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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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Though the internet has basically ruined the excitement of any new attraction I also can't wait for tomorrow and see how Valravn is going to fit in that spot.


The color of the track is a bit darker from the rest of the coasters in the skyline except Millennium Force so it will be a nice change from the usual reds and yellows CP is known for.

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Can't wait for tomorrow!! I can't wait to see how the coaster is going to fit into the place where it is going. I can't wait to see the official layout... I'm still hanging on to the hopes that the "leaked" layouts may not be 100% correct!

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I bet it's a dive coaster. Anybody want to take that bet?


I don't know... I am still not convinced. I don't even think Cedar Point is getting a coaster. I think they are still just storing the track for CW...


(Sadly there are people who still believe this.)

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