only shortly after. Let's hope they keep them off SV.


I think you are over analyzing these "grab bars." They don't really matter at all, and they aren't even that noticeable when riding. If the park wants to install them... who cares?! Its not going to affect the ride in any way!


SteVen will be one of, if not the best coaster in the world. A little grab bar isn't going to change that!

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^ I'll admit, I was a little disappointed learning about the grab bars. But after really thinking about it, no it does not make a difference at all. But I do still agree with FeelTheFORCE that the absence of a bar is a nice added intimidating touch.

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LOL why would anybody care if there are grab bars? If you don't want to use them, don't. I'd rather they be there for people that want to use them. I certainly won't.

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^ Outlaw Run is the only RMC I have been on, unfortunately. I have to admit, if it had grab bars, as nervous as I was the first time I rode it I most certainly would have been squeezing them lol!

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