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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Serious question, but could Intamin retrofit TTD with a LIM system? Or are there limitations with that design beyond the obvious power consumption.?


LIMs have a lower maximum acceleration than the current system, so that wouldn't work. Unless you rip out the existing station and move it back a couple of hundered feet to increase the launch track length.

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This article is jam packed full of speculatory bullsh*t from a questionable source that they settled for because Cedar Point wouldn't talk to them and they were desperate to run a story anyway. Anyone who actually knows what happened isn't going to say anything. This story has been circulating everywhere and I think it's been given far more attention than it deserves. To assume that the riders were in any sort of danger (or could have been in the event of a theoretical rollback that didn't happen) is quite a leap to make.


NJ inspectors forced Great Adventure to modify the queue line away from the launch track (it went under the track and zigzagged through the infield) for safety reasons. If that incident didn't occur, and how cautious inspectors have been to the ride since, people in the coaster forums might consider Kingda Ka as the better strata-coaster.

So Dragster is better because of queue placement? What?


Nothing about Kingda Ka's actual ride experience has changed since the day it opened. They use less load stations now and they have to wait longer to send trains but that statement is sort of nuts even though we're talking about something arbitrary in nature. The ride itself is exactly the same as it's always been. People like Dragster better because of the restraints, the view, the smoother ride and the fact that it's at the theme park fanboy capital of the universe.


Personally I have a hard time picking a favorite, but I lean towards Kingda Ka.

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This article is jam packed full of speculatory bullsh*t from a questionable source that they settled for because Cedar Point wouldn't talk to them and they were desperate to run a story anyway.


My first thought when reading that piece. It's actually pretty irresponsible on the part of the news outlet.

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Receive one free Fast Lane Plus (excludes Saturdays) and Bring-A-Friend Ticket (Sundays only) valid September 10 - October 29, 2017.


So I was looking at renewing and this is the deal was of interest to me because I am going down for my birthday in late Oct and bringing some people with me. However it doesn't make logical sense because I would probably end up using the FL+ on Sunday rather than Friday night when my bring-a-friend(s) would also be with me without a FL+ so that would be pointless.


Does the deal change after the end of the season or is this the best offer we're going to get?



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For the record, I’ve seen more people say they enjoy dragster than Kingda Ka based on the fact that Dragsters launch is much less shakey.


AND the restraints are better. It also has excellent operations and is at a park that has great overall operations... the ride has a great view, and probably a few more reasons Dragster is better. Even so, those are my opinions. Some folks love KKa more. It would suck if we all agreed!

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Receive one free Fast Lane Plus (excludes Saturdays) and Bring-A-Friend Ticket (Sundays only) valid September 10 - October 29, 2017.


So I was looking at renewing and this is the deal was of interest to me because I am going down for my birthday in late Oct and bringing some people with me. However it doesn't make logical sense because I would probably end up using the FL+ on Sunday rather than Friday night when my bring-a-friend(s) would also be with me without a FL+ so that would be pointless.


Does the deal change after the end of the season or is this the best offer we're going to get?




This free FL+ is good until the end of this year's operating season.

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which is one if the reasons the gold train is more prone to rollbacks, and has the nickname "Rollie Goldie."

God, it's time for me to get a new hobby.


It's actually pretty irresponsible on the part of the news outlet.

Par for the course.

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which is one if the reasons the gold train is more prone to rollbacks, and has the nickname "Rollie Goldie."

God, it's time to get a new hobby. Maybe I'll start watching NFL. Oh wait...


I'll tell you waht, propane and propane accessories is a thrilling world

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Steel Vengeance - making Valravn irrelevant.






For those who like to take everything literally, they're obviously very different rides that do very different things. It's just amazing how this one basically one-ups Valravn's entire selling point and it's not even the most remarkable element on the ride.

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This free FL+ is good until the end of this year's operating season.


That's the problem, both are only good until the end of this season. I will only be down there one more time this season so both offers are likely to be use on the Sunday in my case. Moot point anyway - my friends are only joining me on the Saturday.


Does the offer change to something usable next season though? I seem to remember last year it being something like an FL pass for use in the next season.



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Steel Vengeance - making Valravn irrelevant.






For those who like to take everything literally, they're obviously very different rides that do very different things. It's just amazing how this one basically one-ups Valravn's entire selling point and it's not even the most remarkable element on the ride.


Eh, I still contend that the holding brake is the dive coaster's biggest selling point. That's the thing that people see from the midway and get hyped up / freaked out about. If simply having a vertical drop that's better than Valravn's drop took away a ride's selling point nobody would have ever cared about Valravn at all since Dragster has a vertical drop that's basically twice the height.


Honestly if you have a fear of heights (as many people do), Valravn might be the most terrifying ride in the park since you hang on the restraints looking straight down a 200+ foot drop. These things don't scare enthusiasts so I think we forget how terrifying something like that is to a large percentage of the population.


We were hanging out in the Sheikra area for Howl O Scream last night and people in the queue and near the ride were freaking out telling their friends how scared it was being held at the top.

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