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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Cederr Pount is set to demolish (or at least dismantle) Maverick after reports of it not being as popular as executives had hoped it to be. The ride had not been filling trains for years. The park plans to dismantle Mean Streak and relocate the ride in Maverick's plot. Mean Streak will be receiving special treatment thus offseason, getting the same style trains that the Matterhorn Bobsleds currently have.


In Mean Streak's Plot, Cedar Point plans to build the Son of the Twice-Removed Meaner Streak, a brand new 14 loop wooden coaster, built by Intamin at a steep price tag of almost 68.67854 million dollars (approx.) The ride will feature a brand new style of covered train where your view of the ride ahead will be completely blocked.


As a final bit of news, Magnum will be removed and the scrap is to be used to build 16 kiddie coasters, allowing them to take commanding control of the 'Coaster Capital of the World''.

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Cederr Pount is set to demolish (or at least dismantle) Maverick after reports of it not being as popular as executives had hoped it to be. The ride had not been filling trains for years. The park plans to dismantle Mean Streak and relocate the ride in Maverick's plot. Mean Streak will be receiving special treatment thus offseason, getting the same style trains that the Matterhorn Bobsleds currently have.


In Mean Streak's Plot, Cedar Point plans to build the Son of the Twice-Removed Meaner Streak, a brand new 14 loop wooden coaster, built by Intamin at a steep price tag of almost 68.67854 million dollars (approx.) The ride will feature a brand new style of covered train where your view of the ride ahead will be completely blocked.


As a final bit of news, Magnum will be removed and the scrap is to be used to build 16 kiddie coasters, allowing them to take commanding control of the 'Coaster Capital of the World''.


This is not true, stop spreading wild rumors!

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Cederr Pount is set to demolish (or at least dismantle) Maverick after reports of it not being as popular as executives had hoped it to be. The ride had not been filling trains for years. The park plans to dismantle Mean Streak and relocate the ride in Maverick's plot. Mean Streak will be receiving special treatment thus offseason, getting the same style trains that the Matterhorn Bobsleds currently have.


In Mean Streak's Plot, Cedar Point plans to build the Son of the Twice-Removed Meaner Streak, a brand new 14 loop wooden coaster, built by Intamin at a steep price tag of almost 68.67854 million dollars (approx.) The ride will feature a brand new style of covered train where your view of the ride ahead will be completely blocked.


As a final bit of news, Magnum will be removed and the scrap is to be used to build 16 kiddie coasters, allowing them to take commanding control of the 'Coaster Capital of the World''.

This might be the worst post in TPR history, and that's saying a lot. It's certainly the worst in this thread's history, and given the crap that's been thrown up the last few weeks, that's also saying a lot.

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Well, rather than try to defend my post, I'll accept it was pretty darn stupid. It looked better in my head and after i told a few people and got laughs. Oh well. I apologize now before it blows up in my face anymore hahaha.

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Yeah. Not sure the point of your previous post... But at least you owned up to it. Just don't be surprised if this ends up in the "worst comments on TPR" thread.


Anyway, glad to see the cams have been cleaned. I like to keep an eye on them from time to time at work.

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Cederr Pount is set to demolish (or at least dismantle) Maverick after reports of it not being as popular as executives had hoped it to be. The ride had not been filling trains for years. The park plans to dismantle Mean Streak and relocate the ride in Maverick's plot. Mean Streak will be receiving special treatment thus offseason, getting the same style trains that the Matterhorn Bobsleds currently have.


In Mean Streak's Plot, Cedar Point plans to build the Son of the Twice-Removed Meaner Streak, a brand new 14 loop wooden coaster, built by Intamin at a steep price tag of almost 68.67854 million dollars (approx.) The ride will feature a brand new style of covered train where your view of the ride ahead will be completely blocked.


As a final bit of news, Magnum will be removed and the scrap is to be used to build 16 kiddie coasters, allowing them to take commanding control of the 'Coaster Capital of the World''.


Wasted 20 seconds of my internet time for this, could of watched a Dragster POV . Yet it's the most interesting post I've read on this thread, as of lately.

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since coaster counts only serve as a marketing tool & aren't what bring in the money since no one but enthusiasts (which make up a small percentage of their customer base) are gonna care about how many coasters some park in another market thousands of miles away has.


I disagree. Efficient marketing IS what brings in the money! Cedar Point wouldn't have spent so much time and effort marketing themselves as "America's Roller Coast, the Coaster Capital of the World" for all those years if it wasn't worth it and didn't produce a marginally decent ROI. Cedar Point is a resort destination that attracts people from all around the world, and I'd be willing to bet that the fact that they always broke records and had the most (albeit not necessarily the best) coasters in the world definitely attracted more people.


I remember back when TTD was built, the park was overrun with hundreds of Japanese people who trekked thousands of miles to see the park that had the most coasters, and to try out the biggest and baddest coaster on Earth at the time. I thought I was at Disney World or even in a foreign country. It still amazes me how many people are still completely and utterly amazed by TTD, even a decade later. Every time someone I know goes to Cedar Point for the first time, or who hasn't been there in a while I always get the same reaction, "Have you heard about that Dragster ride?!! That thing's insane!!"


The way people make it out to be they try to make it sound as if park A's management (CP) has just learned via park B's press release(SFMM) that park B is installing a coaster to one up park A's count & that park A has to get on the phone real quick with B&M/Intamin etc. to ask for a coaster to be whipped up lickety split to counter park B before they even get the last piece of track bolted into place but that's not how it works in the real world since rides need to be researched,planned & engineered once a bid for the design has been offered by the park to the manufacturer.It's not like the designers just have mass produced mega coasters laying around the factory like cars on a dealer's lot ready for immediate sale.


Besides that factor there are other ways for the parks to market themselves with things like family oriented rides & not just coasters to help round out the offerings available to their guests....this is where SFMM went terribly wrong over the years by becoming a coaster park with next to nothing for non coaster people to do when they visit.

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Something about what we see of the logo looks like a hurricane to me. All of these clues are so different from one another!


Still think it's some sort of wing, but for the sake of humor (and no seriousness whatsoever), one the first things I thought of when I saw that blue shape image was the road runners head from the old Wild E Coyote cartoons, lol.


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Supposedly new teasers have popped up out by the main gate stating: "What can outrun an avalanche?" and on the other side another sign read "Not even a jumbo jet can soar as fast."


It is worth noting that those are previous rides that occupied the site. But outside of that, I don't think those teasers tie in to any clues about the new ride or it's name.

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^Wait, weren't there rumors a while back that DT would be scrapped for a launched flying coaster named Peregrine(after the peregrine falcon)? I'm not saying it will be a launched flyer, but the name seems to fit all of these new clues.


From Wikipedia:

The Peregrine is renowned for its speed, reaching over 322 km/h (200 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop (high speed dive),[6] making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom.[7][8]


High speed dive? Swarm/X-flight first drop anyone?


A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back.


Color of the wing we've seen.


The Peregrine's breeding range includes land regions from the Arctic tundra to the tropics.


Avalanches happen there in the arctic tundra, right?


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All these clues make a wing rider very plausible, but there have been times where I was positive it must be a certain ride/coaster and it turnes out to be the opposite.


Either way, I haven't been to CP in a few years and hopefully this will be something to justify going back there next year.

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