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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Mr. Cedar Point guy takes a trip to Lotte World and takes a ride on Atlantis Adventure. He goes to Intamin and says, "Hey! I really liked that Aquatrax in Lotte World, and we'd like one over at Cedar Point, but we don't want those weird looking trains. Oh yeah, we have to break some kind of record and include gimmick after gimmick."


And thus, Maverick was born.

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I give Maverick a 7.5 out of 10. I think it is a good addition to the park. I wish they have better restraints on it though, restraints that have better ways to hang on. Nice maneuvers and good speed and thrills too.


Maybe they can redo them and make them like Raptor's?

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Conventional OTSRs would be complete overkill for a ride like Maverick, and would probably also kill most of the airtime. On the other hand, I can't really see conventional lap bars working with all the inversions and 95 degree drop. I think Maverick's restraints are good for the kind of ride it is. Although it has inversions, at it's heart Maverick is more like a non-looping sit down.

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^I don't think the inversions or the vertical drop would have been negative reasons for lap bars. I'd be more concerned about the wicked quick turns/transitions it makes, particularly the set of esses after the first drop, and a few of the turns between the launch and the brakes.


I just feel like they should redesign the top of the OTSRs for this ride. If you aren't gripping on to the top of them (where they say you aren't supposed to hold), then you get a severe neck jab during the insanely quick turns. That's my only issue with it.


Anyway, I give the ride about a 9 out of 10. I loved it. I'm just pretty sure I'm going to hate it in about five years after it has aged some.

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Hmm. Kitten out of the bag. Small spaces. Something lacking but would get attention and not cost to much for an add on.


Wild Mouse?


Either that or a red light district. Hurray cat house. So how would they declare the spec's for that ride. "wink. "Whole new meaning to you must be this tall to ride"


Sorry forgot this was a Cedar Point thread. Or it could be an Aquatraxwildmousefloorlesswoodengigadivingflyerrocket coaster.

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